Wise Traditions, Volume 6, Number 3
- The ABC’s of Nutrition: The Right Price, Sally Fallon on the work of Weston A. Price
- Cod Liver Oil:
- Cod Liver Oil Manufacture, David Wetzel provides a first hand report
- Yin and Yang of Cod Liver Oil, Leslie McGee gives an eastern perspective
- Environmental Toxins: Dioxins in Animal Foods, Chris Masterjohn analyzes the current situation
- Health issues: The Blood Moon, Jessica Prentice discusses the paradox of death in life
- President’s Message: On Track
- Letters: Letters to the Editor of Wise Traditions
- Caustic Commentary: Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD take on the Diet Dictocrats
- Foundation Update: Bill Sanda on recent happenings and our new library
- Ask the Doctor: Tom Cowan on lung disease
- All Thumbs Book Reviews
- Thumbs Down: Body by God by Ben Lerner
- Food Feature: Jim Earles on Rocky Mountain oysters
- Soy Alert: Kaayla Daniel discusses the latest developments
- A Campaign for Real Milk (on realmilk.com): Will Winter’s adventures at a land grant state university
- Healthy Baby Gallery: More healthy Wise Traditions babies!
President’s Message: On Track
by Sally Fallon
It is a pleasure to bring you our 23rd issue of Wise Traditions, dedicated to the work of Weston A. Price. Our lead article, “The Right Price,” is one I have wanted to write for a long time, as I have been keeping a file of information on his life and work for many years. You’ll be introduced to some fascinating glimpses into his life and some of his more obscure papers, both published and unpublished. I think it is interesting that Price wrote commentary on some of the new nutritional fads of his day, dietary notions that still have many supporters—high alkaline diets, food combining and vegetarianism.
Many authors of books on diet and health refer to Dr. Price’s work in order to legitimize the particular theory they present. His name has been invoked in books on macrobiotics, juice fasts, metabolic typing, high-carb, low-carb, all-raw and even conventional lowfat nutrition. With the advent of anti-cholesterol and anti-saturated-fat propaganda, nutrition commentators have struggled to fit Price’s findings into the lipid hypothesis paradigm, resulting in many inaccurate ideas about his findings.
To stay on track and to ensure the integrity of Price’s conclusions, we must always remember his emphasis on nutrient density—high levels of minerals and vitamins in healthy traditional diets, especially the fat-soluble activators, namely vitamins A and D and Activator X. The common denominator in healthy diets is high levels of these nutrients from seafood, especially shellfish, fish eggs and fish liver oils, and certain animal fats—butterfat, egg yolks, organ meats—from animals outside in the sunlight (to ensure high levels of vitamin D) and eating green grass (to ensure high levels of vitamin A and Activator X). Almost any whole foods diet can work if levels of these activators are optimized.
Other articles in this issue are aimed at answering some of the most frequent questions regarding Price and his work—the benefits and potential problems with cod liver oil, dioxins in animal fats, and the ethical questions associated with eating meat.
As Thanksgiving nears, we look back with pride and thankfulness about our efforts to make Dr. Price’s work known to the millions. Our new office and dedicated staff, our wonderful chapters, our new library, our 6th annual conference, translations of our materials, the popularity of our brochures and flyers, the increasing availability of raw milk, a growing awareness of the dangers of soy, and our rapidly increasing membership all tell us that the world is ready for his message. A special thank you to Kaayla Daniel and Bill Sanda for their dedication and tenacity in protesting the Solae petition for a cancer health claim for soy. Thanks to their efforts, Solae has withdrawn their petition.
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Amy Smoker says
This is not a reply to this article, but I am looking for articles that discuss the findings of Dr. Price’s research with rabbits. Specifically, have these studies been replicated since then in validating the various diseases that are produced in the body as a result of poor oral health?
Thank you for any articles you can direct me to.