A delightfully flavorful way of easily preparing bone-in chicken parts along with brown rice. I like to pair it with cooked greens, such as collard greens from the garden sautéed with garlic, onion, and a thinly sliced small beet, seasoned with Celtic sea salt, herb pepper and plenty of butter and moistened with chicken broth to simmer until tender.
- 2-3 tsp curry powder
- 1/2 tsp unrefined sea salt
- 1/4 tsp pepper
- 6 pieces pastured chicken – about 2 lbs (legs, thighs, etc.)
- 2 tsp butter
- 1 1/2 cups fresh-squeezed orange juice
- 3/4 cup chicken broth or water
- 1 Tbsp brown sugar (Sucanat)
- 1 tsp dry mustard powder
- 1 cup organic brown rice*
Season chicken with curry powder, salt and pepper. Brown in butter.
Combine orange juice and next 3 ingredients and add to chicken. Bring to a simmer. Lift the chicken and add the rice, arranging the chicken pieces over the rice.
Cover and simmer gently until everything is tender – as long as 1-2 hours to draw the goodness out of the bones and make the rice more digestible. Cooks fine in oven at 250°F. Add more liquid if it seems dry.
*Brown rice should be kept in the freezer, as the oils in it become rancid quickly. If you buy in bulk be sure it smells fresh.
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