Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Global Community
By Curtis Cost
Secrets Publishing, Inc.
In his 2010 book Vaccines Are Dangerous, Curtis Cost debunks the “vaccines are safe” narrative while also covering a myriad of other topics related to Big Pharma corruption. Packed with scientific studies and research, the book dives first into HIV/AIDS, discussing the theories, narratives and defective testing methods and exposing the horrific lies about Africa. Passionate to unmask the truth, Cost goes on to cover the swine flu hoax as well as the histories of many other diseases such as polio and measles.
An underlying theme is Cost’s outreach to Black and Latino communities (Cost being Black himself). Chapters like “Genetics is a Black issue“ and “A message to Black and Latino ministers” urge those communities to stand firm against the narratives they’re hearing about health and vaccines. In his author’s note, Cost writes, “The goal of this book is to help save the lives of innocent children, women and men in this country and around the world, and to especially warn those in the African and Latino communities because they are the least informed about the dangers of vaccines.”
Contrary to WAPF dietary principles, the last part of the book unfortunately falls into mainstream ideas about raw food diets. Cost recommends against most cooked foods, salt and all cow’s milk (calling the latter “poison” and advocating for rice or almond milk as alternatives). The book also does not question germ theory. Otherwise, however, Cost’s book is a well-researched source of information about vaccine dangers and Big Pharma cover-ups. A qualified Thumbs Up.
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2024
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