Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion Of Civil Rights?
By Children’s Health Defense
If you are familiar with Children’s Health Defense, it will not surprise you that this eBook is full of inconvenient, politically incorrect facts. Here is a sampling of some of those facts which should fill in the big picture for you:
- A number of the vaccines that ACIP [the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices] now calls for American children to get to attend school—about seventy doses of sixteen vaccines by age eighteen—are for rarely fatal illnesses and for conditions “not contagious through ordinary social contact.”
- Chase E. Zachary (a legal scholar who also has a Princeton-conferred doctorate in chemistry) wrote that sixty years of compulsory vaccine policies “have not attained herd immunity for any childhood disease.” It is time to cast aside coercion in favor of choice.
- Studies from around the world describe recurrent mumps and pertussis outbreaks in highly or fully vaccinated middle and high school populations, including in Belgium (2004), Korea (2006), the U.S. (2007) and Ontario (2015). In December 2019, a pertussis outbreak closed a Texas school down despite a 100 percent vaccination rate.
- The hepatitis B vaccine has been shown—by the CDC itself—to wear off well before the age of any likely exposure to hepatitis B virus.
So why would our government mandate these mostly useless vaccines? A few more facts:
- In a single year in the early 2000s, “the combined profits of the ten largest drug companies in the Fortune 500 had higher net profits. . . than all the other four hundred ninety companies [in the Fortune 500] combined.”
- There are more full-time pharmaceutical industry lobbyists on Capitol Hill than there are legislators in both Houses of Congress.
These facts are enough to show that the push for mandatory vaccines has little to do with health and everything to do with money. Many will throw all this on the scrap heap of “conspiracy theory.” This very popular term has come to mean pretty much anything that dares to deviate from the sacred government narrative. Many who use that term fervently believe in the infallibility of their godlike government. The Weston A. Price Foundation is a non-profit organization that is prohibited by the rules of that same government from promoting any religion. That being the case, it is inevitable that the Foundation will occasionally stray from that sacred narrative. My stray thumb is UP for this eBook, which is available at
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2021
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