Please read to the end. We have many updates that will be of interest to you this month!
Do you have a blog or a website?
Please help us promote our conferences by running these banner ads on your sidebar. Click here for the regional conference in Buffalo. Click here for our main conference in Santa Clara.
The second Wise Traditions regional conference will be held in Buffalo, NY, September 15 – 16, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel & Conference Center.
Four educational tracks – Traditional Foods, Wise Healers, Raw Milk and Wise Entrepreneurs, will feature some of our excellent regular speakers and many great regional speakers. This is a great way to introduce people to the WAPF message. For more information visit
Please use Facebook to promote it. See:
Early bird registration ends August 15. Attend 2 full days of talks and enjoy 2 delicious lunches for as low as $195 for WAPF members or $160 for senior/student members.
We are also gearing up for our large annual conference. As usual, we have a great list of speakers. Please plan on meeting us in Santa Clara, CA at our 13th annual International Wise Traditions Conference, November 8-12, 2012. For further details see:
A series of episodes covering the topic of nutrient-dense foods aired on PBS stations. We have the episodes on our website for you to view. See: We will keep you posted on when these are aired on PBS stations across the country.
Massey University is investigating whether drinking raw milk could protect children from developing asthma and other allergies. Professor Jeroen Douwes, whose project has just been granted $1.2 million by the Health Research Council (a government agency) says the live bacteria in unpasteurised milk may help the body develop an immune response. The study will compare 300 urban families who drink raw milk with 150 urban families who drink pasteurized milk.
After being found not guilty of all charges by a lower court, the Canadian government appealed and Schmidt was convicted of producing, selling and distributing raw milk. He recently won the right to appeal his case to the Ontario Court of Appeal. The appeal will likely be heard within the next six months.
Michael will be a speaker at the upcoming WAPF regional conference in Buffalo, New York, September15-16.
60 Minutes – Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer.
Check our other IN THE NEWS items at:
Thank you for your patience with the many email alerts this summer. And thank you even more for your dedication in taking action on those alerts!
Your calls do make a difference. After analyzing the Senators’ votes on the amendments discussed below, it appears that your calls turned several Senators from likely “no” votes to “yes” votes. Even though the amendments did not pass, each legislator we influence is one step closer to winning next time.
On the Senate side, we asked for your calls to support two long-shot amendments: the DeMint Checkoff Amendment (to stop mandatory Checkoff programs) and the Sanders GMO Labeling Amendment. You can see how your Senators voted on each amendment at:;session=2&vote=00138 (DeMint Amendment) and;session=2&vote=00161 (Sanders Amendment).
Several other amendments that we asked you to call about were blocked before coming to a vote. This was bad news for Senator Tester’s Seeds and Breeds Amendment (guaranteeing funding for non-GMO research) and Senator Paul’s Raw Milk Amendment (removing the ban on interstate transport of raw milk). However, it was good news when it came to Senator Feinstein’s amendment to impose new regulations on laying hen operations, which we opposed. Although we recognize the problems with the factory farm conditions, Feinstein’s bill could have unintended consequences for pastured poultry farmers due to labeling and euthanasia provisions.
On the House side, we knew the House Agriculture Committee would be generally difficult for our issues, and the Committee’s version of the bill includes several damaging provisions: essentially conceding to WTO pressure on County of Origin Labeling, undermining livestock market reforms, and fast-tracking approval of new genetically engineered crops. However, on the one amendment that we supported, the Committee did adopt a pared-down version Representative Chellie Pingree’s amendment to help small-scale slaughterhouses. The approved amendment requires the USDA to submit a report to Congress on what needs to be done to meet the needs of small processors. Although it’s narrower than we had hoped for, it can be used to lay the groundwork for more reforms in the next legislative session.
Congress is now recessed for August. It’s a good time to call the local office for your Congressman and ask when you can talk to him or her in person. In-person meetings have a much greater effect than hundreds of emails or dozens of calls. You may be able to get a private meeting or just talk with them at a local event they are attending.
