Back in February, the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed H.B. 1246 to address consulting with the CDC and other entities on tracking and other measures for respiratory illnesses.
This week, the Senate passed a heavily amended version of the bill to address COVID –including allowing pharmacists and pharmacy interns the ability to administer COVID vaccines.
It is bad enough that COVID vaccine developers have been given permission to rush their vaccines to market without testing in animals – and have also been given complete indemnity if their vaccines cause harm.
All previous coronavirus vaccines in vaccine trials have shown significant harmful side effects, and there is every reason to expect that a fast-tracked COVID vaccine would as well.
In fact, healthy 2020 trial volunteers have experienced serious side effects from COVID vaccines, yet the media is not reporting this fact. For example, 20 percent of those in the high dose group of Moderna’s recent vaccine trails experienced a “serious” vaccine reaction that required hospitalization or medical intervention.
Pharmacists are not qualified to recognize or handle serious adverse vaccine reactions, nor are they likely to have full knowledge of patient or family history. They should not be administering what is almost certain to be a high-risk vaccine.
This bill could pass in a matter of hours or days. Please act now!
Contact your Representatives and urge them to seek a Conference Committee to take out the pharmacist provision of this bill. You can look up who represents you at:
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I live in (town). I am calling to ask Representative____ to OPPOSE the Senate amendments to H.B. 1246, specifically the provision that allows pharmacists to administer COVID vaccines.
The vaccine doesn’t even exist yet. And given how it is being fast-tracked, with many of the normal procedures sidestepped, it is all too likely to pose unknown risks when it first comes to the market. The early vaccine trials have already reported high rates of side effects even in the healthy volunteers.
People need to be in a doctor’s care for medical procedures. Vaccines may have serious side effects, which pharmacists are not qualified to recognize or treat.
As recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court – and evidenced by the $4 billion that has been paid by the federal government to victims – vaccines can injure and kill an individual.
I urge you to do everything in your power to prevent H.B. 1246 from passing in the House as amended.”
Talking Points:
Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.
- Federal law recognizes vaccines kill and disable some recipients. These risks depend on a person’s medical history and family history. Pharmacists do not have knowledge of, nor the time to learn about, a person’s medical history. This is dangerous.
- Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm. Pharmacists are not equipped to recognize, nor handle serious adverse reactions.
- The US Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The US government has paid out nearly $4 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination. Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death, additionally, no one knows in advance who will be harmed by a vaccine. It is careless to permit pharmacists to administer a product that carries such risks.
- COVID vaccines have NOT been proven effective or safe to date and we do not know whom they will be targeted for or who should not receive it. This bill is premature.
- Fast-tracked vaccines bypass critical safety testing and have proved dangerous in the past.
- COVID vaccine trial volunteers are reporting very serious illnesses.
View the Senate version of the bill here:
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