Jen Allbritton, CN, is a wife, mother and Certified Nutritionist who loves researching, writing and experimenting in the kitchen with WAPF-friendly dishes. Her column Growing Wise Kids is a regular addition to the Foundation’s quarterly magazine Wise Traditions. Jen has a B.S. in Kinesiology from the College of William and Mary, writes for other health publications, and has been passionately learning and teaching others about food’s affect on health for over 10 years. |
Janice Blair, CPA, is the La Crosse WI, WAPF Chapter Leader. She holds a BA in Business Economics, specializing in Natural Resources. Her background includes commercial fishing and cooking for diving and fishing boats in the Pacific. She studied food preparation under Chef Neil Stuart (Pacific Blue Plates), and operated an organic deli, coffee house, and juice bar in the early 90’s. She has taught cooking courses at Wild Oats and through St Louis Community College. In 2000 she met Sally Fallon and put Sally’s suggestions to work on her new farm, Blackberry Ridge LLC, an organic, biodynamic, bio-diverse, all grass fed, heritage breed eco-farm & ranch (www.blackberryridgellc.com). |
Justin Blaircobb, Chef, recently graduated from Le Cordon Bleu with honors. He interned at the Westin La Paloma Resort & Spa in Tucson, AZ and has completed the UW processed meats (sausage & pates) short course. Justin’s background includes spending his teen years on his parents all grass-fed organic ranch and participated in 4-H meat judging and food preparation projects. |
Vicki Braun, M.S., is the Assistant Director of Education for the Couple to Couple League International (CCLI), the largest provider of the sympto-thermal method of natural family planning in the United States. She has taught fertility awareness and how to use it to achieve or avoid pregnancy for over 25 years and trains new teachers of natural family planning for CCLI. Her passion is teaching others about the intimate connection between what they eat and how it affects the woman’s fertility cycle and her ability to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. |
Jerry Brunetti– Jerry Brunetti is managing director of Agri-Dynamics, a 27 year old company engaged in holistic livestock husbandry and soil, forage, water and plant tissue analysis and recommendations. Jerry’s experience also includes a cow/calf operation, natural animal medicines, biological products and services for the golf course industry and providing seminars and workshops on alternatives in human health. |
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, graduated with Honors as a Medical Doctor in 1984 from Bashkir Medical University in Russia. In the following years she gained a Postgraduate Degree in Neurology from the Moscow Medical University.After practicing for five years as a Neurologist and three years as a Neurosurgeon she started a family and moved to the UK. Fairly shortly after that her son was diagnosed autistic, which prompted an intensive study into causes and treatments of autism. It was during this time that Dr. Campbell-McBride developed her theories on the relationship between neurological disorders and nutrition, and completed a second Postgraduate Degree in Human Nutrition at Sheffield University.Having helped her son on the road to recovery, Dr. Campbell-McBride has returned to practice in 2000 and runs the Cambridge Nutrition Clinic. She has specialised in two areas of nutrition, and has become recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in nutrition for children with learning disabilities and nutritional intervention for digestive and immune disorders in children and adults.She has recently published a book Gut and Psychology Syndrome. Natural treatment of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia where she explores the connection between the patient’s physical state and brain function. She has contributed to the book Treating Autism by Edelson SM and Rimland B, ISBN 0-9740360-0-5, and is a regular contributing health editor to a number of magazines and newsletters (Health Matters, Natural Products, CAM magazine for practitioners, etc.). She is a keynote speaker at many professional conferences and seminars. She frequently gives talks to health practitioners, patient groups and associations. She is also a Member of The Society of Authors. She is the 2006 recipient of the prestigious Outstanding Practitioner of the Year Award from CAM sponsored by Nutricentre. |
Christapher Cogswell, MA, Board Member —Christapher is co-founder and co-director of the Radiant Life Company. He studied Anthropology at Carleton College and the California Institute of Integral Studies, receiving an MA in 1996. The focus of his academic research included a cultural exploration of sustainable agriculture practices, and work with native peoples in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. Discovering the work of Dr. Price only after eight years of formal academic study, he realized that this research was a crucial missing link for humanity’s progress toward sustainability. He co-founded the Radiant Life Company to help disseminate Dr. Price’s teachings and to directly support people in turning nutritional degeneration into nutritional regeneration. |
