We here at the Weston A. Price Foundation have GOOD NEWS! The Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2019 has been temporarily enjoined by a federal Court.
Thanks to your support, the hard work of attorney Aaron Siri, and the folks at the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), B23-0171, which allowed for children to consent to vaccines without any notification to their parents, is suspended and may ultimately be overturned completely.
The ICAN-funded lawsuit against the Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act in Washington, D.C. has won a preliminary injunction on two grounds.
Even though this is just a temporary injunction, it’s a huge victory. First, it means that children will NO LONGER be vaccinated without parental consent in D.C. while the case continues to go through the court system! Second, in granting the temporary injunction, the court found that the plaintiffs are “likely to succeed on the merits” – in other words, likely to win in the final decision.
B23-0171 allowed children 11 years or older to be vaccinated without parental consent, and even required insurance companies, vaccine providers and schools to conceal such vaccinations from their parents. This act was EXTREMILY dangerous since it meant that parents may not have known to get their child medical help if a vaccine reaction occurred.
This terrible law allowed minors to consent if the person administering the vaccine believed that they were “able to comprehend the need for, the nature of, and any significant risks ordinarily inherent in the medical care.” Given that most medical practitioners believe that there are NO risks to vaccines – contrary to the real facts – they could presumably consider every minor capable of informed consent. Yet many children do not know their personal and family medical history, which could impact their risk of having a serious reaction to a vaccine.
Medical practitioners, schools, and others should never be allowed to coerce impressionable minor children behind their parents’ backs into a medical procedure that can cause injury or death.
Together we can prevent future legislation that harms our children. Your activism has proven to make great changes. Thank you for all you do!
Read this press release: https://www.icandecide.org/ican_press/ican-lawsuit-wins-preliminary-injunction-in-challenge-to-d-c-s-minor-consent-law/
(the press release also links to the full court decision) Check out this inspirational message from Del Bigtree: https://thehighwire.com/videos/win-ican-funded-lawsuit-halts-law-allowing-11-yr-olds-to-get-vaccinated-without-parental-consent/
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