Do you feel like a ball of symptoms? Like one thing after another is going wrong with your body? Your body is sending you a message that something is off. It’s time to stop suppressing symptoms. It’s time to begin digging deeper to find the path to healing.
Today, you will hear from guests from three of our most popular episodes in 2016! The common thread from all three is the need to go with your gut when it comes to improving your health. You’ll hear from a holistic doctor, a dairy farmer, and a world-renown neurological and nutrition expert. Each guest advocates listening to your heart, inquiring with your mind, and believing what your gut is telling you about what your body needs to regain health and balance.
This episode challenges you to bring some healthy skepticism to your approach to wellness, to make dietary changes to help heal your gut, to try something new.
This special three-part episode features highlights from three of our top episodes of 2016.
Dr. Tom Cowan
Dr. Tom Cowan is a holistic doctor with a private practice in California. Tom talks about taking your health into your own hands and how you need a healthy dose of skepticism when working with conventional or even holistic doctors!
He touches on:
- what it means to be a holistic doctor
- how he got into the field of medicine in the first place
- why he didn’t “buy” the superficiality of doctors’ conclusions
- how most doctors confuse the therapy and the disease. He uses the example of pus—the body’s therapy for a problem—and a splinter—the disease. A doctor might try to do something to rid the body of the “pus” when he/she should be working on identifying and eliminating the splinter.
- why it’s important to search for the root cause of the health problem
- when you ask a doctor the reason you are sick, the answer is usually “Genetics,” “stress,” or “I don’t know.”
- how infrequently doctors attempt to search for a cause or cure of a condition
- medicines frequently do not resolve the root issue (they just address a symptom, like coughing, arthritis, allergic reactions, etc.)
- how/why we’ve created a consumers approach to medicine
Fourfoldhealing.com – Dr. Cowan’s website
Humanheartcosmicheart.com – “Human heart, cosmic heart” by Dr. Tom Cowan
For the show in its entirety, go to #2 “The deeper reasons behind why people get sick.”
Charlotte Smith
Charlotte Smith is a dynamic woman with a remarkable story. Her children’s struggle with eczema led her to raw milk as a possible cure. And this discovery changed the trajectory of her life. Today, among many other endeavors, Charlotte is the owner of Champoeg Creamery, a micro dairy in Oregon. Do you want to know why people are pushing for the legality of raw milk in all 50 states? Are you curious about what draws people into drinking it in the first place?
In this episode, Charlotte discusses:
- her kids’ struggle with eczema
- how she pursues vitamins, steroids, salves, herbs—just about anything to find them relief
- how this pursuit led her to finding raw milk
- the health benefits they experienced (her son’s hands cleared up in 2 weeks, and resolved completely in 1 month; her daughter’s condition cleared up in 6 months)
- how raw milk improved the entire family’s health (fewer colds/flus the first year, her seasonal allergies improved, and more)
- how she didn’t really research the benefits (or potential risks) of raw milk before trying it
- how she was unfamiliar with the truth that food could be one’s medicine
- how to make sure your milk comes from a safe source
- how the CDC makes raw milk seem more dangerous by skewing the statistics to include issues with raw cheese
Champoegcreamery.com – info on Charlotte’s microdairy
Realmilk.com – site for finding local sources of raw milk
Rawmilkpro.com – for ideas on how to produce raw milk safely (link no longer working)
For the show in its entirety, go to episode #10 “Raw milk: One story.”
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride is the author of the book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” which has sold over half a million copies. Why has it done so well? Because Natasha has made clear to us the link between our health and our gut health. She explains “leaky gut” syndrome and its tie to numerous chronic illnesses. Listen and learn about how the body can heal itself.
Natasha discusses:
- how she was a neurologist when she noticed that many patients had gastrointestinal issues, as well
- how her specialty did not deal with that, considering GI issues something for the GI doctors to look at
- how her own son’s diagnosis of autism woke her up and made her investigate the relationship between the gut and the brain and overall health
- the need for people to look beyond whatever their conventional doctors are saying; the need for people to investigate and find their own solutions
- the importance of providing the body with natural means to heal itself
- the leaky gut’s link to autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, and schizophrenia
- how 90% of the cells and genetics in our body are made up of gut flora; how the other 10% of us is just the shell for the microbiome
- how when gut flora is damaged, this leads to nutritional deficiencies b/c their food is not digesting properly and at the same time there are toxins (that should leave the body) which flow into the bloodstream b/c the gut wall is compromised
- this leads to beneficial species of microbes are replaced by pathogenic species of microbes (disease-causing bacteria, fungi, protozoa, etc.)
- when these get into the brain it causes “gut and psychology syndrome.” When they get into another part of the body, it causes “guy and physiology syndrome.”
- how there are over 200 auto-immune conditions when your own immune system is attacking your body (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, epilepsy, psoriasis, etc.)
- how no matter how far away from the digestive organs the problems appear, the root issue is a damaged gut
- the treatment is to normalize the gut flora (drive out pathogens, and replace them with good gut bacteria) and heal and seal the gut wall
- the GAPS nutritional protocol will do this
- what pokes the holes in our gut wall (including the toxins all around us and in us)
gapsdiet.com – information on the GAPS diet and Natasha’s book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”
For the show in its entirety, go to episode #5 “Gut: key to good health”
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