Natural Dairy Products Corporation (NDP), an organic dairy products cooperative located in West Grove, Pennsylvania, is seeking investors for a marketing program to increase consumer awareness about the benefits of grass-based dairy products. Founded in 1995, the company is dedicated to the principles of organic, grass-based dairy production, selling organic milk and dairy products to customers throughout the United States under the Natural By Nature brand name.
Natural By Nature is one of the few retail brands of milk that the Weston A. Price Foundation recommends and is the only brand name in the country that can claim a true commitment to pasture-based dairy production. Furthermore, Natural By Nature milk is pasteurized only, not ultra-pasteurized.
Unfortunately, ultra-pasteurized organic milk has taken over the organic milk market. Ultra-pasteurization of organic milk is a big step in the wrong direction. In essence, it represents two incompatible forces at work. First, a farmer goes to the effort to make a better, more natural product, and then, the process of ultra-pasteurization reduces that product to a virtually sterile, essentially worthless liquid. It is somewhat like going to the effort to build a Mercedes and then turning it into a moped. Yet large chain stores love ultra pasteurized milk because it can last in a carton for over two months. So, the milk-drinking consumer is completely compromised for the convenience of the retailer. This is the problem that has plagued NDP for several years. Although we have had many successes in getting our fresh organic grass fed milk to consumers, we have also had many disappointments because we do not offer an ultra-pasteurized product. Often a dairy buyer will dismiss our product only because it is not ultra-pasteurized. This decision is wrongly based on the idea that the long shelf life of ultra-pasteurized helps their bottom line. Since NDP delivers three fresh date codes per week, this is not a valid assumption. Yet, this type of reasoning continues to be pervasive throughout the industry.
NDP produces a superior product. There is no doubt that this fact will be recognized in the future. In the meantime, we continue to struggle against the prejudice for ultra-pasteurized milk. NDP would welcome investment at this point in time, because the process of education about grass fed, fresh organic milk is one that will take money to overcome. Being a small company, marketing milk for a small cooperative means many benefits for consumers and participating farmers but we lack funds to promote and educate consumers about the benefits of our product.
NDP founders Norman and Ned MacArthur, both farmers, founded NDP on a model of mutual respect and trust between milk processor and dairy farmer. The company pays a generous and fair price to its participating farmers. This commitment to mutual respect has developed into a unique relationship. A member of the farmers’ cooperative (LOFCO) sits on the NDP Board of Directors. Ned is often invited to participate in LOFCO Board meetings. This open communication has resulted in a unified effort between NDP and LOFCO to produce and market the best milk possible.
Anyone interested in such an investment, or in learning more about what we do at NDP can contact Ned MacArthur at Natural Dairy Products Corp. The phone number is (610) 268-6962 and the email contact is NPDC (at) . The mailing address is PO Box 464, West Grove, PA. 19390.
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