We just got word that the House is expected to vote on the bill that would put the Trans-Pacific Partnership on the fast track to approval as early as this Friday.
We need to stop this before it goes any further! Please call your U.S. Representative at 888-804-8311 and urge him or her to vote NO on Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Fast Track would allow dangerous trade agreements like the TPP to be rushed through Congress, circumventing ordinary review, amendment and debate procedures. It is a virtual rubber-stamp for trade deals that threaten our economy, environment, and even our basic sovereignty.
Your calls are making a difference! Some Congressional offices have reported receiving calls 200-to-1 against Fast Track, and that public outcry has moved votes our way. But members of Congress are under tremendous pressure from corporate lobbyists and the White House to sell out their constituents. We must keep up the pressure at this critical time.
Like all past trade deals, the TPP would create a global race to the bottom, sending jobs where work can be done cheaply and under weak environmental oversight. It’s even worse than previous agreements because it also includes a key provision that would allow foreign companies to sue the U.S. over laws that they claim would hurt their profits — like Buy Local preferences or labeling GMOs. Federal, state and local laws could be struck down by international courts in the name of corporate profits!
With the Fast Track bill, Congress is being asked to green light a trade deal that the public hasn’t even been allowed to read.
Please help us protect our economy and our sovereignty! Call your Representative today at 888-804-8311 and urge him or her to vote NO on Fast Track.
If you prefer to send email, you can also look up who represents you and find a link to their website at www.house.gov
Sample Message for Calls or Emails
My name is ___ and I am a constituent. I am calling to urge my Representative to vote NO on Fast Track authority for the TPP and other trade agreements because they will harm American workers and consumers, and undermine our sovereignty. Please vote NO on The Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015.
For more information, go to http://www.westonaprice.org/action-alerts/say-no-to-damaging-trade-agreements/.
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