Actual Activists
When debating a controversial or complicated subject, one important aspect that the debaters often leave out is history. This video is full of history on the subject of attempts to modify weather since at least the 1940s. Fascinating old black-and-white clips show details of Project Cirrus, Project Cumulus, Project Skyfire and Project Skywater—all weather modification projects. Frankenskies also treats us to video footage of Lyndon Johnson talking in some detail about weather control.
There are many more recent clips from CNN, Fox News and other local news reports covering officials who are talking about geoengineering or chemtrails. Skeptics will argue that no such thing is going on or ever has been. The history in this video shows otherwise. One entertaining clip shows Stephen Colbert interviewing David Keith who is a leading advocate for weather control or geoengineering. At one point, Keith says he finds it hard to believe the government would do anything without telling us. This gets an incredulous reaction from Colbert, while the crowd roars with laughter. Nice to know the average American hasn’t been dumbed down enough to believe that one.
There are many—even some who are receptive to conspiracy theories—who refuse to believe that chemtrails exist. I personally have seen the nice, evenly spaced grid of lines left by jets across the sky. If you don’t want to call them chemtrails, then what are they? What is going on up there? Please don’t tell me it is just normal commercial air traffic. I won’t believe you because…well, I haven’t had that much-needed lobotomy yet.
When you put this history together with recent data showing aluminum spiking in California water supplies, nanotubes showing up in people’s lungs and former FBI chief Ted Gunderson having personally seen chemtrail shenanigans, it is hard not to see a pattern. And Monsanto has developed plants that are resistant to the fallout from chemtrails. Why? You can deny all this is happening, but it seems like a lot of hard work to me. My unlobotomized thumb is UP. Online access is at
This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly magazine of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Fall 2017.
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I tried to see the video, but it’s been removed from the internet, and from the wayback machine too. Any ideas?