In a disturbing study published in JAMA Pediatrics (2014;168(4):313-320), researchers at the University of Aarhus in Denmark found a strong correlation between acetaminophen (found in common pain killers like Tylenol) use among pregnant women and the rate of ADHD in their children. Overall, moms who used the pain reliever to treat headaches or to reduce fevers saw a 37 percent increased risk in their children receiving an ADHD diagnosis and a 29 percent increased risk in the chances their children received ADHD medications compared with moms who didn’t use the medication at all. Even after the team accounted for other factors, the link remained strong. The findings are especially troubling since more than sixty-four thousand women in the study reported using acetaminophen in the three months prior to the survey. Higher acetaminophen use among others was linked to higher rates of ADHD in their children. Scientists speculate that hormone disruptions in utero, triggered by acetaminophen, may cause enough imbalance in the brain to make certain children more vulnerable to autism or hyperactivity later in life.
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Or an imbalance in hormones due to other environmental factors leads to women having headaches and the fetus to be more succeptible to ADHD. Or women who are more uptight and therefore likely to stress about their kids until they get an ADHD diagnosis are less likely to tolerate aches and pains during pregnancy so they take more Tylenol.
Everybody needs to stop imply causality with epidemiological studies.
Where are the links to this study? It would be helpful to corroborate your argument.
Here is the link you requested:
I did not take medication while pregnant. My child is unvaccinated. He does not consume dairy or gluten and was raised on WAPF principles. He is autistic. We do not have this thing figured out, sorry. What’s most likely the problem is mothers who have MTHFR defects and take tylenol are further depleted their glutathione stores and really messing with their methylation process. Genes have a larger role.
First, I am very sorry to hear that any child has autism.
I am an organic farmer, but in the US, we put over a billion pounds of pesticide on our land each and every year. No matter what we eat we cannot escape it completely. Buy organic when you can and help clean agriculure to grow.
Source: EPA estimates based on USDA/NASS and EPA proprietary data.