You can find out who represents you at If you have any questions before meeting with your Congressman, email and we can help with the process. Thank you for taking the time to speak up for our farmers!
We now have 585 chapters worldwide! These volunteers are generously working to help people in their area find nutrient-dense foods. Some chapter leaders also choose to host meetings. If you have a farm food or artisan food product they should know about, please contact your Local Chapter Leader. If you are looking for foods or want to see whether there are meetings in your area, please see the list of Local Chapters on our website and in our journal.
If you don’t see one in your area, check again later, we are getting new chapters weekly; or, consider offering to be a Chapter Leader yourself. Besides being a member and submitting a short annual report, your only obligation is to provide a list of food sources for those who contact you. Meetings are appreciated but are optional.
Membership now stands at a record high of 15,371! We are grateful to members who have encouraged others to join, especially those who have hosted a table at an event. Thanks also to those who offer gift memberships to their friends and family.
We keep membership fees low but depend largely on these fees to accomplish our many projects. Our membership is growing, thereby allowing us to take on new projects and continue old ones. Consider a gift membership for your next birthday present, wedding or baby shower gift.
Membership Poster
We have produced a membership poster and would be happy to send you a free copy. Email to request one. We suggest displaying it next to our brochures in an office, store, meeting, etc.
Do you know people who might love to read the journal but have not become members? We are now offering copies of certain journals at a reduced rate of only $5 per issue. You can order the following journals to give to friends, family, practitioners, schools, libraries, farmers- anyone who reads and eats!
Order online, by mail, fax or phone.
Summer 2010:Allergies; Acid Reflux; Root Canals; Summer Eating: Things Destroyed by Pasteurization
Spring 201: Fatty Liver Disease; Vitamin B6; Liver Support; USDA Dietary Guidelines; Good Breakfast
Winter 2011: Dental Implants; Cavitation Surgery; Sulfur Deficits in Plant-Based Diets; GAPS Study
Spring 2012: Good Fats, Bad Fats; The China Study Myth; Salt & Our Health; Urinary Tract Infections; Soy & Thyroid; Sustenance from Soup; Children’s Psychiatric Hospital
While supplies last, when you give a gift membership, we will give you a copy of the Spring 2012 journal (see description above). When you mail or phone in a gift membership, be sure to request your free copy of Spring 2012 and we will gladly mail you one as a thank you for your generosity. Membership makes a great gift for birthdays, weddings, baby showers, and more.
We now have a strong Facebook presence for WAPF with almost 35,000 fans of our main page. In addition, we have fan pages for our president’s cookbook, Nourishing Traditions, the Soy Alert! Campaign, The International Raw Milk Symposium, and two other fun campaigns, Red Meat Won’t Kill You and No Pink Slime in my Burger. There is a Facebook group called Weston Price Singles, too! We are looking for volunteers to help us administer these pages. Please if you or someone you know is interested, contact Kimberly Hartke at
Many chapters have a Facebook page, and we would like to encourage more of you to set one up. Be sure and have your city name in the title, such as “Sarasota, FL Weston A. Price Chapter.”
If you already have a Facebook page set up, make sure you follow our main page and our other campaigns. Share any material we post that you think will interest your local chapter members. Our goal is to someday win these fans over to becoming members and supporters of WAPF.
If you have any ideas on how we can increase our social media outreach, contact Kimberly at
Fan us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:!/WestonAPrice
View our YouTube Channel:
Experts Denounce High Soy Diet of Illinois Prisoners
See this and our archived press releases at:
KAAYLA DANIEL’S BLOG: Recovery from Modern Diets
Why Organic Soy Milk is Not a Good Alternative to Soy Formula
Dr. Daniel tackles a topic dear to health conscious vegans — the use of organic soy milk for babies, instead of GMO commercial formula. Here’s the question that prompted this blog:
Dear Dr. Daniel: We’re vegan. I can’t breast feed and we put our baby daughter on soy formula soon after birth. We became concerned about all the chemicals in commercial baby formulas so switched to organic soy milk instead. Our baby is now four months old and does not seem to be growing much. Do we need to add anything? Please give us options that are vegan.
