Oppose Mandatory Electronic Animal ID
Tell USDA “NO on Animal ID” – Sign on to FARFA Letter
The nonprofit Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) is sending the USDA a letter urging it to drop a proposed rule to mandate Electronic Animal Identification (EID). Mandatory electronic animal identification burdens farmers and ranchers with significant costs while doing nothing to address food safety or animal disease concerns. The real reason for the rule is to enable the meat packers to increase their export markets and their control of the U.S. cattle industry. The rule will not improve animal traceability and will hurt efforts to build a resilient food system.
The opposition to the USDA rule is having an effect; USDA has extended the public comment until April 19, 2023, which gives you an opportunity to add your name in support of the comments FARFA is making. You can view the letter here.
Sign on to the FARFA letter to USDA, “Oppose Mandatory Electronic ID”, as an organization, farm, or individual.
Click here to sign the online form before April 19, 2023. You’ll be asked to provide your name, email and state.
Sign-on Form – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-QcAS3lNnE4MsDdLzEGqpVtJEOpuKmoSznMm1hsALImbeyA/viewform
FARFA letter to USDA –
FARFA webpage –
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Sheila Gholson says
No electronic animal ID
Sara Colburn says
I ask you to please drop a proposed rule to mandate electronic animal identification (EID). Mandatory electronic animal identification burdens farmers and ranchers with significant costs while doing nothing to address food safety or animal disease concerns.
This isn’t healthy for an animal to have electronics on its body.
Thank you,
Sara Colburn
carrie chase says
No electronic animal ID
: Narcissa-Christine: Lyons says
[Hello There –
Please note the USDA has no right to electronically ID anything that does not belong to them. Also, if they are proposing a “mandate”, a mandate is not a law. You are spending your valuable energy fighting something you do not have to adhere to. They can try to boss you around all they want, but they are operating as puppets for larger money. If there is an actual bill involved that they are pushing, please send me that info. Also, could you send the document or whatever proposal you have read where they state this intention? I will syntax it as I am a Postmaster and can do so, pointing out they are more than likely writing in adverb-verb babble, and violating several codes. Here to help.
: Narcissa-Christine: Lyons.