We have received approval from several organizations for continuing education units for health professionals at Wise Traditions 2009.
CHIROPRACTORS (DCs): Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; Board of Chiropractic Examiners: Approval received for 15.8 CEUs. (This is reciprocal in some states, please check with your state.)
NUTRITIONISTS: National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP): 15.8 Category I CEUs. NANP requires only that their member get the Certificate of Attendance, which costs $5.
NURSING: This continuing nursing education activity is approved by the Maryland Nurses Association an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC), most states accept this. 15.8 contact hours.
ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE THERAPISTS: National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM): approved for 15.5 PDA points.
REGISTERED DIETITIANS (RD): Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR): application submitted; approval pending
When registering for the conference, you can register for CEUs. The cost for CEUs is $25 per day or $65 for the full three days.
For further information visit http://westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/ceus.html
If you have questions, please send them to Kathy, Director of Continuing Education at info@westonaprice.org
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Tenth International Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation
Friday, November 13 – Saturday, November 14 – Sunday, November 15
Plus special activities Monday November 16
Our First Mid West Conference!
Schaumburg, Illinois (near Chicago)
A Showcase for Delicious Traditional Food.
A Unique Opportunity for Health Professionals and
Laymen interested in Diet and Health.
WAPF Members Networking, Friendship and Fun
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Radical Medicine
Traditional Diets
Healing with Traditional Foods
Holistic Cancer Therapies
Natural Plant Toxins
Pasture-Based Farming
Direct Farm-to-Consumer Sales
WAPF Lifestyle and Economics
Traditional Food Preparation
Live Blood Cell Analysis
Spacial Dynamics
Dan Barber, master chef
Ted Beals, MD, raw milk expert
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author of Gut & Psychology Syndrome
Meg Cattell, DVM, grass-based farmer
Thomas Cowan, MD, author of Fourfold Path to Healing
Karl Dallefeld, Prairie Creek Cattle Company
Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of the Whole Soy Story
Charles Eisenstein, author of the Yoga of Eating
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, holistic cancer expert
David Gumpert, author of The Raw Milk Revolution
Scott Gryzbek, CEO, Zukay Live Foods
Sarah Hearn, E. F. Schumacher Society local currency expert
Steve Heyer, alternative energy on the farm
Anore Jones, author of The Fish We Eat
Pete Kennedy, Esq., President, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Amanda Love, The Barefoot Cook
Chris Masterjohn, expert on fat-soluble vitamins
Jaimen McMillan, Spacial Dynamics
John Moody, founder of Whole Life Buying Club
Mary Newport, MD, on coconut oil for Alzheimer’s
Kathy Pirtle, author of Performance without Pain
Gerald Pollack, PhD, author of Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life
Stephanie Rivers on healthy school lunches
Beverly Rubik, PhD, author of Life at the Edge of Science
R. J. Ruppenthal, author of Fresh Food from Small Spaces
Anne Sergeant, PhD, on budgeting for nutrient-dense food
William Shaw, PhD, Director, Great Plains Laboratory
Garrett Smith, NMD, expert on nightshades
Kim Thompson, movement educator
Jennette Turner, author of Cooking with Jennette
John Turner, DC, CCSP, DIBCN, sports physician
Tim Wightman, author of the Raw Milk Handbook
Louisa Williams, ND, author of Radical Medicine
Will Winter, DVM, journalist and lecturer on sustainable agriculture
The conference will be held at the beautiful Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois Friday, November 13 through Sunday, November 15 (with additional activities held Monday, November 16).
To make your hotel reservations, please contact the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL at 1-800-228-9290 or 1-866-204-0549.
– The rate for occupancy is $139.00 per night, plus applicable taxes.
– There is no additional charge for double, triple or quadruple occupancy.
– There is no fee for parking.
– Be sure to mention the code “WISWISA” to receive the discounted rate.
– All rooms have mini-refrigerators.
You may make your hotel reservation online by clicking here http://cwp.marriott.com/chirs/wisetraditions/ or cutting and pasting this address into your browser.
Should you have any difficulty making your hotel reservations, please contact the meeting registrar at (304) 724-3006.
Monday activities include the annual chapter leaders meeting with Sally Fallon Morell, a farm tour with Kathy Kramer, a Spacial Dynamics workshop with Jaimen McMillan and cooking classes with Jeanette Turner and Stephanie Rivers.
Additional fees apply for the farm tour, cooking classes and Spacial Dynamics workshop. Space for the farm tour, Spacial Dynamics workshop and the cooking classes is extremely limited so be sure to sign up for the Monday activity of your choice when you register for the conference.
For details on Monday activities, go to http://westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/schedule.html.
The Wise Traditions Conference is pleased to provide a children’s program for this year’s meeting. $100 per child, includes lunch. Children 3 – 12 who are potty trained are welcome to Wise Traditions 2009 as long as they are enrolled in our children’s program. For the sake of other conference attendees, we ask that parents refrain from bringing children to the conference sessions.
Please note: We will serve nourishing traditional food (including fruit and natural sweeteners) but we cannot cater to special diets in the children’s program. There may be casein and gluten in the children’s lunches and snacks. Parents will need to supply their own food if their children are on special diets.
New this year: A special room has been set aside for mothers of infants who want to attend the conference. There will be a live audio feed from one of the sessions to that room throughout the day’s events. There will be no child care provided for infants and children under age 3.
As always, the conference will feature delicious traditional foods. To view the menus, visit http://westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/menus.html. (Menus are subject to change without notice.)
This year, for the first time, we will also provide gluten-free, casein-free alternative meals. Participants requiring gluten-free or casein-free meals will be served in a separate buffet with the exception of the Saturday banquet which is GF/CF with sauces served on the side. If you wish to have this option, please select the GF/CF option on your registration form.
The conference is a great place to showcase your nutrient dense foods.
View the menus http://www.westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/menus.html and read the many benefits including links to your website from the menu or recipe pages listed here. http://www.westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/food-donation-barter.html
TO REGISTER, Visit https://www.ptfassociates.com/secure/wisetraditions/2009registration.htm or call (304) 724-3006.
Connect with other conference attendees using the Room Share/Ride Share Forum: https://www.ptfassociates.com/secure/wisetraditions/forum/default.asp
POSTER PRESENTATION: Submissions of abstracts for poster presentations from health professionals on a broad range of topics relating food and nutrition to health are welcome. Contact info@westonaprice.org for further information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, Visit http://www.westonaprice.org/conferences-archive/2009-conference/ or call (304) 724-3006.
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Please make available, and easy to sign up, continuing hours for registered nurses via on-line courses and seminars.