All US citizens need to mobilize to SUPPORT President-Elect Donald Trump’s decision to create a vaccine safety commission. Yesterday, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was asked by Trump to chair a commission on vaccine safety and integrity and now the media is directing intense criticism at both Trump and Kennedy.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has accepted the position as chair of the commission as announced in an interview with CNN in Trump Tower. The media is scrambling and doing everything in their power to discredit Kennedy and Trump by labeling them as anti-vaccine and disseminating information that vaccines do not cause injury. http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-donald-trump-vaccine-commission/index.html
We must do everything in our power to let President-Elect Trump know he is well supported in his decision to investigate the safety and integrity of vaccines.
We recommend you read this article for a more accurate portrayal of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. http://www.jeffereyjaxen.com/blog/trump-taps-robert-f-kennedy-jr-to-head-new-commission-on-vaccine-safety-and-scientific-integrity
- Help create a Twitter storm TODAY. Encourage everyone you know to tweet under #RFKJrVaxSafety to get the commission going. RFK’s group, The World Mercury Project, is asking that people tweet to @realDonaldTrump to thank him for taking vaccine safety seriously, and tell him he and @RobertKennedyJr are right to question vaccine safety.
- Email President-Elect Trump and thank him for his decision to set up a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity. Let him know he is doing the right thing and you fully support his actions. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/contact
- Email Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and let him know you support his decision to chair a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity. http://robertfkennedyjr.com/
- Email CNN and demand they STOP their bogus reporting. http://www.cnn.com/feedback/ or send CNN a text message. Simply text the word CNN, put a space, and then include your comments. Text it to 55333. If you want CNN to call you back, include your cell phone number in the message.
Talking Points:
1) You implore President-Elect Donald trump to stand strong and not allow corporate America to influence his decision to create a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity. You also support Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to chair the commission.
2) Tell President-Elect Trump why the vaccine issue is important to you. Why this is personal to you: a vaccine reaction in someone you know that you believe has led to vaccine injury.
3) Let CNN know their reporting is wrong. They are conflating a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity with a commission on autism. No commission on autism has been publically announced as of yet and it is not correct to imply the two are one in the same. Their bogus reporting upsets you and you expect a higher quality of journalism.
4) Regarding CNN and their one-sided pro-vaccine reporting, you would like to inform them that there are over 100 credible scientific papers showing a connection between autism and vaccines. You would be happy to forward this link to any reporter. https://www.scribd.com/doc/220807175/128-Research-Papers-Supporting-the-Vaccine-Autism-Link
5) You would also be happy to forward a link to The Greater Good’s website that has over 200 peer reviewed articles showing the various dangers of vaccines to any reporter. http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/learn-more/science/
6) Ask CNN why they would not be in support of safe vaccines or scientific integrity.
7) You believe it is time for vaccine safety studies to be done properly. It is not okay for example, that vaccines are exempt from double-blind placebo studies and are not studied in conjunction with the childhood schedule.
8) Vaccine injuries are real. The safety of vaccines is not absolute and no medical doctor would sign a statement that vaccine safety is absolute. The Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and do cause injury and death in some recipients. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/10pdf/09-152.pdf The US government has paid out more than $3 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS.) http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/
9) In the past 5 years, drug makers have paid the U.S. Government 19.2 billion in criminal and civil FRAUD penalties. Skepticism of the pharmaceutical industry is well deserved.
10) Children today receive 69 doses of vaccines for 16 different viral and bacterial illnesses which more than doubles the government childhood schedule of 34 doses of 11 different vaccines in the year 2000. We must demand proper research into each and every one of these vaccines that are often mandated.
11) Vaccine makers and the healthcare providers who administer them bear zero liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. Vaccine makers have no incentive to make vaccines safe.
12) Vaccine package inserts warn of the risk of brain damage, life-threatening allergy, and death and no one knows in advance whom a vaccine will harm.
