Tell Committee Members to Vote YES on HB 1515 (Hearing 3/16)
Support Legal Raw Milk Sales
House Bill 1515 (HB 1515) has passed out of the House and is now scheduled for a hearing before the Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee on Thursday, March 16th at 11:00 a.m.
HB 1515 would legalize the sale of raw milk from producer direct to consumer on the farm, through delivery, and at any other venue other than at retail stores. The bill exempts producers from licensing, inspection or regulation by either the state Department of Agriculture or Department of Health. The producer cannot sell to either wholesalers or retail stores, and donations of raw milk are prohibited.
HB 1515 originally would have allowed only on-farm sales by licensed Grade A dairies, but on the strength of testimony and calls from dairy producers the House Ag committee amended HB 1515 to allow sales by all those with dairy animals. Current law prohibits any sale of raw milk for human consumption, only allowing the distribution of raw milk through herdshare agreements.
Contact members of the Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee and ask them for a “Do Pass” recommendation on HB 1515 in its current form. The hearing is 11:00 a.m. Thursday, March 16th in the Fort Union room of the State Capitol.
Calls are most effective (see list at end). It is especially important to do this if you are a constituent of a committee member. For emails, put “Yes on 1515” or “Yes on Raw Milk” in the subject line. See Talking Points below.
You may copy/paste this block to email all committee members:
lluick@ndlegis.gov; jmyrdal@ndlegis.gov; khogan@ndlegis.gov; markweber@ndlegis.gov; kweston@ndlegis.gov
You can find your senator by tapping “Find my legislator” in the upper right side of the legislative webpages at ndlegis.gov
1. Raw milk has a good track record for safety. A recent study found that as demand for raw milk increased in the U.S., the number of illnesses attributed to raw milk consumption declined. According to records of the North Dakota Department of Health from 1988 to 2020, there were only 12 suspected cases of foodborne illness attributed to raw milk consumption in the state.
2. The bill will increase markets for raw milk producers currently distributing through herdshares; some raw milk consumers are not willing to purchase an ownership interest in dairy animals but would otherwise buy raw milk.
3. HB 1515 will keep more of the food dollar in the local economy. Raw milk is often the draw leading the consumer to set foot on the farm in the first place resulting in sales of other products such as meat, poultry, eggs, and produce.
4. Tell your representative how raw milk has benefited your health or the health of your family.
WAPF will be issuing further alerts on HB 1515 as events warrant.
HB 1515 status –
Current bill –
Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee –
Larry Luick (R-25), Chair
Work 701-474-5959
Janne Mrydal (R-19), Vice Chair
Cell 701-331-0946
Kathy Hogan (D-21)
Home 701-235-1916
Randy Lemm (R-20)
Home 701-636-5465
Cell 701-430-1536
Mark Weber (R-22)
Kent Weston (R-9)
Home 701-697-5288
Work 701-697-5140
Cell 701-370-5100
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