Dear Friends of WAPF,
We are pleased to announce WAPF sponsorship of a study at Johns Hopkins University on raw cheese and its effect on osteoporosis.
The research will be conducted by longtime WAPF supporter Stephen Belkoff, PhD MPH, a biomechanical engineer who has been investigating osteoporotic fractures for over 25 years. He became intrigued by the potential health benefits of probiotics and the microbiome when his seasonal allergies abated after he started drinking raw milk. He will be aided by Dr. Kendall Moseley, MD, a practicing endocrinologist whose research has focused on the interplay between type 2 diabetes, aging and osteoporosis.
You can help! We wish to support this research with a donation of $100,000. If every member donates just $10-$20, we will easily reach our goal.
Donate at:
Sally Fallon Morell, President
Kathy Kramer, Executive Director
Study Synopsis: The effect of 60-day aged cheddar cheese containing the probiotic Lactococcus lactis on parameters of bone remodeling
We have known for a long time that milk builds strong bones, but raw milk may do more than just provide a ready source of calcium — it may actively prevent bone loss and osteoporosis. Raw dairy may interact with the immune system to prevent or reduce the effects of diseases associated with chronic inflammation. Osteoporosis is one of these diseases, resulting from imbalanced bone remodeling.
In chronic inflammatory states, the cells that break down bone outpace those that build bone, causing net bone loss. We have discovered in our lab that the bacteria in raw dairy (probiotics) cause the immune system to produce potent natural anti-inflammatories which may slow the bone resorption process. Such effects have been reported in laboratory animals. We want to test the concept in humans.
The study will measure pro and anti-inflammatory cell messengers and markers of bone remodeling found in the blood of post-menopausal women at risk for osteoporosis. Women will ingest a slice of 60-day aged raw milk cheese each day for 30 days or be a part of the control group in which they will abstain from consuming dairy for 30 days. Subjects will get vitamin D and calcium supplements so that both groups meet the recommended daily requirements.
We expect that aged cheese will lead to a reduction in systemic markers of inflammation that will parallel reductions in blood markers of bone breakdown. Demonstration that raw milk cheese has positive effects on bone health will lead to future studies involving non-pharmacologic and natural treatments for osteoporosis.
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Mark Mcafee says
I am so happy to be able to support this effort. The work at Johns Hopkins will go far in our raw milk benefit arguments. The reason that the researchers chose raw cheese was because he couldn’t get fda approval for raw milk!
The roots of FDA suppression of raw milk are deep. With each study, each peer reviewed project…every state that changes its laws, we come closer to a more healthy America.
The more we know about the human genome, the gut biome and the biologically active biome supporting properties of clean safe living raw milk…the fewer kids have asthma, the fewer Crohns patients suffer colostomies and fully recover instead.
Right now….a citizens petition sits at the FDA. That petition says: allow raw butter over state lines and free it from the overbroad federal court decision made in 1987 which banned raw milk from being sold over state lines. Raw butter was banned at the same time raw cheeses were excepted.
Raw cheese and raw butter share the same classification as manufacturing grade dairy products and not at a risk for pathogens. In fact the CDC and FDA have no illnesses or deaths from retail produced raw butter in their databases …ever! Not one illness. Not be death.
There have been 82 deaths from fda guaranteed safe pasteurized dairy products since the 1980s. Yikes!!!
I think we have a really good case for raw butter….as the Tee Shirt says: “raw butter was framed!!”
Butter is back and we are taking our case to the federal courts so all of us can access and enjoy it.
All the best,
Mark Mcafee