JULY 16 – AUGUST 31, 2018
July 2018
Dear Friends of the Weston A. Price Foundation,
It’s time for our annual fundraising campaign, and we don’t think the Foundation has ever been busier. Here are some of the efforts that we are currently involved in:
• SOY HEART HEALTH CLAIM: This case is warming up again, thanks to the efforts of WAPF general counsel Jim Turner. After a recent favorable ruling to allow the case to go forward, we are getting ready to present our evidence on the toxicity of soy. The industry now wants a “qualified” health claim, not only for soy protein but also for soybean oil. We are preparing expert evidence for our case. But legal fees and expert witnesses don’t come free―it will be quite an investment to see this case to the finish.
• A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK: We are focusing on Louisiana and New Jersey this year in our campaign to have raw milk legalized in the last seven states. Pete Kennedy is directing this campaign for us and is also on call to provide information to members about state laws, regulations and policies including food freedom legislation and issues regarding consumer access to raw milk, cottage foods and on-farm meat and poultry processing—all areas in which he has had considerable experience.
• Research into the fat-soluble vitaminS: Dr. Martin Grootvelt in the UK will be continuing his research throughout the year. Working with board member Sylvia Onusic, PhD, Dr. Grootvelt will also be analyzing various soybean oil products to help fight a qualified health claim for soybean oil.
• WAPF Overseas: Finances permitting, we will continue to send members overseas to share the WAPF message. We are looking into a trip to the Philippines.
• RAW BUTTER PETITION: We are supporting a petition to allow the sale of raw butter across state lines. Our general counsel Jim Turner will be spearheading this effort.
• VACCINATIONS UPDATE: We provide funds for two consultants to prepare Action Alerts tailored to individual states. As an organization, we keep very thorough tabs on vaccination legislation.
• General Education: Your donation helps support our day-to-day activities, including our lively quarterly journal, print materials, website updates, the Wise Traditions podcast, the Nourishing Our Children educational initiative, dozens of exhibits throughout the country and extensive local chapter activities worldwide.
While WAPF is a membership-based organization, our affordable membership fees do not cover our many activities, all of which are geared to teaching our dietary principles and making nutrient-dense food available worldwide to people from all walks of life.
Have you benefited from the WAPF teachings? Are you and your family enjoying better health due to the activities of WAPF? If so, we ask that you give back with a donation, ideally between now and August 31. You can use the enclosed envelope or donate online at westonaprice.org/donate.
Donations of any size are appreciated and used well. Our goal is to raise $100,000 by August 31—and it will be easy if everyone pitches in! So please send in your donation (or donate online) as soon as you can.
Sally Fallon Morell, President
Kathy Kramer, Executive Director
Please add DE also to your focus on states and raw milk. They need it bad.