The District of Columbia is considering a bill that would mandate that all “eligible” students in public, private, or parochial schools be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Eligibility would be determined based on what ages the vaccines are approved for. Right now, that is children ages 12 and older, but it’s anticipated that the FDA will approve vaccines for children as young as 5 years old very soon. The bill also requires employees of licensed child development centers to be vaccinated.
If B24-0423 passes, the mandate would take effect beginning December 15, 2021. Medical exemptions would be allowed, but religious exemptions would be subject to rules established by the Mayor.
Please help us stop this terrible bill by contacting your DC Council Member today! Vaccines are a medical decision that should be left up to the individual, not mandated.
Talking points, which explain more about the problems with the vaccines and mandates, are below the Take Action section.
- Contact your DC Council member and ask him or her to OPPPOSE B24-0423. You can find out who represents you by calling the general line at (202) 724-8000. You can also look up your member at https://dccouncil.us/councilmembers/.
- If you have time, also contact the Chairman and the 4 “at large” members as well as your Council member.
Calls are more effective than emails, and only take a few minutes.
Sample script:
“Hi, my name is ____ and I am a constituent. I am calling to ask ___ to oppose B24-0423, which mandates COVID-19 vaccines for students.
COVID injections have been rushed to market and there have been no long-term studies to guarantee their safety. To date over 500,000 people have reported adverse reactions and thousands have died after the COVID vaccine – and many more have likely suffered reactions, since it is estimated that only between 1 and 10 percent of reactions are reported. And yet the manufactures are shielded from liability for any harm they cause.
Vaccine mandates are being justified on the idea of the “greater good” and protecting other people. But no individual should be forced to take a medical treatment for someone else’s benefit.
Moreover, while authorities had hoped that COVID vaccination would reduce spreading, the data do not support that. As of October 4, over 30,000 fully vaccinated individuals have died or been hospitalized. The CDC isn’t even attempting to track COVID infections in vaccinated individuals who are not hospitalized, yet those vaccinated individuals can still spread the disease.
I urge Councilmember _______ to oppose this bill.
Be sure to explain why this issue is important to you. You may wish to use a couple of the talking points below. Don’t copy all of them – just use them as ideas to help structure your own message.
TALKING POINTS for calls and emails:
- Share a personal story, if you have relevant experience. Have you or a family member had an adverse reaction to a vaccine?
- The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show as of Oct. 4, 30,177 patients were hospitalized or died despite being fully vaccinated — a number the agency acknowledges is an undercount of all SARS-CoV-2 infections among fully vaccinated persons.
- COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers and providers are shielded from liability through the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act. The only option for compensating people injured by COVID-19 vaccines is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation program (CICP). Only eight percent of all petitioners since 2010 have been awarded compensation through the CICP. No legal or medial expert fees are covered, no pain and suffering is awarded, lost wages are capped at $50,000, and there is no judicial appeal. In other words, the victims will be severely undercompensated while the pharmaceutical companies get rich.
- COVID-19 vaccines carry the risk of injury and death for some so there has to be informed consent and the right to refuse the vaccine without penalty. As of October 10th, there had already been 593,728 COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and 7,437 COVID-19 vaccine deaths in the U.S. reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
Find text, status and history for B24-0423 here: https://lims.dccouncil.us/Legislation/B24-0423
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