This event is not sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation. We are sending it as a courtesy to our members.
Milk and Children
4th Annual International Raw Milk Symposium
Airport Delta Hotel | Vancouver, BC
October 19 & 20 2012
Speakers include: Dr. Ton Baars, scientist focusing on milk quality and animal welfare; Karen Selick & Shawn Buckley discussing legal questions; Dr. Ted Beals, Dr. Robert Buckingham, Mark McAfee, Alice Jongerden, Sally Fallon Morell and Kimberly Hartke.
FOR further speaker information, schedule and registration information see:
On July 23, 2012 we won the right to appeal the case for raw milk. The judge expressed the need to address the raw milk issue, to consider the needs of raw milk consumers and to develop fair legislation. This is unprecedented.
Our freedom to choose the food we consume is hanging in the balance.
Help us fight for raw milk and the freedom of choice!
Come and show your support.
If not, send a friend, sponsor someone or donate.
Every one of us counts.
Your support is crucial RIGHT NOW!
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