The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS), the North Carolina Farm Bureau, and the state’s dairy industry are working to repeal a 4-month-old law legalizing the distribution of raw milk through herdshare agreements. The raw milk opponents are trying to end the herdshare law in the name of food safety, before the law even has a chance to get off the ground. At the same time this is going on, reports are that government labs that test pasteurized milk for safety are refusing to test raw milk produced by herdshare farmers.
Consumer freedom of choice and the ability of dairy farmers to make a living is under attack.
1. Call and/or email Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler (919-707-3000 or; tell him to leave the herdshare law and to support raw milk farmers by allowing them to use state labs to test their milk.
2. Call and/or email your state senator and representative and ask them to keep the herdshare law intact and oppose any effort to change it.
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NC state representatives:\
NC state senators:
1. You want lawmakers and regulators to protect your freedom to obtain the food of your choice from local farms.
2. The herd share law improves the ability of both small-scale farms and Grade A dairies to make a living. For diversified farms, raw milk can be a gateway to sale of other farm products like meat, poultry, eggs, and produce.
3. The herd share law will keep more of the food dollar in the community; fewer people will go to South Carolina to get their raw milk.
4. Raw milk has a good overall track record for safety. The North Carolina Department of Agriculture can help in the production of safe raw milk by allowing raw milk producers to use state labs to test their milk.
For updates on North Carolina raw milk, go to
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susan francy says
thank you for sending this information about keeping raw milk availability legal in north carolina. i sentemails in support to all relevant parties.