Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science
By Dr. Judy Mikovits & Kent Heckenlively, JD
Skyhorse Publishing
Plague of Corruption is an autobiography by a good scientist, Dr. Judy Mikovits, who didn’t do her job. Why wouldn’t she do her job? Let’s look at a few examples. One of her jobs was to prove that bovine growth hormone was safe. What she did was show very scientifically that it was not safe. She did well, right? But that was not her job. Her job was to show pseudoscientifically that bovine growth hormone was safe so that greedy corporations could make lots of money. She did not do her job, and people got upset.
Another job was studying vaccines and their safety. One of the things she discovered was that injecting tissue, serum and fluids from animals into humans might not be such a good idea. Never mind other toxic ingredients like aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80 and human DNA from aborted fetal tissue—all that animal goop was proving to be a problem. She made a strong scientific case that animal viruses and DNA that end up in vaccines are wrecking millions of human lives (not to mention animals) on a global scale. Her science may have been perfect, but her job was not supposed to upset big pharma’s apple cart. When you do that, life will get very interesting.
The toxic ingredients in vaccines are hardly a secret. You can find this information on the CDC website. But big pharma has so cleverly marketed this stuff that not only are people willing to allow the injection of this witches’ brew into their bodies and not only do they demand access to these magic products, but they also fervently believe you are a psychopath endangering the entire world and all the babies therein if you decline to go along with the scam. Even Scientific American says that willfully unvaccinated persons are the “moral equivalent of drunk drivers.” The authors of that statement go on to become even more sanctimonious, if you can imagine that. Wow, that is some kind of racket. You have to sweep a lot of dirt under the rug to say something like that.
Dr. Mikovits makes an interesting point based on court testimony given by Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, professor of pediatric neurology at Johns Hopkins University and leading expert on mitochondrial dysfunction. He has testified that he found a connection between autism and mitochondrial dysfunction brought on by vaccines. Mikovits, being a scientist, does the math. A conservative estimate of the number of children with vaccine-damaged mitochondria is three hundred thousand in the year 2007. The estimated lifetime cost of caring for each such child is three million dollars. That adds up to about nine hundred billion dollars.
I don’t care who you are; even if you are Bill Gates, that’s a lotta, lotta, lotta money. And that is just the tip of an even bigger iceberg. If those chickens were ever allowed to come home to roost, it would be an industrial extinction-level event. Would big pharma resort to pretty much any means to dodge that liability? Well given their past ethical track record, I think there is some cause for concern.
One of Mikovits’ statements that jumped out at me was that we are in a scientific dark age. That statement made me think about an Internet page that I once saw that included two lists. (I wish I could find it now, but it seems to have disappeared. Maybe the point of the lists was a little too awkward for the Internet police to tolerate.) The first list showed the top twenty or so scientists from 1865 to 1905. It included names like Edison, Faraday, Maxwell, Tesla and Einstein—all names that anyone with an education would recognize. The second list showed the top twenty scientists from 1965 to 2005. I can’t give any examples of names from the second list because I didn’t recognize a single one. Except for the transistor, which made the electronic revolution possible, there have been few world-changing scientific or technological breakthroughs since the nineteenth century. What passes for science today instead is mostly corporate sales pitches that are not only wrong but often destructive. We are in a dark age.
Science, religion, ethics, business, farming, nutrition, history, economics, health, morality and politics are not separate, unrelated subjects. They are different aspects of one integrated, unified reality. They are all connected, and we are all connected. We see glimpses of that in Plague of Corruption and other books. Unfortunately, though Pasteur’s lack of integrity and fake science may not have made a big impact in his own time, its consequences have continued to play out with increasing effect for more than a century.
Many other players have also contributed to the plague of corruption, which in the year 2020 has reached unprecedented levels. People who know nothing about economics seek to impose drastic, economically disastrous measures for the “benefit” of our health. Millions are out of a job and finding it increasingly difficult to afford food and other basic necessities—but apparently that has nothing to do with health. Government officials would have millions believe their jobs are “non-essential.” That must be good for mental health. “You are not important. Have a nice day.” We already live in a world of fake news, fake health care, fake education and fake food. Humans don’t have a stellar track record of getting along. Now we see social distancing and promotion of a “new normal”—a fake normal. This has already stirred up a storm of protest and violence like we haven’t seen since the 1960s. The news media have worked hard to divide us along racial, gender and socioeconomic lines. Now apparently it is time to divide us right down to the individual level and make everyone afraid of even their own family members. Remember, the most severe form of punishment in the American justice system, short of the death penalty, is isolation: solitary confinement.
This fake “new normal” will reverberate through every facet of our unified reality. No more religious freedom or freedom in general. Want to go to a ball game, go out to eat, hang out at a bar, go to a wedding or go to a movie? No, no, no, no and nope. All social ties that bind us together are being severed. Do I have to suggest this might not end well?
Dr. Mikovits does try to provide a little light in this dark age with suggestions on what really works for health. I don’t necessarily agree with all of her suggestions, but she does mention the importance of healthy fats and deuterium-depleted water, which Dr. Tom Cowan has spoken about at our conferences. Overall, the thumb is UP.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2020
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Supporting a person like this makes me question this makes me question this foundation. Traditional diets and healthy lifestyles are certainly the way we want to live. But that does not mean we need to deny science.
Dear Don,
Why would a woman, who was thrown in jail without being explained why, risk another jail sentence again when she would lie about all of this? You don’t lie when you risk being put into jail. You lie to prevent being put behind bars. She is so brave and the fact that brave people are locked up says something about the system, not about them. ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’…Look at Edward Snowden. There seems to be a deep hate against anything that could steer us towards the truth, the natural, the most healthy, harmony, the happiest, the most peaceful. That doesn’t fit the scheme of many groups. There seems to be a deep hate against people who speak out. They are labeled lunatics. We still live in the Middle Ages. Thank God the fires stacks don’t exist anymore. Do people hate Dr Mikovits because she is a woman? So many scientists publish fraudulent papers these days. Why? Ego’s and money. Many, many people are resistant to know what is going on behind the scenes. Resistance is what eventually and potentially will make us all obsolete on the planet one day soon. Because it will sabotage us from evolving towards a better world. Dr Mikovits is a victim and she is fantastic!
What are the “fire stacks” ?