Chapters are required to file a chapter report annually. It is due February 28, 2025
If we do not receive your report within the reporting period, we will assume you are no longer active and will remove you from the Local Chapter list. If you have any questions, please let us know.
File report online – Online Chapter Report 2024.
You can use this printable file – Chapter Report 2024.
Now is a good time for your chapter to restock supplies. You may use this form to order materials for your chapter:
Chapter leader order form (PDF 79KB)
You can also submit your chapter report by email, mail or fax. Please use the printable version above and send it by email to, fax (571) 777-8932 or mail WAPF 4200 Wisconsin Ave, NW #106-380 Washington DC 20016.
Thank you for your generosity in serving the people in your area!
🖨️ Print post
Thanks for all you do at WAPF.
I am afraid I am not a very active Chapter leader. I think of myself as the local contact person for WAPF. A few people ring up and chat. They mostly already know where to find organic and local food – there is not a lot of choice in Bendigo. I always encourage a grow your own philosophy. and in Australia there is a fair bit of interest in this with an excellent weekly gardening program on TV, magazines and school kitchen gardens.
Raw milk is not (legally) obtainable. Luckily my family and I have our own house cows and the knowledge to keep them healthy.
Joe, we all do what we can and work with what we have available to us; thank you! Please don’t feel like it isn’t enough, but if you ever wish to hold a table at a fair or some such thing, we can help you with that if you let us know.
Thank you,
Hi Maureen, I might have missed the first call but just read an email dated March 7th 24 which is demanding my annual report by February 18th 2024 . I am not sure if this means me, dont know when I became a chapter leader but it was only 4 months ago?
Hi Bee,
From our records it looks like we started your chapter in May last year. You can submit a report here –
Hello Joy! Im feeling the same. I have had zero enquires fro local producers of good food through WAPF. Im in WA. I wonder if you know of any organic dairy farms in the Bright area of Victoria? Have a son there wanting to make kefir
Chapter leader meeting on Thursday
Thank you from Southern Tasmania, Australia! I just tried to order some new materials however the link above is showing an error- thanks so much again, Jillaine
For everyone:
Raw milk in Australia is legally available – raw goats milk and some states have cows too.
Ive just asked for thoughts about the library’s each Chapter leader accumulates here in Australia, what happens when people leave this earth??? in my case Ive built a large library in the last 20 years and will be only 80 in 2022
can we, in each state of Australia, have some one, who maybe holds the library for say five years, then it moves on to the next younger excited and brilliant chapter leader.
love to have you thoughts
Sounds sensible to me James! When you say library, do you mean of back issues of WAPF magazine, or books on health and regenerative farming in general? My house is groaning with books for when we no longer have the internet! Im in WA and 20 years your junior.