Abe Collins is a husband, father, grassfarmer and soilbuilder. He and farm owner Teddy Yandow run Cimarron Farm, a 100% grassfed organic dairy in St. Albans, Vermont. He is the co-founder of Carbon Farmers of America, a farmer-owned company with a mission to stabilize the earth’s atmosphere within a decade by training, equipping and paying graziers to rapidly build new topsoil. |
Porsche Combash has been in the food business for over 23 years. Starting her career in baking with French pastry apprenticeship, she worked in the specialty food, hospitality, and catering industries. She helped open the Ravens Restaurant in Mendocino, which featured an organic vegetarian menu. In 2001, Porsche completed the professional Chef Training Program at the Natural Gourmet School of Cookery in NYC. There she was introduced to the Weston A. Price Foundation and the principles of indigenous diets. After graduation, Porsche completed a cooking internship at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland and went on to teach at the Ballymaloe School of Cookery in Ireland. She has her BA degree from San Francisco State. She has traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico and Sicily to study their regional cuisines. For the past two years she has worked as the Manager of the Pasta Shop on Fourth Street in Berkeley.Born at home in Berkeley during the radical sixties, Porsche comes from a truly blended background. Her grandmother was a founding member of the Black Panthers. Her ancestry includes African-American, German, Scottish, Irish, Native-American, and English. She lives in Berkeley with her partner, Michael McGill. |
Tom Cowan, MD– Dr. Cowan is in private medical practice in San Francisco, California. He is a frequent lecturer around the country on health and nutrition. His book, Four-fold Path to Healing, was published in 2004. Dr. Cowan is on the Board of Directors of The Weston A Price Foundation. |
Gary Cox practices environmental and agricultural law with the law firm of Lane, Alton and Horst LLC. Gary served in the Environmental Enforcement Section of the Ohio Attorney General’s office for 14 years and prosecuted such Fortune 500 firms as General Motors, BP Chemical, Philips Electronics, Sun Oil Company and AK Steel. Since entering private practice, Gary’s clients have included organic farmers and raw milk producers. Gary represented Carol Schmitmeyer in her raw milk victory over the Ohio Department of Agriculture and is currently General Counsel to the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Gary lives in Columbus, Ohio with his teenage son and daughter, is an avid gardener, a former organic vegetable farmer, a supporter of local farmers and consumes raw milk and yogurt daily. |
Veronica Daggett, DO is an osteopathic physician in private practice in Nevada City, CA. She uses hands-on osteopathic treatment, nutrition, and life-style advice to support the body’s inherent ability to heal itself. She helps patients of all ages, from newborns to elders, and addresses the full spectrum of challenges this human form can encounter. |
Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN– Founder and director of The Whole Nutritionist, Dr. Kaayla Daniel designs individualized diet, supplement and lifestyle plans. She is the author of The Whole Soy Story, as well as numerous publications on nutrition, herbal medicine, anti-aging therapies, and environmental medicine. Dr. Daniel is on the Board of Directors of The Weston A Price Foundation. |
Ellie Dickson is a designer and artist whose interest in nutrition and the Weston A. Price Foundation, was sparked by her own health challenges as well as those of her children, one of whom has ADD. Ellie Dickson lives with her husband, Mike, and two kids, Ruby and Coleman, near Boulder, CO. |
Mary G. Enig, PhD– A well-known author, lecturer, and scientist, Dr. Mary Enig focus is on trans fatty acids and other nutritional and health topics. She has provided expert witness in human nutrition in numerous court proceedings. She is Vice-President of the Weston A Price Foundation and Scientific Editor of Wise Traditions. |
Carol Esche, RN, ND, MA, CNA-Dr. Esche is an Assistant Professor at University of Maryland School of Nursing. Her interests are in school and hospital nutrition, and evidenced-based complementary practice. |
Sally Fallon, MA- President of The Weston A Price Foundation and Founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, Ms. Fallon lectures extensively around the world on issues of health and nutrition. She is a prolific writer of numerous articles and books. In 1996, Ms. Fallon published Nourishing Traditions, the cookbook which launched her career in alternative health. |
Dennis Frerking, DC, graduated cum laude from Life Chiropractic College. He has done postgraduate work in Acupuncture, Spinal Biomechanics, Internal Diagnostic Procedures, as well as method training in Thompson, Gonstead, Activator, Cox, Nimmo, and SOT. In the late 1980s Dr. Frerking retired from his successful chiropractic practice in Florida to help Dr. Loomis educate professionals about the Loomis System of Enzyme Nutrition. Since then, he has served as a keynote speaker for hundreds of seminars in the United States and internationally on the diagnosis and treatment of food enzyme deficiency syndromes. |
