Thank you for the vaccination issue of Wise Traditions (Summer 2015). On page fifteen is a list of vaccine websites, which are all very good. However, you haven’t included the website that specifically informs about vaccines in Canada’s schedules. Please add to your list. It provides an extensive list of links to other excellent websites.
Name withheld
Editor’s Response: Thank you for letting us know about this excellent website for Canadians. We have added it to our list of recommended websites on the vaccine issue at
Having now read most of “The Scandal of Infant Formula” by Dr. Sylvia Onusic (Fall 2015), the horrendous damage to our youth, through not breastfeeding, is much more apparent. Phenomenally researched and covering many, many aspects, I applaud her for digging into the dirt on this subject.
Page forty-nine got me pondering in another direction, though. Dr. Onusic advocates establishing and strengthening governmental handouts to pregnant mothers in the form of longer maternity leave and governmental regulation requiring private businesses to extend or further subsidize maternity leave.
While I fully agree that maternity leave should be lengthy, I’d prefer to see the great work of mothers keeping a home to be cherished rather than blown off, as many do, with new mothers returning to work as the most important factor involved. I think that privately owned businesses should voluntarily support the raising of children in ways that are workable for each company.
Emphasizing the role of government on this issue, though, is like asking the Big Bad Wolf to guard Little Red Riding Hood. On one hand, Dr. Onusic rails against components of the government, such as the FDA, then turns around and rails against governments who don’t provide or regulate enough.
Picture a cartoon of a sow (labeled Government) with far too many suckling piglets to support. Each piglet has a label: FDA, Wall Street, AMA, APA, “affordable” “health” “care,” lobbyists, welfare recipients, special interests, minorities, class warfare, “education,” the food pyramid, the military industrial complex, etc. They all want more and more, but there’s never enough. Another piglet (Mothers for More Maternity Leave Benefits) sits to the side crying.
If we were all raised on mother’s milk from healthy mothers, there surely would be fewer of us crying for more handouts and protections from a nannystate government. We would be strong and free, with a small government that benefited us. The solution is to educate on a broad scale so as to raise the understanding of those individuals who support the children who are our future, which the WAPF does so admirably.
Janice McLain
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Recently I came across a paper copy of the excellent article, “Successful Breastfeeding. . . and Successful Alternatives,” written by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, and published in the Fall 2001 Wise Traditions. In a sidebar to this article, not available online, Sally talks about the Lact-Aid, a device for feeding homemade baby formula while continuing to breastfeed, which she herself used successfully. The Lact-Aid is still available at
My only regret is that I didn’t know about this device when my boys were infants, as well as the homemade formula recipes, which can be used alone or with the Lact-Aid. I think that this article in particular is worthy of a reprint in a future issue of Wise Traditions.
Sylvia P. Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN
Portage, Pennsylvania
My son developed eczema when he was fifteen months old. His pediatrician and pediatric dermatologist prescribed topical steroids. We followed their advice, applied steroids, and his skin became worse. They continued to prescribe, and we continued to apply, topical steroids for his “worsening eczema.” We watched our son’s skin become worse and worse; his quality of life was next to nothing. He could not play by day as he was scratching endlessly. He could not sleep at night due to incessant scratching. His conventional doctors suggested Protopic, a topical immuno-modulator. We declined this recommendation and sought treatment from alternative doctors.
For the next year or two we worked with a naturopath, homeopath, and chiropractor. Many of their suggestions centered around dietary changes which we implemented promptly and strictly. Unfortunately, his skin was still red, rashy, bloody, and itchy, from head to toe. So we went back to the dermatologist and for many months applied Protopic and topical steroids and still his skin worsened.
We then learned about functional medicine and sought a practitioner in our area. She mapped out a protocol for our son which included omitting all inflammatory foods (gluten, grains, dairy, eggs, soy, citrus, nightshades, chocolate, nuts and sugar) building his immunity, and healing his gut. For many weeks we did not notice any improvement.
After five months, and for the first time in years, we noticed a hint of improvement. His body was beginning to recover from the inside. We were able to discontinue his topical steroids which triggered the start of his Topical Steroid Withdrawal. It became apparent that what started as eczema when he was fifteen months old became Topical Steroid Withdrawal, aka Red Skin Syndrome. The withdrawal that ensued caused more red, bloody, itchy, rashy skin. Finally, after three years of following this approach and stopping all steroids, he is in better health now at eight years old than he has ever been.