Why Animal Fats Are Good For You — My Low-Carb Cruise 2012 Lecture
In this post Chris shares the link to the videos of his Low-Carb Cruise 2012 lecture, and provides a brief synopsis. The talk begins by framing a “common sense” approach to animal fat based on the work of Weston Price, proceeds to show the emptiness of the scientific case against animal fat, and concludes that animal fats should be an important part of our menu from which we take, without fear, as much as we need and enjoy it.
Your Donations Make a Difference
It costs money, lots of money, to defend these lives and livelihoods and the right of food choice. Your donations make a difference….
in the life of a farm family at the end of their rope, dealing with government officials hassling them about minutiae, while farm chores can’t wait;
in the life of a suburban mom forced to endure a criminal search warrant of her house because she let her farmer use her driveway for raw milk deliveries;
and in the life of a farmstead cheesemaker, forced back on the road as a truck driver to provide for his family when his farm and creamery were put in jeopardy by an unjust embargo of his cheese.
Why do your donations make a difference? Because we must fight back using the law and qualified, hard-to-find attorneys specializing in a little known area of the law dealing with raw milk and direct-to-consumer distribution. You can’t just let your fingers do the walking …more
Joel Salatin’s Warm Welcome for FTCLDF Benefactors
Joel Salatin opens the Polyface gates wide each year to help FTCLDF raise money to help farmers in need. He’s doing it again this year on September 8 …more
Reserve your tickets now for the Polyface fabulous farm tour & lunch!
Weston A. Price Foundation Logo Tee
Get your limited edition, first time ever Weston A. Price Foundation Logo tee in 100% organic cotton (in adult and ladies fit) with a $100 donation to the FTCLDF.
Donate Now before the Annual Appeal ends!
Cow-Share College & Goat-Share University 4-Part Teleseminar Series in August
Exercise your right to consume raw milk and raw milk products; learn how to support producers that provide them. Join us for this last series for 2012 on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. Eastern in August.
If you miss your session(s), listen to the recording(s) by phone 24/7 for a limited time. Register Now for these 90-minute teleseminars (limited to 25 registrants). Sponsored by the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation.
Q. Will the Foundation develop a food pyramid that we can use as a visual to help people know what to eat?
A. One problem with pyramids is the wish to use proportions of each food group. However, Dr. Price did not give proportions. Some of the groups he studied ate lots of grains (including legumes) and some had none. Some had lots of animal products in the diet and some had very little. In other words, the proportions varied and when advising modern people, we see that some proportions work for some and not for others. Some people need very high levels of fat in their diets; others do better on more carbohydrates. We have preferred to do the 4 food groups in our Dietary Guidelines and Recipe Book. It encourages people to choose the proportions that work for them.
Q. What are your thoughts/experiences with camel milk?
A. Camel milk is valued for treating diabetes and many value it highly for the treatment of autism. It is expensive (about $10 per pint) but many think it is worth it.
Q. I think it’s time for Wise Traditions to have another article about cod liver oil, because the picture has become very murky. Robert Jay Rowen is normally a friend of natural health, but in the April issue of his newsletter, “Second Opinion”, he claims cod liver oil greatly increases the risk of melanoma. He concludes: “Dump your fish oil. It’s not what your body is looking for. It’s not what your skin needs. It’s not what your brain needs. God programmed your biochemistry for plant based essential parent oils, like the kind you’ll find in nuts and seeds…” His article references Int J Cancer. 1997 May 16;71(4):600-4
A. He is talking about fish oils, not cod liver oil, and I completely agree that these fish oils can be carcinogenic. But the plant oils are carcinogenic also. We will ask Chris Masterjohn to do a blog on this subject.
Q. Please help me understand the cases given against raw milk on
A. Answer from Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures stretches the facts a bit. For instance, Mary Martin’s child never had E. coli found in her stools or any other part of her body but she claims to be a victim of OPDC raw milk in 2006. All of the OPDC raw milk in 2006 tested negative and no pathogens were ever found at the dairy either.
