Help California almond growers return raw almonds to U. S. markets and protect your right to choose one of the world’s most healthful foods. Learn more at
For five long years USDA has denied American consumers their right to choose one of the world’s most healthful foods, raw, untreated California almonds, and the growers of these almonds have suffered badly from this irrational prohibition. Learn how you can help at
American almond growers – mostly with small, organic orchards – have watched helplessly as raw, untreated almonds from overseas are legally sold in markets all over the U.S., while they are threatened with prosecution unless they subject their carefully tended almonds to pasteurization or, in the case of non-organic almonds, to applications of a toxic, carcinogenic gas, Propylene oxide (PPO).
At the same time almonds treated by these methods can still be labeled “raw,” confusing health-conscious consumers at the market.
California organic almond growers sued USDA in 2008 to restore their right to offer safe and nutritious untreated almonds to U.S. consumers. As litigation to bring raw, untreated California almonds back to American markets wends its way through the federal courts, public support is badly needed. This case is doubly important as the outcome could affect many foods besides almonds. The U. S. Department of Agriculture has been aggressive in this almond test case to assume unprecedented powers to require that raw, healthful foods be “treated” prior to sale to consumers by pasteurization, gas, irradiation or other processes that, in USDA’s view – or in the view of its large agribusiness constituents – would be good for consumers, while taking away consumer choices.
The almond growers have already suffered severe economic consequences from this outrageous ban, and so it is up to you, the consumer, to help the growers protect your food choices and bring this case to a successful conclusion.
At you can read key legal documents in this case, obtain general information, and make a contribution safely and conveniently via PayPal to support a decisive victory for health.
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