Charles Gant, MD, PhD, NMD, received his BS in chemistry from Hampden-Sydney College, his medical degree from the University of Virginia Medical School, and his Ph.D. in psychology from Columbia Pacific University. Dr. Gant is also a board certified Naturopath. He practices in Washington, DC as an ND.Dr. Gant is a leading orthomolecular physician who has practiced complementary medicine for over twenty years, using natural nutritional methods to correct biochemical imbalances. He is the former medical director of Tully Hill Treatment Center in upstate New York, where he pioneered nutritional treatments for people in recovery. He returned to private practice and for the past eight years has further refined and extended nutritional and detoxification protocols help restore health to those suffering from various dis-ease syndromes as well as to lower relapse rates for those in recovery. He has also worked extensively with non-drug treatments for ADD & ADHD and is currently taking his experience and knowledge out to the public in order to help a larger number of people.Dr. Gant is nationally recognized for devising nutritional and detoxification interventions for nicotine, alcohol, and substance abuse, AD/HD, cardiovascular problems, chronic fatigue, immune disorders and other common, chronic medical and psychological problems. He has been affiliated with the Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine. |
Donna Gates, MEd, is the author of the best-selling The Body Ecology Diet and The Stevia Cookbook: Cooking with Nature’s Calorie-Free Sweetener. A popular lecturer and the frequent subject of radio and television interviews, Ms. Gates holds an MEd in counseling and a BS in early childhood development. She is currently working with autistic children, obtaining excellent results using nourishing traditional foods and Body Ecology principles to repopulate the gut and maintain healthy intestinal flora. |
Doug Gunnink is a long time “whole farm management” consultant from Minnesota. Along with his wife, Janet, and their two sons Zach and Andy, they raise organic grass-finished beef on 170 acres of land near Gaylord, Minnesota. After several years of searching and researching the often asked question, “What does it take to raise choice grass-finished beef?”, he started the Gunnink Forage Institute. His goal is to teach others how to raise high quality grass for both grass-finished beef and dairy. Previously, he founded the Minnesota Intensive Graziers’ Groups and for many years coordinated the Minnesota Grazing Conference. |
Sandrine Hahn, BFA, MA, now an award-winning activist, previously served in the capacity of marriage/ family therapist, art therapist, teacher, and learning specialist in private practice before establishing the Nourishing Our Children campaign in 2005 (and serves as its president and treasurer). Convinced that the children she worked with were well-fed but malnourished, Sandrine closed her private practice to devote herself to the cause of educating and inspiring parents to return to the whole, natural foods that have produced generation after generation of healthy children. She founded the San Francisco Chapter of the WAPF in 2004 and served as the volunteer chapter leader for more than a year. She continues to serve the local chapter as a steering committee member. She also teaches Nourishing Traditions foundational and Moroccan cooking classes. She is joined by a larger community of supporters and committed volunteers. She is also a visual designer and photographer. |
John Hicks, MD, FAAP. For over 30 years, pediatrician John Hicks, M.D, has dedicated himself to the practice of medicine with a targeted interest in serving individuals suffering from acute and chronic illness and has emerged as a national authority on holistic medicine in the treatment of autism. As CEO of Pathways Medical Advocates, Dr. Hicks breaks away from the conventional model through his knowledge of quantum physics and vibrational medicine. His customized treatment plans are based on “whole person” healing, respecting body, mind, and spirit. |
Philip Incao, MD, had an active general practice of anthroposophic medicine for 23 years next to a biodynamic farm in upstate New York, where his children grew up on raw milk. Since 1996 he has been practicing in Colorado. His special interest is children’s health. He was featured in July-August, 2003 Mothering magazine article, “The Healing Crisis: Don’t Worry Mom-I’m Just Growing!” |
Riki Juster, Vice President and Administration Manager Nourishing Our Children. It’s no wonder that Riki refers to herself as a “Jane of all Trades”: she has done everything from milking sheep at 3:30 in the morning on a kibbutz in Israel (where she lived for 21 years) to working at the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. While she remains in the event industry, her time is mainly occupied by her nanny job in Oakland where she cares for 2 infants. She has traveled the world extensively including a 6 month backpacking trip in Asia where she had the privilege of being hosted by families living in remote villages. Riki studied at Haifa University for two years where she majored in Education and recently studied Holistic Nutrition at Bauman College in Berkeley for one year. |
