I want to thank WAPF for helping me two years ago when I was navigating the switch of formula for my son. Since he was adopted, he had been placed on commercial formula at birth, and remained on it for about two months, when I switched to making the homemade formula that you (and several of my friends!) recommend. The change was significant. Though he had experienced acid reflux (and did continue to do so until eight or nine months of age), he began a very healthy weight gain which continued all through his first year—at times, we were just flying through new sizes!
Now that he is two (nearly thirty months) I see the change in him compared to a lot of peers. Height is about the same, as is weight now, but he has a beautiful broad face with plenty of room for his teeth. I am biased of course, but I think he looks very healthy. The other thing is that he has hardly been ill. Aside from the reflux, he had two minor colds around age sixteen months and only recently his first fever. He responded well to home-based treatment. I am a big advocate for the homemade formula when breastfeeding is not an option, and I proudly share this with friends when needed.
Rosemary P.
Ballwin, Missouri
The homemade formula recipe saved my grandson’s life. His mom’s breast milk was not enough no matter how hard she tried—and the baby was losing weight and had extreme reflux. This formula recipe helped him make a 180° turn within a week!! Sadly, his pediatrician said it was dangerous (even though she admitted he was now thriving)!!?!
Catherine Joyce
Hancock, New Hampshire
Today is my eighty-first birthday. In between visits from family and friends and even neighbors(!), I’ve been reading our Spring 2022 Wise Traditions. I read the Letters, the Caustic Commentary, “The Great Virus Debate” and the article on the relationship between TB and our use of iron.
I’m now on page thirty-six out of the total of one hundred thirty-six pages. I just finished Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s article on the big picture of what is happening in our world.
I cannot read another word without first making out a check to my (my!) WAPF. Dr. Weston A. Price himself would be totally proud of today’s WAPF! You guys are doing a terrific job of telling it like it is.
Thank you and God bless us all!
Nyla Blair
Santa Rosa, California
Thank you for all you do! I found out about this fantastic organization in 2009. I have been embodying the principles you share since then. I’m about to have my first child at the age of forty. I couldn’t be more thrilled about how amazing this pregnancy has been so far. I have had zero negative pregnancy symptoms. I’m looking forward to the birth and raising my child with the proper nutritional principles. Much love to everyone!
Renate du Plessis
Newberry, Florida
See Baby Lucien’s photograph in the Healthy Baby Gallery, page 91.
Covid-19 is an unusual disease with unique symptoms not seen in other respiratory diseases. In particular, medical professionals have noticed that patients with shockingly low blood oxygen seem not to be aware that their tissues are oxygen-starved, showing little of the sense of panic usually associated with low blood oxygen. Such severe hypoxemia without signs of respiratory distress is also known as silent or hidden hypoxemia (Med Sci Monit 2021; 27: e930776).
Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, is a key player in the mechanism behind this phenomenon. The spike protein produced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus binds to hemoglobin, disassociates it from iron, and interferes with its ability to carry oxygen. This effect not only results in reduced oxygen levels in the blood, but also causes increased expression of heme oxygenase, an enzyme that breaks down heme to produce biliverdin and carbon monoxide (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Molecular Basis of Disease 2022; 1868(3): 166322).
Biliverdin reductase converts the biliverdin to bilirubin, a powerful antioxidant. Interestingly, carbon monoxide is an endogenous signaling gas that suppresses mitochondrial aerobic respiration, thus conserving oxygen (J Cell Sci 2006; 119: 2291-2298).
A consequence is the suppression of the build-up of carbon dioxide in the blood, the signaling gas that induces the feeling of shortness of breath, which normally happens in response to low blood oxygen. Melatonin, fluvoxamine and quercetin, all of which have shown therapeutic value in Covid-19 infection, are all able to upregulate heme oxygenase.
Because aerobic metabolism is suppressed by carbon monoxide, the body actually needs less oxygen. This is fortunate, because the lungs fill up with fluid that is formed into a viscous gel as a consequence of huge overproduction of hyaluronic acid (eLife 2020; 9: e591). Hyaluronic acid can trap one thousand times its weight in water, and its synthesis is upregulated over nine thousand-fold in association with severe Covid-19. The gelled water grossly interferes with the transfer of oxygen from the lungs into the blood.
Doctors may be mistaken thinking that a ventilator is required when they observe that blood oxygen levels are alarmingly low. It is likely that many patients with Covid-19 have been harmed by ventilators, which force oxygen into the lungs under high pressure. The pressure can actually injure the lungs, and such injury induces even greater production of hyaluronic acid, further blocking the uptake of oxygen (Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2005; 172: 92-98).
The patient must be sedated to install the ventilator, and this increases their chances of losing consciousness. It is likely often the case that a much less invasive, gentler approach of supplying excess oxygen passively via a simple apnea device or a nasal cannula (a small, flexible tube that feeds oxygen into the nostrils) would be far more beneficial to the patient.
Stephanie Seneff
Princeville, Hawaii
Editor’s Response: While we don’t agree that it is a virus causing the disassociation of iron from the hemoglobin molecule, but rather the effects of microwave poisoning, we appreciate the explanation of why ventilators are not an appropriate therapy for Covid patients.