In hindsight, we believe our son’s path to good health was twofold; first he had to heal his gut and eliminate inflammatory foods, and second he had to discontinue use of all topical steroids. If anyone has questions about how to treat their chronic illness, please have them research functional medicine and visit a practitioner in their area. If they suspect they have Topical Steroid Withdrawal, visit (International Topical Steroid Awareness Network) for more information. Thank you!
Amy Landau
Austin, Texas
I received the latest Wise Traditions (Fall 2015) and was amazed that a person who claimed “legal knowledge” had taken issue with the concept of the strawman! They stated: “The state owns the birth certificates but the parents own the children.” Not so! I don’t know which “law” they are getting their errors from but these are the facts:
When a baby is born, the parents are told that they must sign off on the birth certificate. One mother refused to do this and was threatened that her baby would be taken into “protective custody” until she relented and signed the form. This is fraud and attempted theft/kidnapping of baby, coercion-extortion and unlawful use of force. The reason that the birth certificate is so important to the authorities is because it creates the strawman that the government uses to control and enslave us. The “name” on that certificate is in all capital letters, which in law language, signifies a corporation, not a living person.
The birth certificate is then sent to the registrar of the probate court. Why? What does a probate court, which handles a person’s estate after death, have to do with the birth certificate? Is it because the baby is considered a corporation, and therefore not a live person? And why would a newborn baby who has parents be listed in an orphan court? I know the answer but others need to figure it out to get educated. The government, by filing this document in all capital letters, creates a corporation, a cestui que vie trust allowing the government to take sole control of the estate of this person through the corporate strawman that they just created. In addition, certified copies of all birth records are filed in the United States Department of Commerce as registered securities. That certificate is assigned a value—it used to be one million dollars—which the U.S. government can sell to raise money to spend any ole way they want to! We are registered, owned as a government corporation, horse traded, and die in debt slavery from the very day we are born.
Edward Anderson
Savanah, Georgia
I know you probably have received a lot of feedback regarding the recent fermented cod liver oil issues. I have been taking the Green Pasture fermented cod liver oil on and off for the past four years and have noticed a great improvement to my health including menstrual pain fix, sleep and acne improvements.
I don’t know what to think about all of this debate. I don’t know the politics of it, nor do I know what science defines as “rancid” or not, but I’m sure some would say that fermented cabbage or raw milk is “rancid” also. One individual accuses this product of causing his heart failure. I just wanted to write in and share a similar story, but with the opposite effect.
If this person is going to use nonscientific anecdotal evidence to convince a community and to claim that his heart failure was due to one small change in his diet a few years ago, then I am going to use anecdotal evidence (with some scientific research) to argue against it. I find it sad that he is able to sway so many people when his evidence for heart failure was an “epiphany.”
I am wondering how much of his heart failure is a predetermined genetic issue (as enlarged hearts are—and he says he had an enlarged heart) and due to the fact that he is a strong believer in paleo-esque diets. About four years ago I too experienced heart failure/heart attack. At the time I was not taking FCLO. I was twenty-six years old and otherwise healthy—not overweight, a non-smoker, non-drug user and I exercised. What I had started doing was following a primal/paleo/GAPS diet and had cut down on carbs and removed grains. I too felt extremely tired and fatigued and did not have energy to walk to the mailbox. My extremities ached and I couldn’t concentrate or sleep. At the end of it all I ended up in hospital—a very similar situation to that of the individual blaming fermented cod liver oil.
I talked to several heart doctors and blood specialists and they were quite baffled. In the end several concluded that cutting out carbs is a major cause of electrolyte imbalance (low potassium, etc.) and can cause heart attacks (blood clots, heart malfunction, etc.) as our heart is an electrical organ. I found several studies and evidence online showing that when your body doesn’t get carbs, it converts glycogen in the liver into energy and while under ketosis your body starts eliminating the water that used to be attached to the glycogen, so you urinate more and you lose more electrolytes. (A month before ending up in hospital I kept a detailed list of what I ate—so there is that evidence, too.)
Back when my heart event happened, I found a few other articles linking low-carb diets with heart issues—one involved a sixteen-year-old girl. I often hear on the TV here about young, “healthy” individuals having heart attacks and dying while in sporting events or marathons (losing electrolytes through sweat). I wonder whether these individuals are on the new paleo/ lowcarb fad.