Peter Kennedy is an attorney in Sarasota, Florida who works on dairy issues for WAPF, particularly the right of farmers to distribute raw dairy products direct to consumers. He has assisted and/or represented dairy farmers facing possible enforcement action in various states as well as helping others to get started in the business of distributing raw dairy. Pete compiled the state raw milk law summaries posted at www.realmilk.com and has since written articles for Wise Traditions Magazine on raw milk distribution. He is currently working with others to challenge the federal ban on the interstate shipment of raw milk for human consumption. |
April Kocis, Teacher/Farmer, The Farm School, Sentinel Elm Farm, Massachusetts. April adores children and is passionate about nutrition and sustainable agriculture. She learned about the work of Weston A. Price at a Traditional Diets seminar by Sally Fallon six years ago and has been soaking up the science, cultural knowledge and traditions, and delicious, nutritious foods ever since. April works as a teacher/farmer at the Farm School in Massachusetts where she engages kids in the garden, kitchen and barn. She incorporates Nourishing Traditions principles in the meals and snacks that she prepares for and with the children. April teaches adult workshops as well on topics such as raw milk, soap and salve making, and lactofermentation. She is excited to bring her passion and experience to the Wise Traditions Conference Children’s Workshops! |
Misa Koketsu‘s love of eating began early in life around the kitchen table set for her family of eight and topped with delicious meals her mother prepared daily. Her enthusiasm for cooking, however, developed during her junior year abroad in France, where food is a national obsession, cooking an art form, and la sieste provides the time to relax after savoring a good meal. Following graduation, Misa attended culinary school and has since baked in hotel pastry shops and bakeries in and around the Bay Area, including Auberge du Soleil and Grace Baking Company. In 1999, she began work at the Center for Ecoliteracy in Berkeley, where her background in cooking merged with the work of the Center’s Food Systems Project. This experience provided an introduction to, and gave her an appreciation for, the social, ecological, and political issues associated with local, sustainable food systems. Misa is sansei or third generation Japanese American, born and raised in San Jose, California. She has a B.A. in Humanities from UC Berkeley. Having lived all over the East Bay since 1986, she now resides near Lake Merritt in Oakland. |
Chris Masterjohn is the author of five Wise Traditions articles and the creator and maintainer of Cholesterol-And-Health.Com, a web site dedicated to extolling the virtues of cholesterol and cholesterol-rich foods. He has authored two items accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals: a letter in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology criticizing the conclusions of a recent study on saturated fat and a full-length feature in an upcoming issue of Medical Hypotheses proposing a molecular mechanism of vitamin D toxicity. Masterjohn holds a Bachelor’s degree in History and is preparing to pursue a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology. |
Judith McGeary– Judith McGeary is the WAPF chapterleader for Austin, Texas. She is also an attorney, a farmer, and the Executive Director of the Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance. The Alliance is a non-profit organization founded to protect the rights of independent farmers, ranchers, and homesteaders, and to help ensure the success of independent agriculture. Ms. McGeary has a B.S. in Biology from Stanford University, a J.D. with high honors from The University of Texas at Austin, and is working on a Masters degree in natural resource management, based on work with compost tea. In her legal career, she has practiced administrative law, litigation, and appeals. She and her husband run a small farm with heritage poultry, sheep, cows, and horses. |
Dr. Mary N Megson, M.D., F.A.A.P., Pediatric and Adolescent Ability Center, received her degree of medicine from the University of Virginia. She completed her internship and residency at Bodton Floating Hospital, Tufts New England Medical Center. Dr. Megson completed a fellowship in ambulatory pediatrics at Boston’s Children’s Hospital and one in child development at the Medical College of Virginia. She is a fellow at the American Academy of Pediatrics and was director of Developmental Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital in Richmond for nine years. Dr. Megson currently works at her own private practice where she is devoted to diagnosing and treating developmentally delayed children specializing in autism. She conducts research in the use of vitamin A and Bethanecol in treatment of autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Megson conducted a clinical trial to investigate her hypothesis that G-alpha protein defect is a high risk factor for developing autism after vaccination. |
Louise Mitchell is the Sustainable Foods Coordinator for Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment. Working with a national initiative through Health Care Without Harm, www.healthyfoodinhealthcare.org, Louise assists hospital food service professionals in providing sustainable foods to their patients, staff & visitors, and in adopting sustainable practices. These foods include local, seasonal and organic foods, rBGH-free dairy products, meat & poultry raised on pasture and without the use of non-therapeutic antibiotics, and fair trade coffees, to name a few. Louise has a diverse background: as a physical therapist, bringing integrative and alternative medicine services into hospitals; as the sales coordinator for New Day Farms, which specializes in growing nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables via mineral-replacement practices; and as a publicist for non-profit organizations, promoting conferences on food and nutrition, alternative medicine and environmental issues. She promotes the Annual Conferences of the Weston A. Price Foundation through local radio interviews of the speakers, and is a co-chapter leader in Baltimore, MD. |
