Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers
By Neil Z. Miller
New Atlantean Press
The first book I ever read on vaccines—titled Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?—was by researcher and author Neil Z. Miller. I used it as a reference many times while making my documentary, The Greater Good, about the vaccine controversy in America. Recently, I have begun referencing my colleague’s latest book, Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies. The book summarizes scientific evidence of vaccination’s risks and harms and is a must-read for anyone curious about or concerned with vaccine safety and efficacy.
As vaccine consultant for the Weston A. Price Foundation, I contribute to the quarterly Vaccination Updates for the Wise Traditions journal. In the past, I have spent hundreds of hours tediously searching for studies. This time around, with the help of Miller’s book, I was able to quickly and efficiently find the section on influenza vaccines, where summaries of twenty-five studies lay before me, all in one place.
Almost all of the included papers are peer-reviewed studies published in prestigious journals indexed by the National Library of Medicine (the world’s largest medical library): The Journal of the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, Pediatrics, the American Journal of Public Health and many others. Miller also reviews different types of studies: meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized placebo-controlled studies, cohort and case-control studies, scientific commentaries and animal research. Nearly all provide crucial evidence indicating serious deficits in vaccine safety or effectiveness.
For years, I have tried to understand why medical professionals and the mainstream media say there are no credible studies demonstrating that vaccines can cause harm—even though the U.S. Supreme Court deems vaccines to be “unavoidably unsafe,” and the U.S. government has paid out more than four billion dollars to those with proven vaccine injury and death claims. Do these professionals and journalists not want to know the truth? Are they lazy? Well, now there is no excuse, for they have a book that clearly presents all of the studies and confirms vaccine tradeoffs and side effects. It is all there for them to read—unless, of course, they choose not to.
If I could recommend this book to one group of people only, however, it would be to parents. More than 50 percent of American children have one or more chronic illnesses, and hundreds of studies show that vaccines increase rates of acute and chronic illnesses such as neurological disorders, autoimmune conditions, autism, allergies, seizures, diabetes and cancers. Yet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to add more vaccines to the childhood schedule. When parents follow the CDC’s recommended schedule, their child is likely to receive seventy-two to seventy-four doses of vaccine from gestation to age eighteen—despite the lack of even a single study proving that vaccines administered in the recommended combinations are safe. If parents knew that all vaccines licensed by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are exempt from double-blind placebo-controlled testing—the gold standard for testing new drugs—they might think twice about injecting their children with vaccines containing human and animal viruses, retroviruses, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, antibiotics, polysorbate 80, MSG, detergent and a multitude of other toxic substances.
Each of the twenty-four chapters contains several studies on the chapter’s topic—such as aluminum adjuvants, pathogen evolution, sudden infant death or health care workers who reject vaccines. Usually, there is one study per page, with a headline, a direct quote from the study and the scientific citation. Miller follows this information with bullet points explaining, in his own words, enough of the paper’s pertinent findings for the reader to understand the study clearly. For example, bullet points for a study about aluminum adjuvants note that (1) aluminum in vaccines travels from the injection site to distant organs such as the spleen and brain, where it is still detected one year later; and (2) aluminum remains in cells long after vaccination and can cause neurologic disorders and autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA).
In addition, each chapter begins with vital yet practical background information. For example, the chapter on mercury includes a brief history of the neurotoxic preservative thimerosal, with comments noting that the chapter’s studies “provide strong evidence that vaccines containing mercury significantly increase the risk of neurodevelopmental effects, including speech and sleep disorders, developmental delay, attention deficit disorders, premature puberty, mental retardation and autism.”
Even when the findings buried in a vaccine paper are critical of vaccines, such papers often boast favorable conclusions. As Miller says, “Authors of research papers often put a positive spin on studies with undesirable findings.” He also explains methodological problems such as poor study design and study bias and does an excellent job of forewarning his readers about the moral and ethical breaches to which vaccine scientists can be a party.
Miller is forthright in letting readers know that his book does not include studies that support vaccination. For that information, he directs readers to the websites of the CDC, FDA, World Health Organization and vaccine manufacturers. To this, I would add a word of caution. Simple searches on these entities’ websites will virtually guarantee that one finds only pro-vaccine positions and science; on the other hand, anyone willing to engage in more extensive digging will find evidence that vaccines not only cause damage but are not always terribly efficacious. For example, the CDC recommends flu shots for pregnant women, but manufacturers disclose in package inserts that they have never studied the vaccines in that population. With diligent searching, one can also find on the CDC’s own website the agency’s estimate that flu shots worked just 9 percent of the time in 2018–2019.
The single most important argument within the vaccine debate is that of informed consent. If you want to be informed, I encourage you to purchase Miller’s book. If you want to have the right to say no to vaccine mandates, look for action alerts from the Weston A. Price Foundation that give detailed steps on how to fight legislation that denies you and your children the right to bodily autonomy and privacy.
Miller’s goal is “to shed light on poorly publicized and unpopular aspects of vaccination.” I think he has done a brilliant job. I give his book a big thumbs up, and I thank him for making my work life easier. I also thank him for being a tireless advocate who is not afraid to expose the truth. This book should find prominent placement on the shelves of any reference library.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2019
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