Anyway, after my heart experience, I started taking fermented cod liver oil because it actually helps thin the blood and helps with heart issues. I have not had any heart issues since because I once again started eating carbs. I find it sad that this individual has never looked into any other cause of his heart issues, and immediately is pointing the finger at fermented cod liver oil without looking at other changes in his diet.
Name withheld
The paleo diet is oh so “trendy,” but it really is such nonsense—lots of young, cross fit men who eat paleo bars and protein shakes all day. Name one global cuisine that would survive a paleo inquisition, and how many artisan food production techniques would be considered sacrilege. I can’t understand why people do not see that. No sourdough bread and properly prepared grains, which are the cornerstone to most cuisines. Do these people even know what they stand for and what this crazy purge of thousands of years of human development would entail?
We need to make neolithic as trendy as paleolithic, noting that the boundary between the two is actually quite blurred, because neolithic man did still hunt and gather for a proportion of his sustenance, making it feel just as ancient and enduring. I think it can be done, noting the great advantage that farming brought to communities and civilization.
Some evidence that human brains can be just as big as that of paleoman on a WAPF diet would be useful, because that is their main argument, but I suppose that there may be a way to interpret the cubic capacity of the brains of folks Price saw versus modernized people with thin jaws? That would nail the argument I believe. Is there a scientist around who could estimate the cubic capacity of the grain-consuming tribes Dr. Price saw? Because the idea that paleo man had a bigger brain than neolithic man is really the only “evolutionary-deevolutionary” argument the paleo people have.
Philip Ridley, Chapter Leader
London, UK
The spate of natural doctors’ mysterious deaths, many called suicide—including one who supposedly shot himself in the chest and then jumped off a bridge, something suicide victims cannot do—suggests something much more sinister going on at the top of the power pyramid of pharmaceutical, medical and government influence. In every case, they were visited by the FDA just prior to their demise, and the common thread among all of them is that they were working on a protein naturally produced in the body called GcMAF (globulin component macrophage activating factor). This valuable protein binds the macrophage activity—one of the most critical in the immune system—to vitamin D, thereby empowering the macrophage activity to do its job of devouring invaders in the body. When this macrophage activity is down, the immune system simply cannot function. Many of these doctors were finding that autism, cancer and other disorders common in our modern society were either cured or improved by giving GcMAF to these patients.
This, of course, was not allowed in the U.S., and one factory making it in Europe was shut down as news of the deaths was emerging. The owner was told his lab was not sterile, and they closed him down. His rebuttal was that it takes at least two weeks to determine sterility in tests, yet they came to this conclusion in five days. No matter, there is no other lab in the world now that is making GcMAF commercially. This man (name withheld) will be on in the next couple weeks—stay tuned.
Perhaps the most lethal part of the information came as these natural doctors were finding out that there is an enzyme called nagalase, which blocks the binding of vitamin D to the macrophage activity, making it impossible to function properly. After much research with children who contracted autism soon after getting vaccinations, they found that nagalase was put into the vaccinations. It seems it is not enough to give children (and adults) dangerous heavy-metal preservatives like mercury-laden thimerosal, and other unnecessary and unhealthy proteins—but also to put in the immune-suppressing nagalase for the double-edged sword. This information would certainly not be good public relations for the vaccine industry already under siege from a public that is beginning to wake up. In all valid tests done on vaccinations, although vaccines do elicit an immune response, there is no actual proof of this response being a cure or prevention of any kind. It is also very important here to understand the fact that one out of every seven dollars of our economy comes from our “illness maintenance system,” and you can see the vital interest in this industry keeping the nagalase flowing and this information from coming out.
The shadowy powers that be, who bring us fluoride in the water, chemtrails in the sky, the plethora of toxic chemicals in what they call “food,” and now nagalase, have been working an effective fear campaign—which has kept the masses cowering. But this is backfiring on them as now they have awakened the sleeping giant of a righteously indignant public—and the outcry, the websites and radio shows are sending this message around the world. This battle for our freedom, health and happiness cannot be won by violence but by bringing a higher consciousness to all our brothers and sisters, and by getting back to helping our fellow man and our beloved planet—we can certainly change this and already are in big ways.