Konstantin Monastyrsky graduated from medical school in 1976 with a degree in pharmacology, but chose to pursue a career in the high-technology field. In 1996, just over forty years old, he began to suffer from severe diabetes and a host of related ailments, including debilitating carpal tunnel syndrome, and decided to pursue a career in medical research to find the solutions to his rapidly deteriorating health. Since then, Mr. Monastyrsky has fully recovered from diabetes and has written two best-selling Russian-language books, entitled Functional Nutrition and Disorders of Carbohydrate Metabolism, and his first English language book, provocatively entitled Fiber Menace: The Truth About Fiber’s Role in Diet Failure, Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and Colon Cancer. See www.FiberMenace.com for follow up information from his conference presentation |
Dr. Phyllis Mullenix is a Ph.D. in pharmacology and toxicology from the University of Kansas Medical Center and the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Her career while at the Harvard School of Medicine, Boston’s Children’s Hospital and Forsyth’s Dental Infirmary for Children was spent researching the long-term toxicological consequences of perinatal exposure to drugs and environmental pollutants such as lead, radiation and fluoride. Outside academia and for over thirty years, she has maintained a private consulting practice that deals with a wide range of toxic exposures and litigation. |
Joan Norman, along with her husband Drew, own and operate One Straw Farm in White Hall, Maryland. They have grown certified organic produce for East Coast distributors since 1983. In an effort to promote locally produced and consumed food, the marketing efforts have been directed towards their 600 + member CSA, 3 farmer’s markets, restaurant and institution sales. |
Kathy O’Brien, CN, works with the Weston A. Price Foundation and is a nutritional consultant for two doctors’ offices in the Washington, DC area. She offers classes and consultations helping people change to traditional foods. She has encouraged healthy eating in lectures to all ages, in published articles and in radio interviews. |
Vinny Pinto is a degreed Research & Development and applications scientist, with a master’s degree in the health sciences, a strong educational background in physics, astrophysics and engineering, and a year of graduate education in acupuncture.Well-known in the raw foods world for running the world’s largest email list group (live-food group) devoted to raw foods diets which include raw animal foods, he also operates an informational website (www.rawpaleodiet.org) on the benfits of eating a largely-raw Paleo diet, which includes raw animal foods. He also offers a limited amount of consulting/coaching to clients on raw food diets and related topics.He is also known worldwide as an R&D and formulations consultant for nutritional antioxidants and beneficial Paleolithic-era microbes, particularly EM antioxidative syntropic microbes, and their uses in human and animal nutrition, agriculture, and waste remediation. He has lectured on EM and other beneficial microbes in agriculture at the 2006 Acres USA conference (audiotapes of some lectures are available from the Acres USA media store) and at Shepherd College in Shepherdstown, WV (seminar available on a three-DVD set available from several sources).His two free informational websites on EM and beneficial microbes are www.eminfo.info and www.antioxbrew.com. He has published two books on EM antioxidative and syntropic (anti-entropic) microbes, and is currently working on two additional books in that field. Vinny is one of those unusual persons who is both a scientist and a mystic; equally comfortable in the world of science and the world of Spirit and Supreme Heart. While working primarily as a research and consulting scientist in the fields of nutritional antixidants and beneficial microbes, he also offers spiritual healing work and always feels best when equally grounded in both of these realms. |
Kathryne Pirtle is the clarinetist and executive director of the Orion Ensemble, which gives three concert series in Metropolitan Chicago, presents a live internationally broadcast series on Chicago’s WFMT-FM Fine Arts Radio Network and tours throughout North America. She is principal clarinetist of the Lake Forest Symphony and frequently performs with the Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra, the Grant Park Music Festival, The Ravinia Festival Orchestra, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.Ms. Pirtle has co-authored a book with Sally Fallon and Dr. John D. Turner called Performance without Pain, which was published in 2006 by New Trends that focuses on the modern dietary influences in common inflammatory and degenerative conditions in musicians, athletes, dancers and the general public, and the solutions found in a diet of nutrient-dense foods. |
