Information Alert
The movie Farmageddon, The Unseen War on American Family Farms is premiering in June and July.
Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that provided safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies. As the movie tells this story, it seeks to figure out why this is happening to American farmers.
The movie will run for weeklong stints in DC, LA and NYC to reach a broad audience and to get some mainstream press to pay attention to this important issue that is affecting our food freedoms.
Please attend a showing if you live in the proximity of any of these cities. Please broadcast far and widea larger attendance generates attention to the issue.
If you would like to plan a meet up or event, or have enough people to have a private screening one of the evenings, please contact the director at
Washington DC: June 17th to 23rd West End Cinema TBA tickets go on sale June 14th but group sales can be purchased directly from the theater now)
Los Angeles, CA: June 24th to 30th Monica 4plex Santa Monica, CA. (showtimes TBA)
New York City, NY: July 8th to the 14th Cinema Village, Union Square (showtimes TBA)
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