Want to start a local chapter?
Basic Requirements
- To create a Food Resource List for milk products from pasture-fed livestock (preferably raw), pasture-fed eggs and livestock and properly produced whole foods in the local area.
- Provide a contact phone number to be listed on the website and in our quarterly magazine.
- Provide Weston A. Price Foundation materials to inquirers, and make available as appropriate in local health food stores, libraries and service organizations and to health care practitioners.
- Provide a yearly report of your local chapter activities.
- Be a member in good standing in the Weston A. Price Foundation.
- Sign a contract on the use of the Weston A. Price Foundation name and trademark.
- Read the Chapter Handbook.
Optional Activities
- Maintain a list of local health care practitioners who support the Foundation’s teachings regarding diet and health
- Represent the Foundation at local conferences and fairs.
- Organize social gatherings, such as support groups and pot luck dinners, to present the Weston A. Price Foundation philosophy and materials.
- Present seminars, workshops and/or cooking classes featuring speakers from the Weston A. Price Foundation, or local speakers who support the Foundation’s goals and philosophy.
- Represent the Weston A. Price Foundation philosophy and goals to local media governments and lawmakers.
- Lobby for the elimination of laws that restrict access to locally produced and processed food (such as pasteurization laws) or that limit health freedoms in any way.
- Publish a simple newsletter containing information and announcements for local chapter members
- Work with schools to provide curriculum materials and training for classes in human development and home economics.
- Help the Foundation find outlets for the sale of its quarterly magazine.
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