David Plante, PE (Registered Professional Mechanical Engineer, NH) and southern Maine WAPF chapter leader, attended Sally Fallon’s WAPF seminar a few years ago and has since been busy incorporating WAPF dietary principles. Now a committed localvorian and fermentation enthusiast, and aware of the difficulty associated with finding local food sources, he manages a small home based “local foods” co-op which features his own lacto-fermented sodas and sauerkraut. He joined efforts with John Eisenstien and Dina Falconi to provide lacto-fermented sodas at the 2006 WAPF conference will do the same at the 2007 conference. |
Sarah Couture Pope is a Phi Beta Kappa, Summa Cum Laude graduate in Economics from Furman University and holds a Master’s degree in Governmental Administration from the University of Pennsylvania. She worked for over ten years in the field of Information Technology where she designed and managed the implementation of financial systems for both government and corporate clients. She is currently raising three young children with her husband and has been the WAPF Chapter Leader of Tampa, FL since 2002. |
Jessica Prentice– Jessica Prentice is a professional chef and author of Full Moon Feast: Food and the Hunger for Connection. She is the co-founder of Locavores, a co-creator of the Local Foods Wheel, and one of the founding worker-owners of Three Stone Hearth, a Community Supported Kitchen in Berkeley, California that provides nutrient-dense foods. |
Mario Repetto grew up in Argentina the son of a flour miller in Rosario. He obtained a Master degree in Chemistry from the University of Buenos Aires School of Science and completed the Doctorate at the School of Biochemistry. He has been a visiting Scholar at Stanford University. Forced to change his path by the military dictators in Argentina, Mario worked in the computer and financial industries in Argentina, Mexico and the US. After a long journey, he was able to reconnect with his roots as owner of Grindstone Bakery in Sonoma, California. Grindstone has recreated ancient traditional methods of bread making, that follow Weston A. Price principles, to produce wheat free and gluten free breads and cookies. His science background combined with his baking experience has allowed him to fully understand the dangers to our health associated with the overdose of gluten typical of our modern industrial food diets. |
Marianne Rothschild, MD, is a board certified family practice physician who blends varied traditions of healing to help patients achieve wellness and balance. Observing the maxim “Above all else, do no harm”, Marianne seeks the least disruptive and most natural interventions possible. These include: Herbs and Phytomedicines, Nutritional Medicine, Flower Essences, Aromatherapy, Acupuncture and Homeopathy.Drawing upon her life experience as a woman, wife, mother and midwife, coupled with her formal medical training, Dr. Rothschild brings insight to each situation.She received her medical degree from the Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1990 with honors in emergency medicine and community and preventative medicine.Marianne completed her family practice residency at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia. She worked with the Johns Hopkins Medical Services Corporation until opening her holistic practice at Gaia Healing Center. |
Kathryn Russell runs a small diversified farm, including a shareholder owned dairy herd. She is farming in the same area as her grandparents farmed, returning to their agrarian tradition. Her grandparents ran a raw milk dairy during the Depression, and she is proud to be following in their path. She is also a WAPF chapter leader in the Charlottesville area, and a board member of the Virginia Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (www.VICFA.org). Advocacy for traditional farmers is an important part of her life, and she has recently founded the Virginia Dairy Agisters Coalition and Shareholder Association (VDACS Association www.VDACS-Assoc.org), a group that offers information, support, and referral services to regional share owned dairies. |
Joel Salatin, BA is a fulltime farmer in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. A third generation alternative farmer, he returned to the farm full time in 1982 and continued refining and adding to his parents’ ideas.His farm services more than 800 families and 30 restaurants through on-farm sales and metropolitan buying clubs with salad bar beef, pastured poultry, eggmobile eggs, pigaerator pork, forage-based rabbits, pastured turkey and forestry products through relationship marketing.Salatin holds a BA degree in English and writes extensively in magazines such as Stockman Grass Farmer, Acres USA, and American Agriculturalist. He has written five books: Pastured Poultry Profits, Salad Bar Beef, You Can Farm and Family Friendly Farming. His most recent release is Holy Cows and Hog Heaven: The Food Buyer’s Guide to Farm Friendly Food.The family’s farm, Polyface Inc. (“The Farm of Many Faces”) has been featured in Smithsonian Magazine, National Geographic,Gourmet. Profiled on the Lives of the 21st Century series with Peter Jennings, his after-broadcast chat room fielded more hits than any other segment to date.
