A large European study has found–once again–that children who drink raw milk have less asthma and allergies. This is not big news to WAPF members, but the really big news is that the findings were publicized in a September 13, 2011 Reuters Health press release, with worldwide circulation. Of course the article contained the usual warnings about the dangers of raw milkwhen we have no records of raw milk killing a single child, while asthma is a life-threatening disease that kills thousands of individuals each year. In the U.S., more than seven percent of adults and even more kids have asthma, causing millions of visits to emergency rooms and doctors’ offices every year.
The researchers tapped into a large survey in which parents answered questions about their children’s milk consumption. The researchers also collected eight hundred milk samples from the participants’ households. Compared with kids who only drank store-bought milk, those who drank raw milk had a 41 percent reduction in their odds of developing asthma. They were also only about half as likely to develop hay fever–even after accounting for other factors that might be relevant. On the other hand, those who drank boiled farm milk had no less asthma than those who drank store milk.
The study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, is the first to point to the exact components in the milk that might be protective. The protective effect was linked to so-called whey proteins in the milk, such as BSA and alpha-lactalbumin.”Pasteurization remains an effective tool to inactivate harmful microorganisms but may simultaneously destroy whey proteins,” said a spokesperson for the study
SOURCE: Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, online August 29, 2011.
Lose Your Veganity by Dr. Kaayla Daniel
Veganisms had major play in the media this year, and many of us have faced pesky questions from friends, family and acquaintances about the vegan propaganda movie Forks Over Knives starring T. Colin Campbell and Caldwell Esselstyn. This blog is for WAPF members who have asked us for comebacks and replies.
The Masai: Part II: A Glimpse of the Masai Diet at the Turn of the 20th Century- A Land of Milk and Honey, Bananas from Afar by Chris Masterjohn
Chriss new blog post presents a picture of the traditional Masai diet painted by German military officer Moritz Merker at the turn of the twentieth century. The Masai of Merkers time raised cattle not only for subsistence but also for trade. They consumed milk, meat, and blood, but they also consumed a wide array of plant foods, both gathered locally and purchased from neighboring peoples, and they made regular use of the wild honey that is available abundantly in the Masai steppes.
Be sure to read Chris’s previous posting:
Fat and Diabetes: Bad Press, Good Paper, and the Reemergence of Our Good Friend Glutathione
Chris’s previous blog post reviews the recent paper that was widely publicized as showing that high-fat diets cause diabetes. In it, he shows that the study wasnt designed to tell us anything about what humans should eat, and actually provides very interesting evidence about the mechanism of diabetes. In particular, it suggests that oxidative stress may be important, which means that raw milk, other raw foods, and nutrient-dense diets should protect against diabetes.
GIFT SUBSRIPTION IDEAS: Consider offering a subscription to your local library or for a baby shower, wedding shower or birthday present. Memberships are the life blood of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and giving them as a gift is a good way to introduce the principles of healthy diets to your loved ones.
CEUs at our conference: Our annual conference offers continuing education credits for Nurses, Registered Dieticians and Acupuncturists. If you know someone in one of these fields, please let them know. See info at:
FARMAGEDDON SCREENINGS: Pop some popcorn and host a public screening of Farmageddon for your community. Order your DVD for public screening here. Hand out WAPF and FTCLDF flyers and turn it into a membership drive for WAPF or FundRAISER for FTCLDF.
HEALTHY 4 LIFE: The new Healthy 4 Life booklet is selling like hotcakes with melted butter. Heres some of the comments weve been getting Its like Nourishing Traditions lite Its the perfect way to introduce WAPF to your friends, family and co-workers. Its a great first cookbook for teens. Order one for you and one to share. Discount: Order 10, and the price drops to $6/each.
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Join the social media revolt!
If you are active on social media, raise your voice about Farm Freedom and Food Rights! We can let the world know what is happening in farm and food coop raids across the country! Facebook, Tweet all your thoughts, news clips, blog posts about food rights and farm raids, using the hashtags (#) in each update: #wapf #ftcldf #farmageddon #rawesome. Share your raw milk testimony by also adding hashtag #whatsyourstory.
Contact: Dennis Stoltzfoos
October 22-23 Arlington, VA at the Take Back Your Health Conference at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, featuring Dr. Felix Liao and Sally Fallon Morell.
One mental illness linked with modern dietary advice is schizophrenia, a disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions and paranoid behavior. Schizophrenics may have trouble maintaining jobs and social relationships. Researchers in Australia have found that newborn babies with low levels of vitamin Ddue most likely to mom avoiding animal fats and sunlightare more likely to develop schizophrenia later in life. Following on previous research showing that people with schizophrenia are more likely to be born in the winter or spring, a team of scientists and doctors at the Queensland Brain Institute looked at routine blood samples from Danish babies. The study found that babies with low levels of vitamin D had twice the risk of developing schizophrenia as did babies in the healthy control group (Archives of General Psychiatry 2010;67(9):889-894). The study reminds us of the Inuit condition called pibloktoq. Occurring in late winter or early spring, the disorder involves several days of irritability or withdrawal, a sudden excitation wherein the victim flees the camp and engages in irrational and dangerous behavior, convulsive seizures, a twelve-hour period of coma or stuporous sleep, and a return to normal. The best explanation for this schizophrenic behavior is vitamin D deficiency ( ).
QUESTIONS ANSWERED by Sally Fallon Morell
Q. If you can’t get raw milk, is raw cheese a good substitute?
A. Yes, raw cheese can be a substitute for raw milk. But cheese is not appropriate for babies, of course, so raw milk is a must for these youngsters. And raw milk might be better than raw cheese for someone with digestive disorders or who is recoverying from illness.
Q. Ive been reading that fermented garlic can help with cancer, is that true?
A. We do not know of any studies on fermented garlic and cancer. However, fermented foods in general are good for overall health, so might be a factor in preventing cancer.
Q. My coconut oil is old, how do I know if it is still okay?
A. The best way to judge coconut oil is by the smell. If it smells rancid or metallic, then it is not good. But if it smells like coconut, or smells like nothing, then it is fine.
CONFERENCE NEWS Pre-Conference Event
Kick up your heels and dance until the cows come home at the FundRAISER dinner the eve of the Weston A. Price Foundation Conference, November 10, 2011 from 6:45 pm 10:30 pm. All proceeds benefit the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, defenders of farm freedom and food rights!
Cast your vote for the winner of the first ever Organ Meat Appetizer Cookoff and stay for the crowning of the Emperor or Empress of Entrails. Join our expert judging panel – Sally Fallon Morell, Dr. Joe Mercola and Dr. Will Winter and also choose the winner in the Custom Scarecrow Building Contest.
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