It is noteworthy that one very simple way to increase the GcMAF in our bodies is to eat fermented, live foods like kefir, cultured vegetables and raw milk—as the Weston A. Price Foundation has recommended for years. Maybe this is the reason for the attack on raw milk as these very simple, natural products, if spread en masse, would bring down these criminal corporate enterprises. There is a movement gaining momentum around the world which realizes that we do not need the medical system—except for accidents like being hit by a car—or the factory food system because we can grow and trade much of our own. By producing food naturally and organically, we would never need the chemical and pharmaceutical industries either. If we do not like GMOs, vaccinations, chemical-laden foods and other poisons making life on our beautiful planet a living hell—we can all quietly and peacefully starve the beast by taking our lives back and speaking out.
Great websites to find out about this new movement: and
Name withheld
I have been a runner for twenty-five years, and about a year ago my knee really started bothering me to the point where I could no longer run. It had been hurting progressively worse for about nine months when I finally went to see a sports medicine doctor, who diagnosed runner’s knee and prescribed physical therapy and a cortisone injection—which did not help. About that time we took a trip to Arizona and I way overdid it, doing a lot of hiking. When we got back home I was barely able to hobble around. I could walk maybe half a mile; going down stairs was excruciating. The worst part was the pain that kept me from sleeping at night.
About that time I roasted a freerange chicken I had gotten from my “egg man.” Being a good Weston Price follower, I already knew that bone broth was very good for you, so I made chicken soup from the carcass. It made a big batch and I consumed it about five days in a row. About two days later I realized that my knee was not hurting—for the first time in nine months. The only thing I had done differently was to eat the chicken soup. I then consumed broth every day for about a month; so afraid that the knee pain was going to come back! Six months later I am back to running regularly, with no knee pain, still eating broth at least a couple of times a week. I think most of my running friends think I am nuts when I tell them how I cured myself, but I do have a few of them also making the broth! I cringe to think of all the money being wasted on doctor’s visits, injections and therapy for things that can be corrected by just eating well.
Sue Miller
Grand Rapids, Michigan
In the Summer 2015 Wise Traditions a minor mistake was made. Now anyone can make the occasional blunder—certainly to include me, but when these things are in print from what is considered to be a reputable source, they are likely to be repeated. Then there will be people who really believe that we need no aluminum in our diet; just as many really believe that ostriches bury their heads in the sand. I refer to the statement on page twenty about halfway down the right column.
According to Dr. Joel Wallach, aluminum deprivation experiments have made some people sick and may have even caused one death. Aluminum is very widespread throughout the soils of the world. Perhaps the best way to express this is: “aluminum is needed in very small amounts, but modern Americans generally receive too much of it from food packaging and other sources.” One role of aluminum is to activate the enzyme succinic dehydrogenase. Thank you. Please keep up the good work.
Gary Witte
Mt. Horeb, Wisconsin
Editor’s Response: See Dr. Michener’s article on page 39 regarding the harmful effects of aluminum on the blood.
I am very much enjoying your Summer 2015 Wise Traditions. However, I believe that a statement on page thirteen is incorrect. The statement is, “It will be interesting to see whether the new vaccine will be a more dangerous live virus version.”
According to at an item at about the difference between DTaP and Tdap vaccines, the diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus vaccine contains “inactivated forms of the toxin produced by the bacteria that cause the three diseases.” I searched some of the package inserts for vaccines that contain pertussis vaccine and I’m certain that they do not make the product by putting viruses into it, unless the viruses are accidentally contaminating the vaccines. I feel it is incorrect for WAPF to say that vaccine makers might make live virus pertussis vaccines. Perhaps the WAPF author meant to say “whole cell version” rather than “live virus version.”
Nevertheless, I am so thankful to all of you at WAPF for publishing your information on vaccines, as well as all of the other subjects you cover. I’ve been trying to help educate people about the dangers of vaccination ever since I first started studying them in 1998, and I’m delighted that your organization is educating people so that they will make informed choices.
Susan Pearce, chapter leader
Co-founder of Wyoming Vaccine Information Network
Buffalo, Wyoming
Comment by Leslie Manookian: Thank you for pointing out this error. Pertussis is a bacterium, not a virus, but more to the point, the text should have read “it will be interesting to see whether the new vaccine will be a more dangerous whole cell version.” As you know, the original vaccine was a whole cell vaccine, and it caused so much death and damage it was finally pulled off the market. The version on the market now is a partial cell, attenuated version and given its failings, a new vaccine is being developed—the point we were making was that it would be interesting to see whether this new vaccine would be whole cell. We have made the correction on the WAPF website.