13) It is critical that the commission investigate the MANY instances of fraud related to vaccines and safety. You have DEEP concerns about vaccine safety studies conducted at CDC and alleged manipulation of data. You would like senior CDC scientist, Dr. William Thompson to be called to testify about his findings in the Yates Hazlehurst vaccine/autism court case AND to Congress. http://www.westonaprice.org/press/cdc-whistleblower-extend-mmr-vaccine-fraud/
14) Encourage both President-Elect Donald Trump and news agencies like CNN to view the documentaries The Greater Good and Vaxxed. Perhaps offer to purchase a stream and send them the films. http://www.greatergoodmovie.org/store/ and http://vaxxedthemovie.com/stream/
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Gael Geniesse says
I totally support a commission on vaccine safety. My now 49 year old autistic son was given all of his vaccines at once when he was only 8 months of age. He had an immediate reaction and stopped talking.
There is big money in the pharmaceuticals to the detriment to our children. And at my age of 70 I’m living with the care of my son.
Deb Jones says
Thank you for doing this.
Sergio pina says
I do believe we are being poisoned with vaccines .we need further investigation of the cdc.and they never find cures always have us sick im suffering from chronic lyme disease.been sick since 2012 my days are a daily struggle we need to investigate corruption at the top level of cdc. I support mr Kennedy and president elect Donald Trump for investigating cdc corruption fire their corrupt views we need a change..
Crystal says
Vaccines are full of Heavy Metals and toxins which create chaos with our immune systems. Toxins kill beneficial Bacteria in our gut.. The healthy bacteria in our gut is what keeps us in balance. If thw gut isnt right.. there isnt anything right.. including depression, anxiety, hormone imbalances.. When healthy beneficial bacteria is killed by the poison we are being fed through vaccines and every day exposure to our house hold chemicals.. and environmental toxins.. bad bacteria takes over our gut! Aka Parasites! Parasites thrive off toxins.. toxins inthe air.. toxins in our makeup bag.. in our detergent..our Foods! ..When parasites take over then comes leaky gut.. thyroid diease adrenal insufficiency……. They have leached on to the intestinal wall creating basically holes in the gut where all our nutrients leak out and are not absorbed properly. Result ..hair loss depression nutrient deficiencies hormone imbalances..list 8s never ending..
If you have lyme disease.. leaky gut..chrones. thyroid disease. you should be treating for Candida yeast and other parasites.Then work on healing the gut and reducing the toxic burden on the organs.
This is a great step in the right direction.
imagine7generations says
Vaccines are medical fraud! They do not work and harm everyone who gets them! We need a commission on vaccine safety! Read Suzanne Humphries M.D. book ‘Dissolving Illusions’ to read the real history of vaccines!
Rhonda Murrah says
Please support removing all mercury from vaccines. We also need to remove the legislation about pharmaceutical companies being exempt from lawsuits from damage they cause.
Angela Curran says
I am very happy that something is finally being done to remove all chemicals from vaccines. I was born in the 60’s we only had to have just, MMR vaccines had no chemicals in them. Children get way too many vaccines and that is not good. I feel SIDS is caused by giving infants shots way too early. They have never found a cause of SIDS in infants and SIDS always happens after the first round of shots that they give. The Omish community does not have SIDS and they do not give their children vaccines. Vaccines are a money making business. Billions of dollars.
Hildur Hakonardottir says
Please help us we know children are suffering from the effect of WRONG and Harmful vaccination.
Jana D. says
I’m not on Twitter, but I’m ecstatic about this.
X@mailinator.com says
The internet is alite with big pharma propaganda regarding the possible further study into the safety of their products. Well, if the products are safe they should stand the scrutiny of external review. As we know from worldwide science, the safety studies from conflict of interest CDC are unlikely to hold up. The supposedly ‘valid science’ was gained by way of collusion, bribery, and intimidation. Why would I write a letter to CNN though? I don’t read fake news.
Channah says
The reason to write a letter to CNN would be to hopefully influence their viewership.
X@mailinator.com says
Also, I came across this article while reading the NVIC Vaccine Reaction newsletter. Let’s keep the power of the community together here, please subscribe to their free newsletter. United we stand, divided we fall. http://www.NVIC.org.