John Cannell, MD, is President of the Vitamin D Council, Inc., and a practicing forensic psychiatrist in Atascadero, California. He has written numerous articles on both vitamin D and psychiatry. Learn more about his work at
Tom Cowan, MD, graduated magna cum laude from Duke University in 1977, served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Swaziland from 1977-1980 and graduated from Michigan State medical school in 1984. Cowan has provided holistic medical care in his private practice from 1985 to present. He is the past vice president of the Physician’s Association for Anthroposophical Medicine and founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He is the author of The Fourfold Path to Healing (read more at
Katherine Czapp was raised on a three-generation, self-sufficient mixed family farm in rural Michigan. After studying Russian language and literature at the University of Michigan, she is gratified to discover that the skills and experiences of her anachronistic upbringing are useful tools in the 21st century. She works independently as an organic gardener and freelance copy editor. She and her husband Garrick live the slow life in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
John Dommisse, MD, is a physician in private practice in Tucson, Arizona, who does phone consultations worldside. He has written extensively on the role of vitamin B12 as it relates to neurological and psychological disorcers.
Charles Eisenstein, BA, teaches in the Department of Science, Technology, and Society at Penn State University, and is the author of The Yoga of Eating: Transcending Diets and Dogmas to Nourish the Natural Self.
John Eisenstein worked as a professional brewer before turning to agriculture. He currently ferments and farms in Juniata County, Pennsylvania.
Mary G. Enig, PhD, an expert of world renown in the field of lipid chemistry, has brought scientific and media attention to the adverse health effects of trans fatty acids found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. She is a licensed nutritionist, vice-president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, fellow of the American College of Nutrition and president of the Maryland Nutritionists Association. She is the author of Know Your Fats, a primer on the biochemistry of dietary fats. Visit her website at
Carol Esche, RN, ND, MA, CNA, is a nurse executive with extensive background in teaching at the college level and working in acute-care hospitals. She is a frequent public speaker, writes for both professional publications and the general public, and has been interviewed on television. Always a patient advocate, Dr. Esche works to enhance the quality of patient care in the hospital setting.
Dina Falconi is a practicing clinical herbalist, gardener, mother, and dancer with a strong focus on food activism and nutritional healing. She is the author of Earthly Bodies & Heavenly Hair, owner of Falcon Formulations, a natural body care product business, and co-creator of Earthly Extracts, a line of medicinal tinctures. She offers workshops and consultations throughout the Northeast.
Sally Fallon, MA, is the author of Nourishing Traditions and president of The Weston A. Price Foundation. Her interest in the subject of diet and human health began in the 1970s when she read Nutrition & Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price. Her experience in applying Dr. Price’s findings to the feeding of her own family, and her work with Dr. Mary Enig, led her to write the best-selling nutritional cookbook Nourishing Traditions.
Thomas Forster serves as Policy Director for the Community Food Security Coalition, a national organization with over 325 members. Building on precedents set in the Farm Bill, he worked closely with advocates and Congressional offices to authorize “Farm to Cafeteria” in 2004, the first federal policy supporting local purchase of foods by institutions participating in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. In the late 1990s Thomas developed the first USDA-inspected mobile livestock processing unit for multiple domestic species and now works with goverment agencies and consumer groups to increase institutional market access (such as schools, colleges and hospitals) to small and family farms in the Northwest.
Garrick Ginzburg-Voskov has a hereditary knack for foment and ferment, following in the colorful tradition of follow St. Petersburgers. Having earned a masters in military mechanical engineering in Leningrad in 1957, but with an unpopular interest in eastern philosophies, Garrick found himself ejected from one empire to another in the late 1970s. Garrick is now retired from a series of brief careers in the US, and is a full-time home baker with an abiding fascination in the alchemy of ancient sourdough techniques of village bakers and wood-fired ovens of France, Russia and Germany.
Sandor Ellix Katz is the author of Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods. A self-taught experimentalist, his fermentation explorations grew out of overlapping interests in gardening, nutrition and the culinary arts. Sandor’s website,, has a fermentation Q & A and links to many fermentation-related information resources. Sandor is at work on a book about underground and activist food movements, inspired in large part by the grassroots network of WAPF chapters.
Joel Kaufmann, PhD, is a Professor of Chemistry Emeritus with degrees from Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and MIT. His experience includes about 10 years of exploratory drug development and 4 years of research on synthesis of potential anticancer drugsunder contract with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and anti-radiation drugs for Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Before this Professor Kauffman worked 11 years in various chemical industries, working on plastics additives, adhesives and scintillation fluors. He has published about 70 peer-reviewed publications and has 10 patents.
Pete Kennedy is an attorney from Sarasota, Florida. He compiled the state milk laws posted at He advises many farmers and members about legal issues surrounding raw milk.
Michael Goldman, DDS, has been in private practice for approximately 35 years. His practice reflects his interests in dental homeopathy, sleep disorders, cosmetic dentistry and metal free dentistry. Through his website,, Dr. Goldman educates the consumer about these and other topics.