andHis speaking and writing reflect dirt-under-the-fingernails experience punctuated with mischievous humor. He passionately defends small farms, local food systems, and the right to opt out of the conventional food paradigm. |
Michael Schmidt has been a biodynamic farmer for over 33 years. Born in Germany, he came to Canada in 1983 and has been instrumental in massive changes towards the awareness of the cultural importance of agriculture. He is leading the fierce battle to legalize raw milk in Canada. |
Amy Shollenberger is Rural Vermont’s Director. She is responsible for strategic planning and campaign development, as well as developing a policy agenda, managing staff, and fundraising. She has ten years of organizing and policy experience, including work as a press secretary and legislative assistant for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and as a senior policy analyst for Public Citizen’s Critical Mass Energy and Environment Program.Rural Vermont is a state-wide advocacy organization founded by farmers in 1985. They educate, advocate, and activate Vermonters for their vision of living soils, thriving farms, and healthy communities. |
Catherine Spanger was born and raised in the East Bay. Her grandparents were farmers in Brentwood, California, where fertile land produced a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Her grandmother, an immigrant from the Dust Bowl, taught her to live modestly and be resourceful. Later travels abroad exposed her to families and cultures that shared these values, where a variety of nutrient-dense and delicious foods were produced from local ingredients. A desire to share these life-lessons led Catherine to become a professional cook at Green’s Restaurant in San Francisco, and she has also cooked for many Bay Area catering companies. For the past five years, Catherine has worked in Water Conservation, helping families develop an appreciation for the precious resource of water and its vital importance in producing our food.With a lineage from Holland, Germany and Arkansas, Catherine believes in the connection between food, family and tradition. She has a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara and currently resides in Oakland, California. |
Sherri J. Tenpenny, DO is the director and founder of OsteoMed II, a clinic established in 1996 to provide the best of integrative medicine for patients in the Cleveland, Ohio area.A graduate of the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, Dr. Tenpenny received her medical training at Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in Kirksville, Missouri. She is board certified in emergency medicine and osteopathic manipulative medicine. A regular guest on national radio and TV, and at medical conventions, she has published numerous articles for national magazines and medical Internet sites. She is the author of books, DVDs and educational products.Dr. Tenpenny is respected as one of the country’s most knowledgeable and outspoken physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health. Through her education company, NMA Media Press, LLC, she spreads her vision of retaining freedom of choice in healthcare, including the freedom to refuse vaccination.DrTenpenny.com • www.birdfluhype.com |
Kim Thompson specializes in the mechanics of body movement. Pain, stiffness and difficulty in daily activities are often related to how you move. Learning to move in harmony with your body’s design can help you find comfort, better range of motion, and ease.Kim has made this journey personally. A vehicle accident in 1991 left her with low back and neck pain for 10 years. After visiting many health professionals, she finally found relief in Yoga classes. Now certified to teach Yoga, Feldenkrais(r), Bones for Life(r), and Sounder Sleep(tm), Kim helps others improve their ability to move freely and easily. Her clients range from stroke survivors to professional athletes, and from youths to seniors. To learn more, visit www.OptimizedMovement.com.At this year’s conference, Kim will lead morning movement sessions in Bones for Life(r), Healthy Back and Yoga. |
Dr. John Turner, DC, CCSP, DIBCN has been in private practice for over twenty years, treating professional instrumentalists, singers, athletes, dancers and the general public. While earning a Bachelors Degree at Indiana University, he competed as a national qualifying gymnast. Drawing on this experience, he has treated national and international athletes at a variety of venues including the World Gymnastics Championships and the United States and Big Ten Track and Field Championships as well as lectured at the National Athletic Trainers Association Annual Conference and served as the Nutrition Consultant for the Chicago Sting Professional Soccer Team. |
