The Wise Traditions Conference is pleased to provide a children’s program for this year’s meeting. $100 per child, includes lunch. Children 3 – 12 who are potty trained are welcome to Wise Traditions 2009 as long as they are enrolled in our children’s program. For the sake of other conference attendees, we ask that parents refrain from bringing children to the conference sessions.
New this year: A special room has been set aside for mothers of infants who want to attend the conference. There will be a live audio feed from one of the sessions to that room throughout the day’s events. There will be no child care provided for infants and children under age 3.
Friday November 13: Who was Weston A. Price?
Crafts: conference name tags, tote bags, begin conference journals
Special guest speakers:
Kim Thompson – yoga
Judy Mudrak – presentation about a Swiss girl named Heidi and raw milk
AM snack – nut butter on celery stalks
PM snack – cinnamon butter / honey bread
Friday Evening – Movie Night – *No dinner will be served. We will be serving popcorn as a snack during the movies.
Saturday November 14: Where Does Our Food Come From?
Crafts: play dough, musical instruments, party hats
Special guest speakers:
Alethea Snurr – modern dance
TBA – music and song
AM snack – sprouted wheat and cheese quesadillas
PM snack – fruit salad
Saturday Evening – Dance and Party – *No dinner will be served. We will be serving conference cheesecake.
Sunday November 15: Living With Less Waste
Crafts: Finish conference journals, chalk, egg ornaments, egg painting
Special guest speakers:
Sally Fallon Morell – Meat, Cheese & Eggs
Amanda Love – Kid Friendly Cooking and Snacks
AM snack – deviled eggs with bacon
PM snack – trail mix
All youth in attendance will participate by assisting with snack preparation. Program content and snack/meals are subject to change without prior notification.
Children’s Lunch Menus
Please note: We will serve nourishing traditional food (including fruit and natural sweeteners) but we cannot cater to special diets in the children’s program. There may be casein and gluten in the children’s lunches and snacks. Parents will need to supply their own food if their children are on special diets. Menus are subject to change without notice.
See the children’s program menus on the main menus page.