Members of Congress have introduced legislation to end the U.S. Armed Forces’ COVID vaccine mandates for service members.
H.R. 3860 would prohibit the Pentagon from mandating COVID vaccines by blocking the use of funds for any such mandate. It also prohibits “any adverse action” against service members who decline the vaccine.
The bill has been bottled up by House leadership, but a “discharge petition” has been filed to bypass the committee. If 218 Representatives sign the discharge petition, the bill would be brought to the floor of the House for a vote without needing the Committee or House leadership to agree!
Currently, 88 Representatives have signed the petition, so we have a good start… but also a long way to go!
Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard service members all face deadlines this month to get the COVID shot. Only partial and conflicting numbers have been released, but we know that some service members are choosing to leave the armed forces rather than comply, and many others are being vaccinated against their wishes – and there is no reporting on the number who have suffered injuries as a result. Although thousands of service members have requested religious exemptions, it’s been reported that not a single exemption has been approved so far. Thousands of service members have held out, but don’t yet know the consequences of that action.
And the Pentagon is in “active discussions” about mandating booster shots to all service members! There is little doubt these “boosters” will be a never-ending series of unnecessary injections, each carrying a risk of injury.
Please urge your U.S. Representative to put an end to this mandate!
Call or email your U.S. Representative and urge him or her to sign Discharge Petition No. 8 today! Also ask them to also SUPPORT H.R. 3860.
You can find who represents you at:
Here is a sample script (personalize it by adding your own sentences and changing the wording – personal letters are far more effective than form letters!)
“My name is ____ and I live in (town). I am calling to ask Representative ____ to sign Discharge Petition No. 8 so the House can vote on H.R. 3860.
H.R. 3860 would protect members of the military from being forced to get the COVID vaccine.
Military personnel put their lives on the line for our country, and we should respect their decision as to whether the risks from the COVID shot outweigh the benefits. They should not have to abandon their religious beliefs or undergo a medical procedure that carries the risk of severe injury, in order to continue serving their country.
COVID vaccines are causing numerous serious side effects. To date, there have been 680,000 adverse reactions and over 9,100 deaths reported in connection with COVID vaccines. These vaccines have reportedly caused more injury and death than all other vaccines combined.
And for what? The Director of the CDC has admitted the vaccines do not prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
I urge _______ to respect our country’s service members and support H.R. 3860 by signing Discharge Petition 8.”
Talking Points:
Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 of these talking points – or none of them — that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.
- Share why this is personal to you. Are you a service member with a sincere religious objection to COVID vaccination? Are you worried about the side effects of COVID injections? Are you simply against government mandates that affect your bodily autonomy?
- One of the most basic human rights is that of bodily autonomy, as recognized by the Nuremburg Code. Ethical medicine requires prior, completely voluntary and fully informed consent.
- Each of us may respond differently to a vaccine because we have different medical histories, genes, epigenetics, and microbiomes.
- COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and providers are shielded from liability through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act. The only option for compensating people injured by COVID-19 vaccines is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation program (CICP). Only eight percent of all petitioners since 2010 have been awarded compensation through the CICP. No legal or medial expert fees are covered, no pain and suffering is awarded, lost wages are capped at $50,000, and there is no judicial appeal. In other words, the victims will be severely undercompensated while the pharmaceutical companies get rich.
- The Director of the CDC admits COVID-19 shots do not prevent transmission. For this reason alone, our military personnel should not be forced to submit to the injections.
- COVID-19 vaccines carry the risk of injury and death for some so there must be informed consent and the right to refuse the vaccine without penalty. As of December 12th, there had already been 681,962 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and 9,136 COVID-19 vaccine deaths in the U.S. reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
Learn more about H.R. 3860 here:
See the Discharge Petition here:
News report on the mandate and religious exemptions: No religious exemption has been granted within the DoD for ‘mandate’ (
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Steven izzo says
Mandating vax for any people much less military personnel is criminally unforgiveable. Vaccines don’t prevent infection, spread or hospitalization yet are being shoved down out throats. Tested, effective and safe early treatments are being suppressed causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and permanent injuries will pharma has no culpability. Science is being ignored while patents for covid going back to 1999 are owned by NIH, CDC, Fauci and pharma plus others, THIS IS NOT NOVEL!!! Stop this criminal theater conducted by a captured corporate media that is wholly owned by corporations and directed by the Federal Govt. This is beyond despicable and you should be ashamed. Dozens of highly credentialed doctors and researchers have proven through clinical trials, front line field treatment and peer reviewed evidence that vaccines are causing immune damage while VAERS is intentionally being,manipulated to hide it. People care waking up and there will be consequences for these attempts to destroy the American people’s freedom and very lives through medical and financial attack via known faulty vaccines and unconstitutional govt coercion. We will not tolerate vax passports, digital or otherwise, ridiculous lockdowns, private business tyrrany or other actions aimed at permanent social control and the cover up of the fascist theft of the National economy. STOP THE WAR ON AMERICAN PEOPLE PEOPLE NOW, ITS NOT GOING TO WORK, WE WILL NOT COMPLY
Ladd Tomlin says
“My name is Ladd Tomlin and I live in Gainesville, FL. I am asking Representative Cammack to sign Discharge Petition No. 8 so the House can vote on H.R. 3860.
It is widely known that these “vaccines” do not prevent spreading or catching the disease. It is also known that anyone under 50 has a survival probability of 99.9% or higher, so there really is no reason for the shots.
Morgan Bennett says