Nebraska Legislative Bill 202 (LB 202) would allow pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines to children three years or older, a dangerous practice.
Any time pharmacists (or their technicians) are allowed to vaccinate creates significant risks. Neither pharmacists nor their technicians are qualified to recognize or handle serious adverse reactions, nor are they likely to have full knowledge of patient or family history.
This bill trivializes very real vaccine risks and serious reactions by allowing an 18-year-old pharmacy technician, perhaps with only a GED education, to administer possibly life-threatening vaccines to adults and young children.
Contact your Nebraska state legislators and ask them to OPPOSE LB. 202. You can find out who represents you at:
Calls are more effective than emails and only take a few minutes. Below is a Sample Script followed by additional Talking Points. Use your own words when you call or email – a personal message is always more effective than a form message!
“Hi, my name is ____, and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Senator ____ to OPPOSE LB 202, which would allow unqualified pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines to people aged three and older.
I oppose this bill because people need to be in a doctor’s care for medical procedures. Vaccines may have serious side effects that pharmacy technicians are not qualified to recognize or treat.
It is reckless to allow pharmacy technicians to administer vaccines, especially when they do not have access to a person’s medical history.
As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court – and evidenced by the nearly $4.9 billion that has been paid by the federal government to victims – vaccines can injure and kill an individual.
I urge _______ to oppose this bill.”
TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:
- Pharmacy technicians do not have enough training about all the vaccines, risks, prescreening, contraindications, and emergency interventions for reactions, nor are they instructed on reporting reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and on advising parents and patients about the statute of limitations and instructions for filing a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
- When pharmacists or technicians are allowed to vaccinate, it diminishes the doctor/patient relationship and removes critical health history screenings prior to vaccination. Neither pharmacists nor less qualified pharmacy technicians have the necessary medical history of an infant or child or the time to prescreen for contraindications based on a child’s personal and family history and unique health needs prior to vaccination.
- Most pharmacies and grocery stores don’t have lifesaving defibrillators as they do in doctors’ offices to save the lives of infants and children who have an immediate life-threatening reaction to vaccines. Will pharmacists or pharmacy technicians have the equipment and training to be able to tell the difference between cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, and fainting and act accordingly to save the lives of babies and children who react at the time of vaccination?
- Vaccine Information Statements list many reasons why patients shouldn’t be vaccinated. It is highly unlikely that a pharmacy technician has the time to ask about all the reasons not to vaccinate them.
- Allowing pharmacists or their technicians to vaccinate without access to a person’s medical records means that a person may receive unintended or duplicate vaccines.
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death, and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Pharmacists are not equipped to recognize nor handle serious adverse reactions.
- Vaccines are medical procedures that carry a risk of serious injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The U.S. Government has paid out nearly $4.9 billion as of 11/1/2022 to the victims of vaccine injury, per VICP Data Reports.
View LB 202 here:
LINKS embedded in this alert:
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System –
instructions for filing a claim –
National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program –
Vaccine Information Statements –
$4.9 billion as of 11/1/2022 –
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