The National Institutes of Health is developing its first 10-year Strategic Plan for Nutrition Research.
They are asking for input from researchers and health professionals regarding critical gaps in the existing knowledge of nutrition and where the greatest opportunities lie. They also want to know how these areas of need can best be addressed.
We have an exciting opportunity to give our input in order to help them shape their plan. Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing links where you can “vote” for our submissions.
The first of these where you can indicate your support can be accessed via this link (copied below); it only takes a couple minutes to make your voice heard:
“Investigate the physiological requirements for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K2 during the gestation and lactation periods, with the objective of determining whether current intake guidelines support optimal outcomes. The perinatal period is arguably the most critical life stage for shaping long-term health. It is imperative that we seek a full understanding of the factors during this life stage that either contribute to or detract from optimal health. We know that ensuring adequate nutritional intakes during the perinatal period reduces the risk for adverse outcomes for the child and the mother. However, there is an urgent need for more investigation into developing a better understanding of what optimal nutrition is during this period regarding vitamins A, D, and K2. Multiple lines of evidence indicate there is a very high probability that many pregnant women are under-consuming adequate dietary sources of retinol and vitamin K2, some of whom are at the same time are over-consuming vitamin D, mostly from supplements, with direct harm to their developing fetuses. We recommend that all available resources be dedicated to researching the effects and interactions of these three fat-soluble vitamins during the perinatal period. The future generations of the United States deserve no less than the best start in life.”
1. Go to and click on the “VOTE” button.
2. If you are new to, you will be prompted to sign up—this will only take a minute. Then you can click on VOTE.
3. You can also add comments if you like.
Thank you for your support!
Pam Schoenfeld, MS, RD, LDN, Government Relations
Sally Fallon Morell, President
Patricia Sampe says
We need independent, reliable, research on the fat soluble vitamins and their effects on humans and animals. Independent research, not supported by multi-national corporations is of the greatest concern and a pressing need. Please consider this research request from the Weston A Price Foundation, a leader in the area of nutrition and farming. Thankyou.