In the article “Adjuvants in Vaccines” (Summer 2015), the author states, “What happens when we inject amino acids. . . into the body instead of first digesting the proteins to make amino acids naturally? We get autoimmune disorders like Addison’s disease, celiac disease. . . (and several others are listed).” The author gives no reference for this statement and does not back it up with any data.
I have celiac disease and I follow the research, and I have not heard this as being conclusive. As a matter of fact the converse may be true—vaccinations were not found to cause an increase in celiac disease that occurred in Sweden and reported in the journal Pediatrics. Please tell your authors to be cautious about blanket, unsupported statements of cause and effect. (Show the data!)
Jackie Hunt, chapter leader
Brazoria County, Texas
Response from Natasha Campbell-McBride: In vaccines the industry uses animal and human proteins that have been subjected to various chemical reactions and processes. The resulting mixture will have some amino acids, some peptides and some proteins in various stages of being broken down. This mixture can trigger autoimmunity in the body.
We should not focus on amino acids alone. It is extremely difficult to obtain a “clean” amino acid mixture. Any manufacturer of amino acids will tell you that. An amino acid formula usually comes as a mixture of peptides and amino acids. But regardless of that, what we can do in a laboratory is very different from what happens in the normal digestion of protein in a healthy gut.
A healthy digestive process is extremely complex. Amino acids released during healthy digestion may be very different in their three-dimensional structure from amino acids generated in a laboratory; they may be attached to some carrier molecules and absorbed in certain complexes. A good proportion of protein is absorbed in the form of peptides—not all protein gets broken down into amino acids.
We have to take into account the role of enterocytes—the cells that line the gut wall. Absorption of nutrients is an active process accomplished by enterocytes. After digestion the proteins in the gut (in the form of amino acids and peptides) are taken into these cells, analyzed inside them and then released into the blood stream. Every molecule goes through special check points inside these cells. We cannot assume that artificially generated amino acids in vaccines injected directly into the blood are the same “stuff” that normally comes through protein digestion in the gut. The two processes are worlds apart.
I meet many people who worship science. They believe that “evidence-based medicine” exists. They believe every study they read, particularly if it is published in a well-known mainstream journal. They believe that if a statement has references behind it, then this statement is true. They are not aware of the many pitfalls modern science is plagued with. They don’t know that a large percent of scientific studies simply cannot be trusted.
In a person with celiac disease the gut wall degenerates, enterocytes are sick and unable to fulfill their jobs. In this situation most foods are absorbed through “holes” in the gut wall between enterocytes instead of being taken inside them first. Foods don’t get the chance to be digested properly before they absorb. Once in the blood or lymph these undigested foods trigger immune reactions: food allergy and intolerance, autoimmunity, inflammation, etc. In order to deal with this situation the person has to work on healing and sealing their gut wall, rebuilding new layers of healthy enterocytes. This would be far more productive for a person with celiac disease than focusing on scientific studies.
We saw that you were seeking testimonies and want to share my son’s story with you. We are a military family (my husband has been an Active Duty Air Force Officer for twenty-three years now). That means that we are pretty much rule-followers. My son was born after a very difficult pregnancy and given the normal course of vaccinations, etc. I did not know about traditional diets or anything even remotely similar. I ate a SAD diet before the pregnancy and during.
Reid was a fairly healthy boy although he had low birth weight and intense colic the first three months. I put him on soy formula (as recommended by the hospital and doctor) because of his tummy upsets and projectile vomiting. It didn’t really help but it was the only answer I was getting. When Reid was eighteen months of age, we went in for routine vaccinations at our local military hospital. Reid had a slew of vaccinations that day including the MMR. He had a horrific reaction almost immediately. Blisters formed on his hands and feet and a fever spiked up to one hundred five degrees almost instantly. The poor baby turned bright red and looked like he was on fire. He was fussy and lethargic and just not himself. I walked right back into the vaccination office very worried and concerned. A bored medical tech told me to go to the emergency room.
Needless to say, I did not go to the emergency room. The people that did this to Reid were not going to get another chance to hurt him and Reid has not had a vaccination since that time (nor been back to a military doctor). The vaccination has had some interesting side effects through the years. Reid now suffers from complex food allergies including soy, processed dairy, and wheat. He can’t eat processed foods or any kind of food dyes. In addition, the enamel on his teeth was destroyed by the high fever.
I learned about WAPF and this way of eating due to my own health challenges. Our family started eating a WAPF diet about six years ago. Reid has had a diet of raw milk, pastured eggs, fermented cod liver oil, organic fruits and veggies and farm-raised pastured beef. (I get a lot of flack from my family since we own a beef cattle ranch in Colorado and farm GMO corn.)