Everyone is talking about how the kids are “so out of control” in the schools. They absolutely are. It’s sooo bad. I’m forty-six. The system will collapse before I retire from teaching. There’s no way we can continue on this trend. No way.
Not only has our government stripped all funding and resources for our most disruptive students, but major maladaptive disruptive students are also in every classroom, every grade, in every building, both poverty-stricken and middle-class. Poor diet is everywhere, therefore maladaptive behaviors are everywhere. The gaslighting toward teachers is incomprehensible. I recently got another brain-disordered student in my classroom. The special education administration kept telling me that it was academic-related and if I just “taught better” and did more “interventions,” he wouldn’t have these behaviors. These kids are just going to keep coming and it doesn’t matter where we put them, charter schools, private schools or public schools. As long as we keep the diet the way it is, nothing will change even if we change the location of the child.
I did my master’s degree in special education, but the entire program was in fact, mostly ABA (applied behavior analysis). I called one of my former professors. I tracked him down and he’s now running a behavior institute in Minnesota. This man has done nothing with his entire life but work, study, teach and write books in the field of behavior. This man cattle-prodded people in institutions in the 1970s and early 1980s. He’s tried everything. I asked him a very simple question: “Have you ever considered the possibility that nutrition might be a cause of maladaptive behaviors?” His response was a pause, a hesitation and an answer of, “Well, no.” No one is thinking that nutrition could be linked to the crisis in public education. Mark my words, it’s a crisis.
Sarah Heath
New Haven, Indiana
As a Weston A. Price member and co-chapter leader, I’ve learned many techniques over the years for raising and cooking nutrient-dense food. As my diet has shifted from sugar-based to fat-based, I’ve grown to prefer the foods I’ve learned about through WAPF. So when I travel I bring special foods with me, including raw milk, raw milk yogurt and cheese, bone broth, soaked almonds and liver paté.
Recently I’ve been experimenting with travel foods that are more stable on the road. I’ve been reducing the water and adding collagen to create a firm condensed food that won’t spill in my suitcase or take up huge amounts of space. So far this has been very successful for bone broth and chaga mushroom teas. I can bring a pint of condensed jellied broth and turn that into a gallon of the same, one cup at a time, just by adding hot water. People know that if I’m coming to visit, I’ll always have some nutrient-dense food to share.
Last month we went with our adult children on a family vacation to Wyoming. I’d been so caught up in my new broth and chaga gel experiments that I neglected to pack the rest of my foods I’ve grown accustomed to enjoying.
Once I arrived in Wyoming I immediately began asking where I could purchase raw milk. I found out that it was legal to sell, and the neighboring state Idaho even sold it in stores, but no one seemed to know who carried it or how to get it. My children, their friends and I quickly drank my broth concentrates and then we were out of our accustomed foods.
For a moment I was frustrated but then I remembered the Weston A. Price chapter leader food lists. I went to the back of my winter 2021 Wise Traditions j ournal a nd l ooked u p c hapters for Wyoming. Yes, there was a group in Buffalo, Wyoming, and Susan Pearce was the chapter leader. I sent her an email.
To my delight, a few hours later Susan contacted me with the list I needed. This sounded promising but the farms and stores were all a few hours away by car, some over mountain ranges, and we were about to have a strong blizzard. She searched some more. One of her contacts told her about a special one-time winter farmers market taking place for only three hours later that day in Jackson, the town nearest us. She assured us there would be a farmer there with raw milk. We made plans to go.
When we arrived, the market was an incredible sight, a small community of about twenty farmers with raw milk, raw cream, cheese, even skyr [a cultured dairy product], all kinds of meats, fresh juices and line-caught Alaskan salmon. There were sourdough breads, vegetables and fruits, tallow skin creams, honey and even live music. I felt like I had stumbled upon the holy grail!
We had a great afternoon and brought home lots of food for our happy crew. We met many farmers and their families, many of whom were interested in talking about local and national food laws, biodynamics and the Weston A. Price Foundation. Because we had discovered this connection to the farmers market through a chapter leader, not through the hotel or any of the locals, it felt like an underground food system in plain sight.
As my family and I ate the food the next few days, I realized how beneficial the WAPF chapters are for helping us find nutrient-dense food no matter where we are. The chapter leaders have the information. I especially want to thank Susan from the Buffalo, Wyoming, chapter for helping me to understand this.
Finally, this experience helps me better understand how to present our own food list to our community in Vermont. I’ve gained insight about the food list and who might benefit from this information. Thank you WAPF for prioritizing food lists as a primary activity of each chapter.
Leigh Merinoff, Co-Chapter Leader
West River, Vermont
I am somewhat discouraged by the emphasis WAPF is placing on the Covid virus. I think it’s great you are questioning this as you do so many other “settled science” issues, especially vaccines. But, is it the hill to die on?
I used to refer family, friends and acquaintances to WAPF all the time, especially on traditional diet issues. Now, however, with your Covid issues out front and center, your credibility is strained with potential members.
