Vaccination and Naturopathic Medicine
edited by Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE
NCNM Press
Vaccination is a hot controversy today but it is not a new controversy. The debate has been going on for over one hundred years and this book documents the thinking on the subject from 1900 to 1923. There are quotes and papers from many different experts of the time period. For example, John W. Hodge points out the curious dogma that a healthy unvaccinated person is the focus and propagator of disease. Joseph P. Rinn makes the obvious observation that vaccination is a direct violation of the principle of asepsis in surgery. Several authors go into detail describing things like cow pus that go into vaccines. No surgeons in their right minds would allow such a cocktail of toxicity anywhere near a body they are operating on, but it’s OK to inject even into infants.
Even in the early twentieth century, Hodge believed it was absurd to wage this germaphobic war against something we are immersed in and dependent on in many ways. Carl Strueh, MD, put it well: “Nature destroys us only after we have become unsuitable for further existence and proper propagation by our wrong mode of living.”
I know, I know. This is a hundred years old. It’s out of date, obsolete, bla, bla, bla. One thing this book does is completely destroy any argument that vaccines have a long history of safety and effectiveness. They do not, and several authors explain that in detail. But, you may argue, vaccine technology has come a long way, it’s better now, bla, bla, bla. Really? Have you looked at what is in vaccines today? Formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, aluminum, thimerosol (mercury) and various extracts from monkeys and bovines. I didn’t get that from by the way. It comes from the CDC.
You may ask what exactly is extracted from the cow or monkey. I don’t know in every case but, hey, let me give you a choice. Which monkey fluid would you like for improving your health? Monkey blood? Monkey pus? Will you be having some monkey urine today? Perhaps I could interest you in some monkey spit?
I’m sure some of you are saying, “Tim, you’re being gross.” Yes I am. It is gross. That’s the point. If vaccines have changed in the last century, it is for the worse.
And now I bring you this newsflash from Captain Obvious: our medical system is one huge conflict of interest. Those who argue most strenuously in favor of vaccines either have a vested interest or are just parroting what they have heard from their favorite authority, whether that be the popular media, their doctor, their mommies or their hairdressers. Throughout the last century the majority of people arguing the topic, including doctors, have never spent one minute looking at any actual data.
The most important point made by many of these authors is true regardless of how much time has passed. This is a moral issue and true morality does not change. Popular opinion may change. Political correctness may change. Agendas may change. Morals don’t. There are many beliefs. Belief in science, belief in God, belief in the cosmos, belief in something else. How do we objectively decide which is right? We don’t. That is why, in the West at least, we consider it wrong or immoral to shove your beliefs down someone else’s throat. You may truly, fervently and deeply believe vaccinations work. I truly, fervently and deeply do not care. Any pretense that scientific medicine is somehow the ultimate answer does not stand up to the most cursory scrutiny.
Only a small percentage of Americans remain free of cancer, heart disease, allergies or diabetes. In terms of life span, the U.S. ranks fortieth or lower compared to other countries. The U.S. is a physically ill country and getting sicker. Scientific medicine is not working. Vaccine manufacturers’ refusal to accept any liability if something goes horribly wrong with their vaccines completely undermines any claims to safety. Vaccine injury courts have awarded billions of dollars despite the fact it is very hard to even get a hearing in that court. The most notorious recent outbreak of measles occurred in Disneyland, and many of those afflicted were vaccinated. Nobody died. In the U.S., nobody has died from measles for at least the last ten years. Over one hundred have died from the measles vaccine in that time period.
Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND wrote a letter to Wise Traditions (Fall 2012) documenting studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated children’s health. The outcome of all studies was very unfavorable to vaccines. It is well-known that combining medications is often deadly. Thousands of people die every year from toxic interactions. Possible interactions between vaccines have never been studied. Any claims of safety are not scientific.
If you want to vaccinate yourself, if you even want to make that your religion, that is your right and your problem. Nobody, including government, has a right to mandate this intolerant religion on anyone. It violates the first amendment of the U.S. constitution. It violates the Nuremburg code. It violates basic morality. These authors had an awareness of the real issues that Americans need to regain if we are ever to restore our health.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2016
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Hopefully the conditioned media minds will wake up from ignorance.
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