Today, Reid is so fun to be around! His face has literally been transformed over the past few years with his jaw widening to make room for lots of teeth that were suffering from crowding. (His father has a very crowded and narrow jaw from his lack of nutrition as a kid, and it looked like Reid would inherit this trait.) It seemed like braces were in Reid’s future before eating this way, but now I don’t think that will be necessary. In spite of a lack of enamel on his teeth, since we adopted this way of eating, Reid has not had one cavity—pretty incredible! Not only are Reid’s teeth and jaw healthy but he very rarely gets sick.
I hope this story helps anyone who is just “doing what they’re told” instead of really investigating what is best for their children. I do feel truly blessed that Reid’s reaction to the vaccine wasn’t more harmful even and I am so grateful to have found WAPF and the simple, time-tested ways of nourishing our families.
Miranda Sherman, chapter leader
Omaha, Nebraska
Here is a suggestion that may help reach people that have never heard of the WAPF. Encourage your members to write to “Letters to the Editor” of their local papers whenever they spy an insipid, misleading or totally wrong “news” article published there. I was infuriated at a sorry example of propaganda published in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette a few months ago, and got a letter published refuting their misinformed article. It had something to do with “studies” on African Americans which claimed eating all meat is bad for them. I refuted them, pointed to the Maasai people in Africa and how healthy they are, noted that they weren’t eating McDonalds over there either, and made sure to mention the Weston A. Price Foundation in my letter. Free advertising if you can get it published. I also wrote a letter to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review about an article written about the “safety” of GMOs and mentioned the WAPF, but that letter was never published.
Also, a few more tidbits that I have observed, namely about coconut oil and butter. Regarding coconut oil, I have noticed that when I take a tablespoon or more every day, the flat growths that I have had for years on my hand disappear. I also have had plantar warts on the bottom of my foot since I was in my twenties and they started to go away when I was taking coconut oil every day. The problem is, they come back eventually if I stop using it.
I have discovered something about butter, too. We can’t get hold of raw butter, so we were buying grass-fed pasteurized butter from the store. I figured “more is better,” and started to eat a lot of it every day, the equivalent of one half stick per day at least. After a few weeks of doing this, I started to notice arthritis symptoms popping up again (I had rheumatoid arthritis years ago and cured it by following the WAPF dietary guidelines) and it took me a while to realize it was the butter! The pasteurization process is very damaging to the butter and the body. If anyone is prone to arthritis, they should avoid pasteurized dairy products. Raw butter, if we could afford to buy it (I have made it occasionally with the raw milk we buy, but not in quantity) does not cause this.
During Thanksgiving, one of my aunts commented on how well behaved our children are. I had talked to my relatives ad nauseam about how they were poisoning themselves by eating processed foods but had finally given up due to their disbelief and comments about my loony ideas. She knows that we don’t give our kids the SAD foods, and it is really apparent in their behaviors. They aren’t angels ALL the time of course, but they aren’t like most of the kids out there who are forced to eat the dangerous foods from supermarkets.
Unfortunately, due to economic difficulties, we have to buy regular meat at the store. Two of our kids are getting eczema again which I believe is from the GMO grains and other toxic things the animals are given before slaughter. Cooking doesn’t destroy these toxic substances. To make things worse, the county around here is spraying Roundup along the roads to kill the vegetation. We had been driving along the roads a day or so after they sprayed, and my kids started to complain about the air outside and that they weren’t feeling good. I immediately rolled up the windows and turned on the recirculation to block out the air. After about ten minutes they said they were feeling better, so just another thing to watch out for if where you live they spray Roundup or any herbicides along the roads.
Jenny Murdock
Littleton, West Virginia
Editor’s Note: Pasteurization destroys the Wulzen anti-stiffness factor in butter and cream, which would explain why eating a lot of pasteurized butter could lead to rheumatoid arthritis in susceptible individuals.
Grass-fed meat does not have to be lean—here is a photo of the juicy, fat steaks we produce at Scott River Ranch.
Gareth Plank
Etna, California
Thank you so much to the WAPF community for your generous support and for sending Wise Traditions while I am detained at the Philadelphia Federal Detention Center.
I recently learned of the passing of our friend Jerry Brunetti. I wish I could have been available again for him prior to and during his health decline. We will all miss him and the loss of his contributions to the way farming is meant to be.