Mary Kate Pendergast
Beacon, New York
Editor’s Response: Covid and the virus question is the health issue of our time, and we would be doing our members a disservice by not focusing on the cause and treatment of this illness. However, we agree that it is time to return to our core issues of diet and health, which we have done in this current issue of Wise Traditions.
I teach kindergarten in Colorado and once in a while I use a website called GoNoodle to get kids active and moving in a fun way for indoor recess on cold days or brain breaks. I always preview videos beforehand, and I came across one that is a commercial aimed at kids for 5G! Did you know with Verizon 5G “you can do anything you can imagine”? I couldn’t believe it and felt sick! I wanted to pass this on for awareness (go to app.gonoodle.com and search, ”totally terrific fitness fantasy,” minute 5:00).
I am so very grateful for all the information you make available! It has changed our lives and I plan to share it with as many families as possible including info about 5G!
Lori Jones
Eaton, Colorado
In 2011, I bought my first iPhone. After a few months of use, I started to experience severe symptoms of EMF sensitivity. It was easy to connect my symptoms to the iPhone (which I got rid of). After the first episode, my symptoms increased to coming from other sources.
Now, ten years later, I am on the brink of not being able to work. I am unable to use a cell phone, watch television or be around almost anything that plugs into an electrical socket. It’s truly devastating. I am forced to be an outsider, unable to communicate with friends or family, unless it is in person.
A few years ago I was a vegan for a year and a half and for some time later my symptoms disappeared for about two years, but my health suffered in other ways. Since finding and following WAPF, I love everything about it in what research I have been able to do.
I have read that most EMF-sensitive people have heavy metal toxicities and one of the main sources is meat and dairy. The recommendation I have seen by many naturopaths is to cut these out of the diet. I don’t want to do this. I also wonder about our pollution levels now as opposed to when Weston A. Price was doing his research. The world was less polluted then, so accumulation of toxins was less in our animals. I have found health in the WAPF lifestyle. I don’t know whether my reduction in symptoms for those two years was due to my vegan diet or something else—or since 5G is rolling out, maybe that’s why my symptoms are coming back worse than before.
Since no one knows much about this sensitivity yet, I am lost and alone. I can’t do any research on the computer or connect with other people with the same issues. Since I know people here are familiar with this topic (some even suffering from it themselves), I feel like I can get the right advice here or even connect with people who are suffering like me. I would love to be able to write to one another so as not to feel so alone in this disease. My address is 29 North Street, Milford, MA 01757, email cadaddario23@gmail.com. I hope to hear from you! And thank you to this whole community for providing support and a place I feel like I belong!
Christine Daddario
Milford, Massachusetts
Editor’s Response: It is a shame to single out meat and dairy as a source of toxins in our diet. Of course meat and dairy produced in the conventional system will be a source of toxins, but so will every other conventional food product. We need to seek out clean food—clean meat, clean dairy foods, clean grains, clean produce—in order to eliminate exposure to toxins across the board. The saturated fats and critical nutrients in pasture-raised animal foods can help protect us against the toxin of microwave radiation.
The amount of mercury in one amalgam filling is enough to poison all of the fish in a twenty-acre lake and make them poisonous to human beings.
I have done extensive research on chelating and I have found the Andrew Cutler protocol to be the only safe way to remove mercury.
In terms of food that helps, I have found two studies showing that much more mercury is removed through the bile than through the kidneys. In one study, nine times more is removed, and in another study twenty-nine times more is removed from bile versus from the kidneys. Using this information and knowing that bile is released in quantity when we eat fats, I decided to test this theory while I was chelating.
When I am not eating butter and other fats, I get a moderate kidney pain when I am chelating. If I eat bread with a thick smear of butter with every meal, there is no pain. If I forget to eat the butter and I notice that I have kidney pain, I can eat a slice of bread with lots of butter and the pain is gone in half an hour. It is much easier for us to remove mercury and other toxins via the bile and liver than it is to remove them via the kidneys. The kidneys are just not meant to remove mercury.
Also, Andrew Cutler does not recommend using cilantro, chlorella and garlic to remove mercury. Although they are mercury mobilizers and some mercury will be removed from the body, they are not strong enough to hold on to the mercury until it is completely excreted from the body. This will cause the mercury that is released in the body to be redistributed. Where will it go? To the vital organs like the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, brain, thyroid and any other place it can find. You might be taking mercury out of the muscle tissue where it does very little harm and putting it into your brain or heart where it can do a tremendous amount of damage. I have heard of people who chelated with substances that they thought were good chelators and ended up with Alzheimers. It is not worth doing this the wrong way!
Sue Ilmberger, MNT
Chapter Leader
Denver, Colorado
Thank you so much for all the indispensable work that you do. We need to stick together now more than ever. The information I have learned over the last twenty-two years from WAPF has literally been life-saving.
Standing up for our health freedoms in the face of rampant government and industry corruption could not be more vital to preserving our way of life in this country. Thank you for always telling the truth with integrity, compassion and most of all substance! WAPF is one place that has not lost its humanity.
Erin Matica
Worthington, Massachusetts
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