Harvey Ussery, founder of themodernhomestead.us. Harvey and his wife Ellen have worked for more than two decades toward becoming more food-independent; and presently either produce most of their food on their own place, or purchase it face-to-face within a 30 mile radius of their home. Harvey offers his homestead as model and inspiration to others aspiring to become more food self-sufficient. He has presented on homesteading and food independence at Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture’s annual conference, and he writes on these issues for Mother Earth News, Countryside Magazine, and Backyard Poultry. |
Jean Weaver, RD is currently chapter leader for Nourishing Ways of West Michigan and has been a WAPF member since 1999. She has held positions as a clinical dietitian, Corporate Dietitian for Ford Motor Company and coordinated the implementation of their “health promotion” programs. She considers herself a recovering “diet dictocrat” and vegetarian. Jeannie is a frequent speaker on nutrition and is passionate about helping people incorporate traditional ways of cooking and eating into their daily lives. As a mother of two teenage boys she is most concerned about the plethora of misinformation and food fads that presently plague our youth. |
Donna Wild has studied, practiced, and taught herbal and natural nutritional health approaches to doctors and laymen for 23 years. She has written, published, and lectured extensively on natural restorative methods for human and animal health. As a technical consultant for doctors, she has worked for Standard Process West for the past 18 years. |
Larry Wisch has been interested in ecology and community his entire life. He received a degree in Urban Human Ecology from Antioch College 1975 and a Certificate of Horticulture from The Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in 1977, and began working as a horticulturalist and horticulture instructor. In 1980 he co-founded San Francisco’s first limited equity housing cooperative. From 1985 to 2004 he expressed his entrepreneurial spirit by starting and running two different market research companies: Larry Wisch Associates and Blarry House Research. In May of 2006 Larry celebrated the sixth anniversary of his victory over lymphatic cancer. He is also a leader in the Alive and Well HIV alternative movement. Larry’s lifelong quest for healing and wellness led him to the Weston A. Price Foundation, and in 2005 he became the San Francisco Chapter Leader.Larry grew up in the an extended community in the North Bronx The Amalgamated Cooperatives, where socialized medicine, cooperative daycare, nursery schools, and union organizing were part of his original view of the world. Chicken soup and other wonderful Jewish Eastern European smells permeated the hallways and apartments. He now lives in San Francisco with his partner Giancarlo Calabrese. |
William I. Woods is the Director of the Environmental Studies Program and a Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Kansas. His degrees are all from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee [BA (Anthropology), MA (Geography), PhD (Geography)]. He has extensive field experience in Mexico, Brazil, Belize, Belgium, Germany, and Italy, with lesser amounts of time in Argentina, Colombia, and Ireland. His research interests center on Abandoned Settlements, Anthropogenic Environmental Change, Cultural Landscapes, Soils and Sediments, Traditional Settlement-Subsistence Systems. |
Jai Yeck spent several years at the Vermont Wilderness School intensively studying earth living skills and the Art of Mentoring. Jai has taught children ages 6 to 18 using traditional native mentoring philosophy throughout her various teaching positions at the Vermont Wilderness School, The Institute for Natural Learning, and Deep Wilds Wilderness Camps. Currently Jai is starting a farm near Louisville, KY. Through her farm work Jai intends to help educate the community about the importance of local foods and provide an avenue for her community members to create their own connections with the land. |
Norman Zwagil is currently the General Manager and Senior Food Service Director for Bon Appetit at Goucher College. Since 1976, purchasing, preparing and serving great tasting food has been his passion. He has been a whole grain baker, baking magazine publisher, organic meat purveyor, organic produce distributor, natural food retailer and advisor to the Natural Food Merchandiser magazine. In 1993 he entered the restaurant industry and since then has focused on made from scratch meals. As part of his current responsibilities at Goucher he also oversees the sustainable purchasing and production programs. |