I am also sorry to learn of the initial defeat of the soy lawsuit but wish you the best in your appeal. There is much I could add regarding the soy-infested diet at the federal prison level—something I have opposed during my twenty-five years of practicing medicine in the prison system. I am teaching a class in nutrition while incarcerated here, and there is certainly a lot of interest.
Erik von Kiel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
To no one’s surprise, the recently released Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee criticizes solid fats. This is just a continuation of long-standing federal policy.
But the report’s singling out of butterfat as an example of a solid fat with empty calories is absolutely astonishing. The authors are obviously unaware that federal regulations require that all milk, except whole milk, be enriched with vitamin A. The requirement applies to nonfat, lowfat and fat-free milk. The enrichment replaces vitamin A in butterfat that is removed when butterfat is removed. The report places butterfat in the same category as sugars, refined starches and alcohol! This report will serve as guidance for school lunches and any policy on what is to be included, and not included, in a “healthy diet.”
Richard Perlmutter
Elizabeth, New Jersey
We were at Disney World park last week and getting some oranges from a concession stand. Next to us a woman was remarking to her son that she might like this sports drink, but maybe it had too much sugar. So my eleven-year-old said to her, “Yeah, it has lots of sugar and other bad chemicals.” So here’s the crazy part that made my jaw drop. She put back the sports drink and bought a Coke. I am not making this up!
Sheena Golish
Jupiter, Florida
We are disappointed to announce that SB 277, a law to remove all non-medical exemptions to vaccinations was signed by California Governor Brown. This happened despite tens of thousands of people opposing the legislation and thousands making the trip to Sacramento to testify, rally and protest. As disappointing as that is, this process is not over yet and a referendum to repeal the law has already been launched and lawsuits are also likely. We will be in touch once we have more information about future means of removing this horrible violation of our rights and freedoms. Thank you to everyone for all their hard work in standing up for freedom and truth. This is not over yet!
Vermont also lost its personal belief exemption to vaccination this legislative season though a religious exemption is still in place. In both California and Vermont, it was sad that dirty politics and corporate influence ruled. Thankfully, in many other states, Americans fighting to preserve their parental rights and their health freedom rights won the day. In Oregon, Washington, Maine, Minnesota, Maryland, North Carolina, New Mexico, and elsewhere, laws to remove exemptions to vaccinations were soundly defeated or pulled before they ever got going due to widespread opposition.
It is important for all our members to understand that this attack on personal rights is not just directed at children but at all Americans. This past spring, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services introduced the National Adult Immunization Plan, a plan that would track the vaccination status of all American adults and recommend that all adults receive the 184 vaccines currently recommended for the average adult. The pharmaceutical industry has over 270 vaccines in development, which they would be delighted to have added to the CDC schedule, especially as they bear zero financial and legal liability for their vaccines. Indeed, another law passed in California recently that will require all employees of day care, preschool and childcare facilities to be vaccinated.
Make no mistake that vaccines cause serious casualties in thousands of people every year. In the fifteen months from January of 2014 to mid-April 2015, there were nearly 42,000 reports of adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System including nearly 10,000 ER visits and 179 deaths. Vaccine casualties mean a life of disability with damage to the brain, nervous system, immune system, and gut.
While we are told that vaccines saved millions of lives in this country, the truth is that 90 percent of the decline in mortality from infectious diseases occurred before the widespread use of either vaccines or antibiotics. What caused this dramatic change? Public health programs such as clean drinking water, sanitation systems, hand washing, and fresher food. As Dr. Weston Price reported, the poor areas of Cleveland suffered ten times the rate of tuberculosis compared to affluent areas. It was not that they were not exposed to disease, it was that affluent folks benefited from better living conditions and had superior nutrition to strengthen their immune systems so they could fight off whatever bugs they encountered.
Vaccinations cause irreparable damage in tens of thousands of people every year and injecting a toxic cocktail of chemicals and other agents can never be expected to confer health. We hope you will all join us in standing up and fighting for your freedoms as this effort by the pharmaceutical lobby and federal health agencies to remove our rights has only just begun. We will be keeping our members informed of developments in the various states.
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Peggy Powell says
To Whom,
I was vey intrigued by the dental articles on this website until I realized they were dated from 2004 to 2021. I was surprised. In the area where yo have a “question mark” to ask a question; I asked, “How often do you update this website?” The response I got was, “Winter 2015!!”
Is this true?@?@