October 8, 2013
Sponsored by: Chico State Organic Dairy Management Team (ODMT) & RAWMI
Who should attend and why?
This program is developed for raw milk dairyman, regulators, inspectors, consumers, students, and educators. You are all invited and welcome to attend the 2nd Annual RAWMI Raw Milk Training Day. At this event, you will begin the rewarding journey to learn the many aspects of the “Grass to Glass” food safety program system management for raw milk for human consumption.
What is RAWMI?
The Raw Milk Institute is a nonprofit organization, which is dedicated to the development of standards, research, and mentoring of farmers in their production of low risk safe raw milk. Visit www.rawmilkinstitute.org to learn more.
October 8th, 2013 9am-5pm
CSU Chico University Farm Pavilion
311 Nicholas C. Schouten Ln.
Chico, CA 95928
Visit website for DIRECTIONS:
Lunch: Catering will be available for approx. $10, each.
Cost: There is no charge. However we request a donation to support RAWMI and its mission of raw milk risk management and the production of safe raw milk for all raw milk producers and their wonderful healthy consumers.
Please RSVP by September 27th at contact@rawmilkinstitute.org
Agenda & Key Speakers:
> Dr. Catharina Berge, DVM, MPVM, PhD. Founding RAWMI board member, epidemiologist and zoonotic enteric disease expert, speaking on internal and external biosecurity, raw milk pathogens, and risk management.
> Dr. Bruce German PhD raw milk scientist, professor, and researcher from UC Davis. Speaking about the latest and greatest research findings on raw milk from around the world.
> Mark McAfee chairman of RAWMI. “Managing and reducing risks from “Grass to Glass”. The RAWMI low risk raw milk track record being created, and the rapidly emerging raw milk market.
RAWMI LISTED Producers Panel Discussion:
Charlotte Smith, Christine Anderson, Shawna Barr, Alice Jongerden, and Aaron McAfee will speak on their bacteria counts, RAMP plans and what they have discovered and uncovered when they established their RAMP programs and became LISTED by RAWMI.
Dr. Cindy Daley and her team will give a short tour of the Organic Dairy at Chico State.
At the completion of the day, there will be a short meeting of the CA State Small Herd Working Group members.
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