This recipe utilizes the prime, yet cheap and nutritious organs of a pastured, organic chicken. Don’t let the looks fool you: pity the fool who won’t eat something because it doesn’t look appetizing. This pate makes a delicious rich spread or dip with fresh veggie chips or sticks. And because of the richness, a little goes a long way. This recipe makes a lot and freezes well, or you can half the recipe.
- 2 pounds pastured assorted chicken organs: liver, heart, gizzard
- 4 pastured hard boiled eggs
- 1 large onion, diced
- 4 TBSP coconut oil/tallow/lard
- 2 TBSP butter
Hard boil the eggs and peel. Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake organs in large baking dish for approx 20 minutes with the coconut oil/lard/tallow. Stir once during cooking to make sure organs are evenly cooked. Saute diced onion in butter until soft.
Put hard boiled eggs, sauteed onion, and baked offal thru food processor and blend until smooth. Add unrefined salt and pepper to taste.
For more information on liver, see The Liver Files – Recipes and Lore About Our Most Important Sacred Food.
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Awesome! I will give this a go, soon. I’m wondering how I might store my finished product.
Am considering scalding the inside of some small jars with boiling water, and then fridge. I would like to be able to share with friends if it turns out as delicious as it sounds.
You can put a layer of lard or tallow on top. Or freeze in small quantities.
Putting tallow or lard on top…and then freezing? Does this keep it more fresh?
Paul, you could probably slice it into 100g wedges or slices, free-flow freeze them for a couple of hours, and then vacuum pack each piece individually. Make sure they are solid before vac-packing or they will squash. Just thaw one pack at a time as needed. Hope this helps 🙂
I’ve been trying various recipes for chicken liver pate & successfully freezing portions in 4 oz (half jelly) or 8 oz jelly jars. Will try this method to bake w/coconut oil on the organs. Yum, hadn’t thought to put on celery!
What about using a ice cube tray and freezing them in that then moving them to a glass container or baggie if you use plastic.
Fat is where it’s at. Our society worries way too much about fat intake.