Bring your family to a fun-filled sustainable living event, packed with hands-on workshops and demonstrations on renewable energy, small-scale farming, green building, organic gardening and more!
Over the course of three days, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) and Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) speakers will provide a total of 14 hours of instruction, and our friends, David Gumpert and Joel and Daniel Salatin, will be headliners on the main Mother Earth News Stage.
Check out the full amazing line-up (below) of FTCLDF board members and WAPF friends presenting at this year’s fair, including FTCLDF President Pete Kennedy, Esq., Vice President Elizabeth Rich, Esq. and Treasurer John Moody. Come visit the WAPF at Booth #3003 and FTCLDF at Booth #3001 to enjoy the demonstrations and sign up for a free consultation with an FTCLDF attorney.
Event Details:
September 20-22, 2013
Friday Fair hours: 12:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Saturday Fair hours: 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Seven Springs Mountain Resort, 777 Waterwheel Drive, Seven Springs, PA 15622
Tickets: $25 for one day pass ($18 pre-order) and $35 for weekend pass ($25 pre-order)
Buy Now!
Check out the complete Mother Earth News Fair schedule.
For more information about the Mother Earth News Fair, visit
by David Gumpert, author and blogger
“ Six Inches of Soil in Six Months” and “ The Beauty of Traditional Brew: Continuous Kombucha” by John Moody, FTCLDF Treasurer
“ The Homestead Hog” by Mark Baker, Anyone Can Farm
“ Hand-Milk Your Goat: Make Feta, Chevre and Ricotta; and Stay Out of Jail” by Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq.; FTCLDF Vice President
“ Don’t Toss the Bones: Bone Broth is Beautiful” by Carrie Hahn, Pittsburgh WAPF Chapter Leader
“ Live Poultry Processing Demo” with David Schafer and “ Pastured Livestock” by Daniel Salatin of Polyface Farms
“ Making the Perfect Pickle” and “ Culturing Dairy: It Does a Body Good” and
“ Maximizing Nutrition and Digestibility by the Proper Preparation of Seeds, Nuts, and Grains” by Maureen Diaz, Gettysburg WAPF Chapter Leader
“ America, Wake Up! The Food Rights Battle is On!” by Pete Kennedy, Esq., FTCLDF President
View the complete list of Fair speakers.
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