Bright Spot
Produced by Rob Tyler and Tamer Soliman
Sympactful Wellness Media
(available from Vimeo)
The indigenous people of the Cayman Islands had a great appreciation for the tree of life, which is what they call the coconut palm. It provided one of the most important foods in their traditional diet. Coconut oil in particular provides great health benefits. When consumed it is not stored as fat but burned as energy. It provides medium-chain fats that are important for the brain and are hard to find in other food sources.
Tragically, through the magic of modern industry, most coconuts in the Cayman Islands end up in the trash. Western factory food pushers launched a smear campaign claiming coconut oil will kill you and aggressively marketed processed cooking oils, margarine, and other junk made from genetically modified crops soaked in pesticides. That is what is currently being promoted as healthy food in a world where up is down and left is right. Cayman residents now suffer from the same chronic illnesses as the rest of us: diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and so on.
This video was produced by subversive forces who are working to give the islands an oil change. Their goal is to rescue the coconut from the trash and restore it to the food supply where it belongs. The result would be improved health for the people and improved health for the local economy. They could even export it to the rest of the world and improve everybody’s health. The thumb is UP for that.
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