Fat Heals, Sugar Kills: The Cause of and Cure for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, and Other Metabolic Disorders
By Dr. Bruce Fife
Piccadilly Books
Another great book by Dr. Bruce Fife! With so much already written about fat and sugar, you may think you already know everything there is to know about both. If you think that, I respectfully say: wrong. Fife’s past books have focused primarily on the profound efficacy of coconut oil. This book is different, offering an insightful discussion of good fats (with coconut oil being just one) as the gateway to avoiding refined sugar’s disastrous effects. Discussion of fats and sugars in the same book was long overdue.
If perchance you are a holistic practitioner with clients who come to you with symptoms of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, joint issues, allergies and many other common disorders, you should purchase this book in quantity and make it available to them. I recommend it especially for new clients who need an easy read that educates them on why the wrong fats and refined sugars are making them so sick.
Written in easy-to-understand language that even a high school student can comprehend, Fife details some fascinating facts about the astronomical amount of refined sugar we consume without realizing it. The same goes for the bad fats that are highly damaging to our heart, arteries and overall health. This book is truly a wake-up call for both young and old.
Fife details why fats—and saturated fat in particular—are essential for good health, describing their role in regulating immune function, inflammation response, digestive function, insulin sensitivity, healthy brain function and sympathetic nervous system activity, among other functions. He also shares case studies of individuals who discovered the right fats and eliminated refined sugar, illustrating why lowfat diets are killing us. He discusses Weston Price and traditional diets, explaining why the right fats are a superfood and energy source and showing why eating more fat and avoiding refined carbs is the secret to maintaining a normal weight.
This book provides a whole new outlook on the importance of good fats in our diet. I especially loved its accordance with the diet philosophy of the Weston A. Price Foundation. This book deserves a place on your personal or office bookshelf and would make a great gift for those who are struggling with health issues and have no idea where to even begin.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2019
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