As we alerted you before, SB 308, which deals with labeling and advertising of raw milk, passed the Senate with good amendments.
While the original filed version was extremely burdensome, the Senate-passed version simply requires a basic notification provision. On-farm direct-to-consumer sales of raw milk will continue to be legal in Kansas, “so long as each container of unpasteurized raw milk sold or offered for sale bears a label that is clearly visible and states the following or its equivalent: ‘This product contains raw milk that is not pasteurized.’” Advertising is explicitly allowed, so long as the advertisement is not “false or misleading,” and states that the milk is either “raw” or “unpasteurized.”
This is a reasonable consumer notification provision that will not unduly burden raw milk farmers. It was passed by the Senate by a vote of 37-3.
SB 308 has now been scheduled for a hearing before the House Committee on Agriculture on Monday, March 16.
At this time, we’re hearing that the bill is expected to pass the Committee as-is, with no further amendments. There is always the chance, though, that someone will try to amend the bill to make it more burdensome again.
Please call your Kansas House member and urge him or her to “support SB 308 as passed by the Senate.” Your call can be very short – this isn’t a complicated issue. Share your name, where you live (so they know you are a constituent), and just a sentence or two about why this issue matters to you. If you want, you can also include one of the talking points below.
To find out who represents you, go to https://openstates.org/ks/legislators/?chamber=lower
- Raw milk properly prepared and handled is a safe, low-risk food. A recent study indicated that, as the demand for raw milk has increased in the U.S. over the past 12 to 15 years, the number of foodborne illnesses blamed on raw milk has declined substantially. In 2019 there were few foodborne illness outbreaks attributed to raw milk consumption.
- There are numerous foods that have worse track records for food safety than raw milk, and it’s time to end the double standard.
- SB 308, as passed by the Senate, provides transparency and ensures that consumers know what they are buying. That’s all that is needed – let consumers decide what they want.
SB 308 text: http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2019_20/measures/documents/sb308_01_0000.pdf
SB 308 status, including information on the hearing time and location: http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2019_20/measures/sb308/
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