These five stories are not all completely factual. For instance, most do not come from consumption of raw milk that was intended for retail consumption and the raw milk was never tested. For example, Mary Cardiff drank raw milk that was intended to be pasteurized.
The other cases came from Missouri and Connecticut. In Missouri raw milk is not legal to be sold at a store yet. The raw milk was purchased and found at a store. In Missouri there are no standards or testing of raw milk when purchased at the farm.
There is no mention of the three people who died in 2007 from pasteurized milk. There is also no mention of the strength the immune system gains from raw milk consumption or the illness and lives saved by raw milk.
So…this is anti-raw milk political rant mostly. Some of the stories do appear to be real but the reader must dig deep to find the truth.
See this document prepared by the Weston A. Price Foundation, which show the systematic bias in a large number of studies that seem to implicate rat milk.
Laurel Farms
In Nourishing Traditions, Laurel Farms is recommended as a source for kombucha mushrooms. Apparently, several people have sent payment and never received their order. We wish to advise people not to order from them at this time.
Please check our calendar page for upcoming events:
September 15 – 16; Buffalo, NY: WAPF Regional Conference.
November 8-11 – Santa Clara, CA: 13th Annual Wise Traditions Conference
Visit Weston A. Price exhibits at these upcoming events! Thank you to the volunteers that staff these exhibits, providing important service for their community.
If you’d like to staff an exhibit in your area, please contact
August 9 – 11 – Cambridge, MA
Ancestral Health
Exhibitors – Pam and Laura Schoenfeld
August 18 – Simi Valley, CA
Farm Tour, Potluck & Farmageddon
Exhibitors – Chapter Leaders Tracey Ellis-de Ruyter & Tami Chu
August 21 and Sept. 11 – Bozeman, MT
Bogert Farmer’s Market
Exhibitors – Chapter Leaders Rebekah Mocerino & Kaelin Kiesel-Germann
August 30 – September 4 – Dallas, TX
Rethinking Everything
Exhibitors – Kim Hartke, Kelly Battaglia and Chapter Leader Caroline Biggerstaff
September 7 – 9 – Milwaukee, WI
Growing Powers Conference
Exhibitors – Chapter Leader Emily Matthews & Lisa Jacobson
September 8 – Swoope, VA
FTCLDF Benefactor Event – Polyface Farm
Exhibitors – WAPF Staff
September 8 and October 6 – Salem, OR
Salem Saturday Market
Exhibitor – Vonnie Lincoln
September 11 – 13 – Santa Rosa, CA
National Heirloom Expo
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader Lauren Ayers
September 14- 15 – San Francisco, CA
Evidence Based Comp & Alt Cancer Care – Annie Appleseed
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader Kirsty Rayburn & Carla Hernandez
September 13 – 16 – Coconino, AZ
Traditions in Western Herbalism
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader Cindy Krznarch
September 15 – Indianapolis, IN
IndyWAPF Groundwork Conference
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader Leslie Gray
September 15 – 16 – Buffalo, NY
WAPF Regional Conference
Exhibitor: Liz Pitfield
September 15 – Oshkosh, WI
Active Lifestyle Expo
Exhibitors – Chapter Leaders Marian Schmitz & Ruth Sawall
September 15 – 16 – Fort Collins, CO
Sustainable Living Fair
Exhibitors – Chapter Leader Nancy Eason & Monica Corrado
September 15 – 16 – Red Deer, AB, Canada
Revitalize Conference
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader Jem Mathieson
September 21 – 23 – Seven Springs, PA
Mother Earth News
Exhibitor: Liz Pitfield and Cathy Raymond
September 21 – 23 – Unity, ME
Common Ground County Fair
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader David Plante
September 22 – Crystal River, FL
Organic Americana
September 29 – 30 – Washington, DC
Green Festival
Exhibitors – Chapter Leader Susan Blasko, Elizabeth Gilhuly, Katherine Nelson and Susan Walsh
September 29 – Temecula, CA
Temecula Health & Wellness Fair
Exhibitor – Chapter Leader Kathy Lynch
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