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Read all of this Journal’s articles on any device, online and off.
- The HPA Axis Karen Lyke describes how our hormones control all facets of life
- A Primer on the Thyroid Dr. Ronda Nelson explains the endocrine triangle and thyroid health
- Natural Support for Hormone Balancing Kim Schuette explains why they may not be such a good idea
- Following in Dr. Price’s Footsteps Katie Williamson and Hilda Labrada Gore trace Dr. Weston Price’s journey to Peru
- President’s Message: Hormone Health
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats
- Reading Between the Lines Merinda Teller examines assaults on the thyroid
- The Wise Traditions Pantry Maureen Diaz offers tips on dealing with family illness
- Homeopathy Journal Homeopathy for the thyroid gland
- Technology As Servant John Moody reviews the chicken’s history as America’s most consumed meat
- WAPF Podcast Interview Hilda Gore talks to Lindsea Willon about the blood sugar roller coaster
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Food Features
- Legislative Updates Judith McGeary on the farm bill
- Vaccination Updates Kendall Nelson on the tragic consequences
A Campaign for Real Milk:
- The fight for raw milk in Humboldt County
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message
by Sally Fallon Morell
In this journal, we bring you articles by our main speakers in the Hormone Health series at Wise Traditions 2017.
First came Ronda Nelson, who presented a Friday all-day seminar on thyroid health. She noted that healthy thyroid function depends on support from the adrenal, pituitary and the sex glands (ovaries and testes). She talked in detail about testing for thyroid function, explaining what each facet of the test could mean. Finally, she presented suggestions on a thyroid-healthy lifestyle and diet, which—no surprise—is the Wise Traditions diet! See her article on page 25.
At the plenary session on Saturday, Karen Lyke began with a general description of the endocrine system, showing how each gland works in concert with the others to ensure conception, growth, energy, homeostasis and, finally, connection with the wider universe. Karen’s wisdom can be found on page 13.
Kim Schuette shared her experience with treating women who had been on bioidentical hormones, explaining the pitfalls of such therapy and how to nourish your body so that it makes its own hormones, in just the right amount and at just the right times. Kim shares her findings on page 30.
Lindsea Willon spoke on the role of exercise in modulating insulin resistance and inflammation. Highlights of her talk are given in the podcast interview, page 63.
For the full talks of these experts (which are much more detailed than the articles) consider ordering tapes of the conference. The order form can be found here: fleetwoodonsite.com/index.php?cPath=40#.Wi1Xej3R-pp.
Once our yearly conference is over, we take a deep breath, relax a few days, and then start planning our next conference. In 2018, we are bringing the conference back to the Mid-Atlantic region, at the beautiful Baltimore Hilton Hotel. Please note that the dates are one week later than usual—November 16-18. This is the weekend before Thanksgiving, so it’s best to make your travel plans early.
We are also looking forward to working on several important projects in the new year. One is our push to get raw milk legalized in the last seven states (see page 94), a campaign led by the very capable Pete Kennedy. Another is a research project with Dr. Martin Grootveld at the University of Leichester in the U.K. We will be looking at breakdown products in fish and fish liver oils, fat-soluble vitamins in a variety of foods, and isoflavone (estrogen) levels in egg yolks from hens fed with and without soy.
Most importantly, we will keep up our efforts to bring the message of the Wise Traditions diet to as many as possible—the next generation depends on it!
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Over the last year, I have been recovering from 4 years of work related chronic stress. After I made the decision to quit my job and move my family, my body literally fell apart. I feel like the constant state of cortisol kept me afloat. Soon after the decision, I developed eczema and severe skin rash that ended up being the result of a virus pityrias rosea. I have treated with homeopathy and have just itchy dry skin left but a newly developed food allergy to grains. Its a tenth of what it used to be.
Since then I feel much better but have been seeing a functional medicine doctor to address the abuse my endocrine system endured from the chronic stress. We are focusing on continued dietary support and supplements. In January, I was surprised to find out that I am pregnant. This changes my practitioners approach to supporting my thyroid and adrenals a bit. She said it was a good sign that I do not have trouble conceiving. I attribute this to my 8 years of healthy eating. I feel much better than I did a year ago and really want to support this pregnancy and continue to heal myself. Any advice on how to support the taxed/healing endocrine system while pregnant would be greatly appreciated.
Congratulations on your pregnancy Sarah, and on your decision to do what is needed, no matter how difficult, to relieve stress and support your and your family’s health!
It is not uncommon for, when one removes themself from a very stressful situation, to experience a crash such as this. and as you are finding, you can recover, but the process may be difficult and take time.
Rest! Do things that you enjoy with your family. Rest some more. I am sure your functional medicine doctor is saying the same thing! Ask her about taking hydrocortisone, the prescription form of cortisol. With long-term stress and other issues your adrenal glands can wear out and no longer make this important hormone, but the hydrocortisone is itself nearly identical to the natural hormone you may be lacking. It may not be safe to take during pregnancy (your unborn child may receive too much of it, and also receiving it externally may cause his or her adrenal glands to suppress production). Your doctor is certainly checking your cortisol levels (standard with thyroid and, obviously, adrenal issues) and will know whether or not your adrenals are producing it at all, and with healing, production hopefully will increase anyway.
Avoiding grains for now will reduce the strain on the adrenals, and likely allow for the healing path to continue.And don’t forget those all important saturated fats! Your adrenal glands really need that fat, for healing and function!