CORRECTION – The five bad vaccine bills being tracked by WAPF that were originally scheduled for a hearing earlier this week have been rescheduled for a hearing in the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health this coming Wednesday, July 26th, from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM in the Gardner Auditorium (directions). The committee is requiring those who wish to testify either in person or remotely to register all over again and by a deadline of 5:00 PM on Monday, July 24th (see edits to last week’s alert below).
Massachusetts’s legislators are considering troubling bills to eliminate or restrict vaccination exemptions, reducing accountability and increasing government bureaucracy. These bills would eliminate religious exemptions, shame schools, and parents, and permit minors to make vaccine decisions without parental knowledge or consent.
S.1391 and H.604 would remove religious belief exemptions for school-required vaccines and grant authority to school physicians to deny medical exemptions, disregarding documentation from the child’s own physician. Additionally, these bills mandate the publication of exemption data.
H.2151 and S.1458 retain medical and religious belief exemptions for mandatory vaccines but impose stringent conditions on these exemptions. The health department would oversee the existing forms, religious exemptions would necessitate the primary healthcare provider’s signature, and all exemptions would be subject to review by the department of public health, valid for only one year. Additionally, the number of exemptions would be made public, and the bills grant minors the ability to consent to vaccination.
Another bill, H.471 would add human papillomavirus (HPV) and hepatitis A vaccines to the list of vaccines required for school.
Each of these bills will be heard in the Joint Committee on Public Health on Wednesday, 7-19-2023 (Changed to 7-26-2023). Help us say NO to these bad vaccine bills today!
- Contact your Massachusetts State Senator and urge him/her to OPPOSE S. 1391 and S.1458.
- Contact your Massachusetts State representative and urge him/her to OPPOSE H. 604, H. 2151, and H. 471.
You can look up who represents you at: https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator
- Submit written testimony to Joint Committee on Public Health Members, or attend the hearing scheduled in Joint Committee on Public Health on Wednesday, 7-19-2023 from 9:00 AM-6:00 PM in Gardner Auditorium. (Changed to WEDNESDAY, 7-26-2023)
You must sign up by 5 pm on Monday, July 17th to give virtual testimony. (Changed to July 24th) We strongly encourage you to pre-register to testify in person as well. Same-day registrations may not be accepted if there are a large number of people signed up to testify.
Visit the MA government website for more information and instructions on how to sign up.
When contacting your legislators, calls are more effective than emails and only take a few minutes. Below is a Sample Script followed by Talking Points. Use your own words when you call or email – a personal message is always more effective than a form message!
Hi, my name is ____, and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask Senator/Committee Member ____ to OPPOSE S. 1391, which would eliminate religious exemptions. I’m also asking that they OPPOSE S. 1458 which would make things difficult for parents trying to obtain a vaccine exemption for their children.
S. 1391 eliminates religious exemption, potentially infringing on fundamental religious freedom by compelling individuals to receive pharmaceutical products against their sincerely held beliefs.
S. 1458 not only imposes new limits on exemptions but allows minors to consent to vaccination without parental knowledge. This creates improper risks for our youth. As declared by the U.S. Supreme Court, vaccines are pharmaceutical products that carry the risk of injury or death. It is irresponsible to allow children to make medical decisions that may injure or kill them without their parent’s knowledge.
I am opposed to any bills that would place restrictions on religious vaccine exemptions – including one that would create unnecessary hardships or coercion.
I urge Senator/Committee Member _____ to oppose S. 1391 and S. 1458, which would jeopardize the ability of parents to claim religious vaccine exemptions for their children.
Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 talking points that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.
- Share why this is personal to you, whether it is because you have a religious belief that conflicts with vaccination, support religious freedom generally, or whatever your reasons are.
- These bills attack religious freedom. Massachusetts should not intervene in a decision that is a parent’s right to make for their minor children based on their religious beliefs.
- The Massachusetts child vaccination rate is currently 96.1% for the 7 vaccines surveyed by the CDC. The existing religious exemptions are not a problem and should be left intact. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/66/wr/mm6640a3.htm
- The claimed justification – that unvaccinated individuals pose a health risk to others – is unsupported in the medical literature. In fact, vaccinated individuals can pose a greater risk to public health due to a process known as shedding. Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles, and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterward and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. https://www.westonaprice.org/studies-show-that-vaccinated-individuals-spread-disease/
- Vaccines are medical procedures that carry risk of serious injury. The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe” and to cause injury and death in some recipients. The U.S. Government has paid out approximately $4.7 billion to the victims of vaccine injury. Hundreds of thousands have reported an adverse reaction to vaccination to VAERS. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/
- HPV vaccines have a high incidence of adverse reactions. To date, over 73,000 adverse reactions have been reported to the Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) following HPV vaccination in the United States. Adverse reactions reported include severe neurological damage, stroke, blood clots, joint pain, pancreatitis, autoimmune disorders, and death. [VAERS database searches can be conducted at www.medalerts.org]
- HPV vaccines have the potential to trigger life-disabling autoimmune conditions and were shown in a study to likely cause primary ovarian failure. [Colafrancesco, S., Perricone, C., et al. Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. Am J Reprod Immunol. 70(4):309-316, Oct 2013. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23902317/]
- In 2014 the FDA approved a new HPV vaccine (Gardasil 9) containing more than twice as much Aluminum (a known neurotoxin, now approx. 500 mcg per 0.5-mL dose) as the previous vaccine despite there being over 1,600 scientific documents and peer-reviewed published papers confirming the dangers of aluminum toxicity to humans. http://www.naturalhealth365.com/hpv-vaccine-side-effects-1752.html
Learn more about the bills here:
S. 1391: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S1391
S. 1458: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/S1458
H. 2151: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H2151/BillHistory
H. 604: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD3251
H. 471: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/H471
Read this article to understand better why parents may wish to opt out of vaccines for their children: https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/vaccines-unsafe-since-the-very-beginning/#gsc.tab=0
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The parents and the family doctor should decide what is the best individually for a child until age of 18 years old.
Any vaccination should be voluntarily.