8:30 – 9:00 | Registration |
9:00 – 10:15 | Julia Ross, MA / Those Amazing Aminos
Brain nutrients that nourish the brain to stop mood disorders and refined-carbohydrate addiction. |
10:45 – 12:15 | Tom Cowan, MD / A New Paradigm for Medicine
Healing through the restoration of balance and harmony instead of “combatting” disease. Dr. Cowan will present examples of remedies that restore immune function rather than “fight against” viruses and cancer. |
12:15 – 1:30 | Organic Lunch by The Basic Feast/Visit Exhibits |
1:30 – 2:45 | Krispin Sullivan / The Miracle of Vitamin D
Vitamin D therapy can be used for a variety of ailments including fatigue, infertility and weight control. Learn how modern research completely vindicates the work of Dr. Weston Price. |
2:45 – 3:15 |
Dessert Pot Luck/Visit Exhibits |
1:30-2:45 | Mary G. Enig, PhD / Know Your Fats
Popular books and magazines have disseminated much unfortunate disinformation about the subject of dietary fats. An expert biochemist sets the record straight and answers all your questions about fats and oils. |
1:30-2:45 | Julia Ross, MA / Amino Acid Therapy Case studies and clinical applications. |
3:15 – 5:00 | Krispin Sullivan / Vitamin D Workshop Case studies, testing and clinical applications. |
3:15 – 5:00 | Tom Cowan, MD / Achieving Balance in Your Diet Practical aspects of healing diets. Learn about tonics and healing foods as well as the principles of macronutrient balance. |
3:15 – 5:00 | Lisa Wesala, Chairman, Detroit Chapter /Local Chapter Workshop Informal discussion on local chapter activities including event ideas, membership recruitment, classes and source lists. |
Sally Fallon, Workshop on Traditional Diets
Animal fats, properly prepared whole grains, enzyme-enriched foods and nourishing bone broths kept our ancestors healthy. Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Traditions, explains why you need these foods too. Beginning with a presentation of Dr. Weston Price’s unforgettable photographs of healthy traditional peoples, Sally delineates the underlying factors in a variety of traditional diets that conferred beauty, strength and complete freedom from disease on so-called primitive populations. Then she presents a step-by-step plan to put nourishing traditional foods–foods that your family will actually eat–back into your diet including easy breakfast cereals, soups, snack foods, high-enzyme condiments and soft drinks that are actually good for you!
Learn about:
- Butter, the number one health food
- Vital role of high cholesterol foods
- Dangers of modern soy foods
- Foods that help babies grow smart and strong
- Why our animal foods should be pasture-fed
- Old-fashioned foods that give limitless energy and vibrant health
Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Traditions and president of The Weston A. Price Foundation, is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars on whole foods and nutrition. Her interest in the subject of diet and human health began in the 1970s when she read Nutrition & Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price. This pioneering study of healthy indigenous peoples presents compelling evidence that the basis of good health is found in nutrient-dense whole foods, particularly animal fats rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and the Price Factor. This includes sea food, organ meats, eggs and butterfat from grass-fed animals. Her experience in applying Dr. Price’s findings to the feeding of her own family, and her work with Dr. Mary Enig, led her to write Nourishing Traditions.