Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund Annual Fundraiser
Now through June 30, 2017
“As owners of Pride & Joy Dairy, we highly endorse FTCLDF. We have been members for a number of years but have never needed their help until recently. We sell raw 100% grass fed milk, meat and cheese but were out of business for 2 months. FTCLDF helped us prove that we were wrongly convicted of having contaminated milk. Anyone who believes in and markets “Real Food” or believes in our right to choose our own food and personal freedom needs to contribute to FTCLDF with memberships, donations, moral and ethical support. If it wasn’t for FTCLDF and its loyal capable staff, we would not be in business today.”
– Allen and Cheryl Voortman, Pride & Joy Dairy, Washington
Help the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) help small farmers like Allen and Cheryl and Donate Today. When you donate $100, $150, or more now during their Annual Fundraiser, you’ll even get one of these inspiring gifts!
Your support makes it possible for them to give farmers, artisans and homesteaders great value for their membership fees. Core membership benefits include:
- Unlimited consultation with attorneys on matters within their mission statement;
- A toll-free hotline to contact their attorneys who can offer guidance when a member is dealing with a hostile government visit;
- Consultation on farm and dairy best management practices; and
- Possible legal representation in administrative and judicial hearings at no cost above the membership fee, saving members tens of thousands of dollars in some instances.
FTCLDF is a true grassroots organization that has never taken any government funding and only receives corporate money from small like-minded businesses. The bulk of revenues comes from membership fees and individual donations. It has not always been easy to operate this way but it has enabled them to remain independent in carrying out the mission to protect your right to obtain the nutrient-dense foods of your choice from the source of your choice.
Help strengthen local food communities and Donate Today!
WAPF and FTCLDF are partners promoting nutrient-dense foods and protecting pasture-based farms.
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, defends the rights and broadens the freedoms of family farms and artisan food producers while protecting consumer access to raw milk and nutrient-dense foods.
Membership benefits include the possibility of representation in court; FTCLDF typically pays for all court costs. FTCLDF is not an insurance company and cannot guarantee representation on all legal matters. Your membership fees and donations help to keep local food sources available and preserve family farms facing unjust enforcement actions.
Donations to the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund are always appreciated.
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