Sponsored by the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation
Saturday, April 10, 2010
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Monona Terrace Community & Convention Center
Madison, Wisconsin
Followed by Reception & Dinner FundRAISER to benefit the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
$50 Early Bird Symposium Registration (until March 15, 2010)
$150 FundRAISER to support the Fund’s work in Wisconsin
Visit the Symposium Website to Register & RSVP Now www.RawMilkSymposium.org
To register by phone, call 703-208-3276
Print the flyer to pass around. http://bit.ly/ck6X1b
Please contact, Symposium Coordinator, Cathy Raymond info@farmtoconsumerfoundation.org
– Prof. Dr. Anthonie (Ton) (German biodynamic research, academics)
– Ted Beals, M.S., M.D. (medicine, pathology and microbiology)
– Wayne Craig, B.S. and Kay Craig, M.S. (producer’s perspective)
– David E. Gumpert (noted author and blogger)
– Pete Kennedy, Esq. (raw milk legal authority)
– Emily Matthews, RN (consumer’s perspective)
– Mark McAfee (entrepreneur, trail blazer)
– Sally Fallon Morell, M.A. (Founder, A Campaign for Real Milk)
– Sylvia P. Onusic Ph.D. (international raw milk perspective)
– Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq. (Wisconsin raw milk legal authority)
– Michael Schmidt (Canadian pioneer of legal cow-shares)
– Tim Wightman (American pioneer of legal cow-shares)
Wisconsin was carefully selected as the site of this year’s symposium because of the recent spate of actions taken against Wisconsin raw dairy producers and their customers. Wisconsin, as the 2nd largest dairy state in the union, and the state with the most small dairies, is a crucial state for all raw milk activists and defenders to “dig in” against the erosion of their consumer rights.
Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) through creative interpretation of law, and legislators through ill-advised legislation, want to ensure that raw milk never passes consumers’ lips – by harassing the farmers that produce it – all in the name of “public and food safety”.
That’s why this symposium, at this time, in this state is so important.
We’ll begin by hearing the personal stories of Wisconsin producers, Wayne and Kay Craig and raw milk consumer activist, Emily Matthews. Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Ted Beals will delve into the science of raw milk nutrients, microflora and benefits. Then, we’ll step back and see the role of raw milk from an international perspective with speakers from Germany and Slovenia.
German biodynamic academic researcher Prof. Dr. Ton Baars will describe his research exploring unique raw milk healing properties and Syliva Onusic, Ph.D. will illustrate what enlightened leadership in other countries are embracing on behalf of their citizen’s health. We’ll hear from the lawyer defending Wisconsin farmers, Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq., who will discuss the legal distinction between the public good and the private right which will set the stage for the grand finale.
Michael Schmidt, in a rare public appearance (outside of the Canadian courtrooms), will kick off the highlight of the symposium and introduce “Joining in the Battle for Food Rights” panel discussion, moderated by the champion of raw milk rights, revolutionary blogger David Gumpert. Panelists include Sally Fallon Morell, Pete Kennedy, Esq., Mark McAfee, Michael Schmidt, Tim Wightman, Ted Beals, M.D. and Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq.
Those that attend the FundRAISER reception and dinner following the symposium will be treated to a delicious four course meal featuring local, organic and grass-based food, and Mark McAfee at his finest, presenting a not-to-miss keynote “Raw Milk as Medicine…. Proudly Violating FDA Drug Laws’.
This is THE symposium and FundRAISER to attend this year. Your attendance is IMPORTANT and NECESSARY. Don’t think you can stay at home on Saturday, April 10th. You are needed.
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