U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is an elite team of more than 6,500 highly qualified, public health professionals. These men and women fill public health leadership and clinical service roles within the Nation’s Federal Government agencies. Their work includes ensuring the safety of vaccines, medical devices, drugs, and food. Today, Public Health Service (PHS) employees, have no protection when they blow the whistle on wrongdoing.
Congress has taken an important first step to pass whistleblower protections for PHS employees, however, the Senate has proposed to cover these doctors and scientists under the military whistleblower law. This law lacks independent hearing procedures and judicial review. Instead, it gives the Secretary of Defense the power to make final decisions in whistleblower cases.
The military whistleblower law has been slammed as fundamentally flawed by the Government Accountability Office and the Department of Defense’s Inspector General. The law is not even suitable for uniformed soldiers engaged in combat, let alone doctors and scientists at the FDA and Department of Health & Human Services.
Please sign this petition asking your Senators to provide sound whistleblowers protections for PHS employees:
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