How problematic really is the radiation emitted by our cell phones, cell phone towers, & wifi networks? Brandon LaGreca, author of “Cancer and EMF Radiation,” helps us understand the consequences of radiation exposure from non-native electromagnetic fields (EMFs) like that which comes from these sources, compact fluorescent lightbulbs, our electronic devices, & more.
Among other things, Brandon explains how EMFs can be measured, how they suppress melatonin production, and how magnesium protects our cells from EMF damage. He also gives concrete tips for lessening the risk and lowering our EMF exposure in the day to day.
Highlights from the conversation include:
- The difference between native and non-native EMFs
- The importance of looking at the EMF issue on a more holistic level
- The parallels between cigarette smoking and EMF exposure
- The three main strategies to mitigate or avoid EMF risk in our day to day living: avoidance, remediation, and shielding
- The fact that EMF suppresses melatonin production
- How turning off your WiFi router before bedtime is protective before sleep
- The need to consider all of the risks and not just focus on one to reduce our cancer risk
- Why old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs are still the best because they have a lower EMF field
- How magnesium is a protector to our cells when exposed to EMF radiation
- Why the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), used to measure harmful effects of cell phones doesn’t tell the whole story
Brandon’s website: https://brandonlagreca.com
Dr George Carlo on Cell Phone Dangers (The Wireless Technology Project)
Website to find towers near your home – Searchantenna.com
Producers of protective cases for cell phones – Defendershield and Safesleeve
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