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, graduated from Brown University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude and received his medical degree from Cornell University in 1983. He has been treating cancer with nutrition since 1987 in New York City. Dr. Gonzalez has an NCI – NCCAM trial underway at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center treating pancreatic cancer using his nutritional program.
Peter Langsjoen, MD, is a practicing cardiologist in Tyler, Texas. Since 1985, he has devoted his career to the study of the nutrient CoQ10 and has published numerous papers on the clinical adverse consequences of statin drug-induced CoQ10 deficiency. Dr Langsjoen is a founding member of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association, founding member of the Network of Cholesterol Skeptics and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology.
Mark McAfee is president of Organic Pastures Dairy Company, established in 1999 to supply organic raw milk to consumers in California. He developed andimplemented the first mobile Grade A milking barn, allowing cows to be milked in the pasture. Mark has worked closely with government officials and university researchers to demonstrate the superior safety of raw milk.
Penti J Nupponen, DDS, is a practicing dentist in Halifax, Pennsylvania. He has been active in providing education on biologic and high-tech dentistry to patients and to other practioners. He is a master of the Academy of General Dentistry and an active member of several dental societies including the American Dental Association.
Kathy Ozer is the Executive Director of the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC), a coalition of over 35 family farm and rural advocacy organizations, since 1993. Kathy represents NFFC on national boards and steering committees including the National Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture, Community Food Security Coalition, Citizens Trade Campaign and Jobs with Justice. Kathy has been directly involved with farm, food, and rural development policy since the late 1980’s working on the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987, Farm Bills in 1990, 1996, and 2002, and the annual budget and appropriations process that shapes the programs on the ground for farmers and consumers. She has represented NFFC at the WTO in Seattle and Cancun.
Lorette Picciano is Executive Director of the Rural Coalition/Coalición Rural, an alliance of more than 80 regionally and culturally diverse community based organizations representing small farmers, farmworkers and poor rural communities in the US and Mexico. Picciano works with a diverse community-based Board of Directors to develop the vision, goals and leadership of the organization in its mission to promote just and sustainable development in rural areas. In recent years, the Coalition has focused on US advocacy in several major areas: assuring equal access to the programs of the US Department of Agriculture, promoting international solidarity and fair agriculture and trade policy.
Bill Sanda, BS, MBA, serves as Executive Director of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He has been instrumental in bringing awareness of the Foundation’s work to legislators, government officials and like-minded community groups throughout the US.
Barbara Sattler, RN, DrPH, is Director of the Environmental Health Education Center at the University of Maryland School of Nursing andthe principle investigator and co-investigator on several projects on environmental health and schools, safe drinking water, and human health risks associated with hazardous waste. She is the author of Environmental Health and Nursing and manages a website for nursing and the environment: Dr. Sattler is a registered nurse with both a master’s and doctorate degrees in Public Health from the John Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health.
Ron Schmid, ND, naturopathic physician, writer, teacher, and farmer, has prescribed raw milk for his patients for nearly 25 years. Dr. Schmid is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and has taught at all four of America’s naturopathic medical schools. He served as the former clinic director and chief medical officer at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. He is the author of Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine and The Untold Story of Milk.
Raymond Silkman, DDS, has been studying functional orthodontic courses and treatment modalities since his graduation from USC in 1991 and has used and incorporated a multifunctional approach to cranial/dental mal-development using such other modalities as cranial/sacral osteaopathy and S.O.T. chiropractic approaches. Nutritional support is a must for all of his treatment cases and he also works closely with other alternative health care providers. Currently he maintains a private biologically based practice in Brentwood, CA.
Katie Singer is the author of The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting Your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy–Naturally–and to Gauge Reproductive Health. A contributor to Our Bodies, Ourselves 2005, she has also published articles in Alternative Therapies and Mothering Magazine. Her novel, The Wholeness of a Broken Heart, was a selection of Barnes & Noble’s Discover Great New Writers Program, and has been translated into three languages.
Noel Solomons, MD, received his medical education at Harvard University. He has published numerous articles on the role of vitamin A in human nutrition and the conversion of plant precursors into true vitamin A. He currently serves as director of CeSSIAM, International Nutrition Foundation, Inc. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the prestigious Kellogg Prize in International Nutrition.
James S. Turner, partner, Swankin and Turner (S&T), 33-year-old Washington DC consumer interest law firm. Original Nader’s Raider, author of two best selling books The Chemical Feast: The Nader Report on Food Regulation at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Grossman 1970, Penguin 1977) and Making Your Own Baby Food (Workman 1974, 77, Bantam 1978), and several law journal and popular articles. Successfully lobbied Congress for passage of the Organic Food Production Act of 1990; led legal team that persuaded FDA to legalize acupuncture needles in 1996; Chair of Citizens For Health, a consumer group that generated over one million letters to Congress, gaining passage of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Served as member of the U.S. delegation to Codex Alimentarius Commission Rome 2005.
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